
Sydney, Australia.

In a cold and dark office stationed in one of the tallest buildings, at the highest floor, stood a woman in black.

Her name was Ji Ye Ran.

She wore a red four inches stilettos, making her look so tall than average. Her body was curvy and beautiful for the lustful eyes of men. Her formal dress suit hugged her proportion like silk.

Many wouldn't believe if she said she was a woman not younger than 40.

She was taking in the panorama outside of the glass window. Whenever she was stressed out, she would look at the different types of automobiles moving back and forth throughout the road.

It helped her in calming her raging heart.

The woman walked back to the door connected with her office. This door led to her private lounge area where a huge queen size bed was put for her to rest. There was also a complete set of sofa and television.

When she opened the door, her smile widened. Her face turned wicked like a black witch. There, on the bed, laid a boy not more than 16 years of age. Both his hands were tied to the headboard, the same could be said for his two legs.

He couldn't run away.

His shirt was torn apart. His trousers were long gone. He was naked.

The boy's eyes went wide with fear after seeing her walk in leisurely. He didn't know what was going on. The last thing he remembered- he was on his way to meet his girlfriend at a nearby cafe.

So why was he here?

"Ummh! Umh-!" the boy struggled to form words since his mouth was sealed with tape.

"Hello there.. nice to meet you." the woman said with her sickly sweet voice. Her smiled didn't reach her eyes.

It was scary.

The boy could literally see a devil incarnate stepping closer towards him. And he didn't appreciate that. He squirmed his way harder in an attempt to get away from the tight binding.

The woman tossed her high heels away on the floor. She didn't care where they landed. Her eyes were forever fixed on the boy who was now scared like a little puppy.

She loved it, that terrified expression. She reveled on it like it was her aphrodisiac.

She climbed on the bed with all four. Slowly creeping closer to the center where the teenager was. The boy desperately pressed his back onto the headboard. He knew something very wrong was going to underway soon. His instinct told him so.

And his guess was correct.

Because the next thing he knew- he was subjected under drugs and a painful sensation of metal rod on his skin and flesh. The nightstand beside the bed held many strange items for the sake of the woman's fun.

She was having fun. So much fun.

Her mind was reminded of the video she saw just now. A video where her lovely stepson was going grocery shopping at a supermarket, laughing, chatting like he was alright.

"Why was he alright?!!!" the woman screamed her lungs out. Her face red with anger.

"Ummh!! Afmhh!! Umh-!!" the poor boy underneath her was writhing in pain. Tears streaming down his face. The mattress was soaked with fresh blood.

"Why was he laughing??!!" the woman named Ji Ye Ran was shouting like a shrew.

"He must've forgotten about me.. yes, that's the reason.." the woman nodded like she suddenly understood everything.

Then she laughed like a maniac "I should give him a surprise visit.. so that he won't ever forget about me.."

There was a dark glint in her eyes but it was quick to disappear. Just like her unstable mental health.


In Secret Sanctuary.

"Here, drink this." Bai Yulin handed a cup of hot peppermint tea. It was a type of tea that could help to reduce anxiety and relax one's body.

"Thanks." Ji Haishan took the cup from Bai Yulin and he took a sip.

They were now sitting close to each other on the sofa in the living room. They didn't turn on the television. Instead, they just sat there in silence.

Ji Haishan cleared his throat awkwardly as he started with an apology "I'm sorry."

"Why?" Bai Yulin didn't get where that was coming from.

"I messed up. I can't continue telling you about my past. It's- it's hard for me. So-" Bai Yulin hugged Ji Haishan at this moment, causing him to stop talking.

With a sigh, she said "It's alright. I'm sorry too.. I was insensitive. I shouldn't have asked."

Ji Haishan pursed his lips as a frown marred his face. With a complicated expression, he asked her "Are you disappointed?"

"Huh? Why should I?" Bai Yulin let go of him and stared at him intently.

"Because I'm totally different from what I seem to appear on the outside." now Bai Yulin understood what he meant.

What he showed others as his front wasn't the same with the vulnerability that he showed her. Bai Yulin began to think that the Ji Haishan right now really differ from the him during their first meeting.

She chuckled and told him "Why should I be disappointed? I'm honored that I can see this side of you where no one else has ever seen."

She noticed him stiffen and thought that maybe he didn't like to hear that from her mouth. He was a man after all, his pride and ego were high.

Then Bai Yulin apologized. She needed to think of a way to make him comfortable in showing his true self to her. If not, this situation might backfire and he might not want to share anything to her anymore after this.

So, Bai Yulin instinctively thought that this should be the perfect time to tell him how she felt. If he knew she liked him, then he could lower his guard around her.

"Ji Haishan." she called him, determined.

Ji Haishan turned to face Bai Yulin in reluctance. True to her thoughts, he was really feeling uncomfortable. He felt that his self-esteem was going down the drain. Slowly but surely.

"I like you." in the middle of his tangled emotions, he heard her confession.

Ji Haishan's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at her. He was literally shocked. Did he hear that wrong?

"I like you, Ji Haishan." Bai Yulin repeated. She seemed to know that he wasn't convinced.

"Wh- what? Is that true?" he stuttered. His heart beating 10 times faster than normal.

"Yes, I like you." this was the third time she told him.

Her face was starting to burn like a ripened tomato. Her ears were also gradually turning red but Bai Yulin still maintained eye contact.