
Ji Haishan raised his brow as he saw the caller. It was his assistant, Gao Li Bai. He had told his assistant to never call him if there was nothing important in the company.

The fact that Gao Li Bai called was enough to tell him that this was important. So Ji Haishan gave his phone to Bai Yulin and she glanced at him once before picking it up, pushing the speaker button.

"Good morning, boss. I'm calling to remind you about the AGM the day after tomorrow, in the afternoon at 2 p.m. Will you be there for the meeting?"

Ji Haishan once again widened his eyes as he groaned. There was an annual meeting for his company in two days?? Goddamnit, how could he forget about it!

He kept getting surprises today from the phone call as he sighed. Then Ji Haishan made a hand gesture for Bai Yulin to tell Gao Li Bai to wait.

Bai Yulin nodded immediately as she turned to the phone and coughed twice before telling "Wait for a second."

Ji Haishan ran towards the living room to get his iPad Pro before coming back to the kitchen. He then wrote something from the tablet before asking Bai Yulin to say exactly what he had written down.

Bai Yulin looked at the screen he was holding and said in a serious manner "What will be the agenda for the meeting? The most important one. Also, the annual reports will be handed down by which department? I want to shortlist them so that we won't have to waste time on the meeting."

Gao Li Bai answered curtly "As far as I know, we'll be talking about the vice president's notice of transfer. Or should we be blunt, about his resignation."

Hearing that, Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin both raised their eyebrows. Bai Yulin of course knew who this vice president was. She was glad that such a scumbag be outed from the company.

Who told him to force others to sign something out of their own will? He even used violence at that. It seemed that Ji Haishan's grandfather was doing a good job in taking care of the situation.

"Anything else?" Bai Yulin asked.

"We'll also vote for a new vice president. And we'll have a re-election for several auditors. Other than that, it's just normal procedure for annual reports approval. I'll check the reports with several departments first, boss."

Ji Haishan who was standing not far, heaved up a sigh as he ruffled his hair. Bai Yulin realized he was feeling less confident because of the meeting.

This meeting sounded like it was important for him and she didn't know whether she could play his role well or not. But Bai Yulin had already prepared herself. She wanted to help him because he was doing a great job standing in her place.

Bai Yulin smiled and told Ji Haishan in a hushed tone, confidence were written on her face "Don't worry, I'll slay that meeting for you!"

Ji Haishan looked at Bai Yulin and he sighed again. But this time, he was already smiling a little. He shook his head lightly since Bai Yulin's sparkling energy was starting to affect him too.

He realized he wouldn't need to worry since Bai Yulin was here with him. He shouldn't put too much pressure on her too.

Suddenly, he heard another ringing but this time, it came from his personal phone.

There wasn't many who knew his personal number and Ji Haishan already guessed who the caller was. He briefly nodded to Bai Yulin and she quickly told Gao Li Bai an affirmative answer before hanging up.

This time, Ji Haishan passed his personal phone to Bai Yulin and she picked it up. She saw the name of the caller and it wrote 'Ji Ke Mu'.

'It's a Ji.' Bai Yulin noted, thinking of who this person was.

Even before she could say hello, the other person on the line huffed in one breath "Gege, don't say anything at all and just let me speak till the end!"

"I and Jiejie are coming back home! She's finished her project and we'll probably arrived home at midnight today!" he said as excitement was clearly evident in his tone.

When Bai Yulin sneaked a glance towards Ji Haishan to see his reaction, she found it intriguing when he looked like he was actually looking forward to this person's return.

"Gege, I also know about dad's resignation." Ji Haishan pursed his lips at this sentence. If he was in his real body right now, he wouldn't hesitate to ask Ji Ke Mu whether he was alright.

Since Ji Ye Qiu was his father after all..

Ji Ke Mu must know about what he had done to make the patriarch force him to resign.

Bai Yulin instantly put the pieces together. So this Ji Ke Mu person was the son of Ji Ye Qiu. And that made him Ji Haishan's cousin.

"Gege, you don't need to say anything. I already know what you're going to talk about." the other person's tone became a bit low.

But then his tone went up again as if he wasn't that affected "But don't worry! We'll see each other soon and catch up with everything! Oh, another thing- grandpa said I'll be taking over as vice president so there's no need for a voting process. Goodbye! I'll see you in the company in two days at the meeting!"

Tut- Tut- Tut-

Ji Ke Mu hung up the phone.


Massachusetts, US.

At the crowded airport, Ji Ke Mu just hung up the phone without hearing from Ji Haishan. He knew Ji Haishan wouldn't be able to talk anyway, so he just wanted to make it easier for him.

Ji Ke Mu glanced over the crowd to see where his sister might be but she was nowhere in sight. He grumbled a complain, thinking why she was taking so much time in the toilet.

Ji Ke Mu then opened a famous RPG game in his mobile while waiting. No matter how many times he played the game, he would always become impressed because such games didn't exist in Olympus.

'Nothing beats technology no matter what world you live in..' he mused.

Ji Ke Mu noticed some hot blonde girls checking him out not far from where he stood but he ignored them. They were whispering about how handsome he was.

They also strongly noted the obvious: that he was an asian. Ji Ke Mu rolled his eyes and pretended not to hear that.

Ji Ke Mu saw his twin sister approach him. Then she asked first thing "Have you called him?"

Ji Ke Mu nodded and showed her his phone log, he did so playfully and she pursed her lips. Was he mocking her?

"Remember in Olympus that my friendship with him was better than your fragile sibling bond, Hephaestus." Ji Xia rolled her eyes.

Then Ji Ke Mu countered shamelessly "That's because you were Athena, not Ji Xia. But you're currently Ji Xia so I pity you so much!"

Ji Xia's face became slightly twisted. Why did he have to remind her the obvious??

"Now let's go. Our flight is next." she told him as he pushed the luggage, following her who was leaving faster as she didn't want to argue anymore.