
After a minute of silence, he then he asked in a hushed tone "So we're using this magazine as a platform to announce our relationship?"

Bai Yulin smiled, feeling victorious "That's correct. Aren't your girlfriend smart?"

"Smart indeed." Ji Haishan shook his head helplessly. But he was actually inwardly smiling. He liked it when she was eager to tell others about them being together.

"Ms. Bai.. this is?" the interviewier wanted to know who the mystery man was. He suddenly appeared out of nowhere when they shouldn't have allowed unauthorized person to come in.

But the fact remained that this unknown man who suddenly appeared was like a godly figure from ancient times. He was tall and dashing. He looked laid back with one hand in his pocket. Yet, the powerful aura coming from him was undeniable.

Ji Haishan cleared his throat and got into character once again. He stood up and dusted off his own thighs. Bai Yulin smiled and immediately caught his waist in her arms.

"I'll answer your last question." he said and paused for a dramatic feel.

"I'm not single and am currently in a relationship with this man." he added with confidence etched on his sparkling green eyes.

Several gasps of 'oh' and 'ah' were heard by the crew members who were paying attention since before. Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin didn't care too much and they just stood there, sticking to each other.

"What a complete surprise! May I know who is this man?" the interviewier was ecstatic.

This was the first time 'Bai Yulin' ever admitted to being in a relationship after her three years of booming career. Their magazine would be so heated up in the market for sure! For sure!

Bai Yulin turned to face the woman who was the interviewer. She sat across from Ji Haishan and she was looking very excited. Bai Yulin lifted a corner of her mouth up, causing the woman to look at her with hearts in her eyes.

Bai Yulin faced Ji Haishan for confirmation and he nodded. Then she introduced herself with a small yet simple smile. Her words traveled around fast like rocket. They caused the entire area to become silent and people to become still.

"CEO of Ji Group, Ji Haishan."


On the next day, Ji Haishan was fretting so much that he couldn't even make lunch for them. They had to order for a takeout at 12.

As they were munching on McDonald's, Ji Haishan still didn't stop talking about how things could go wrong in the meeting at two.

Bai Yulin sighed as she pinched on her nose bridge. She shook her head as she said "Relax, will you? Even if I'm not great at acting, I'm not going to do things half-heartedly."

Ji Haishan pursed his lips as he countered "I know. But you don't know what can happen."

"I will know in about one hour and a half from now." Bai Yulin scoffed.


"Shush! Don't make things hard for me!" Bai Yulin interjected. They had been fighting off words since yesterday and she couldn't take it anymore.

Her glare was prominent as she continued "Remember when you took my place for my job? You did well because I have trust in you. So just have faith in me. I won't blow it, I promise!"

Ji Haishan didn't have anything to say as a comeback so he just nodded reluctantly. He sighed for the umpteenth times before he spoke slowly.

"Bai Yulin, It's not that I don't trust you. I'm just worried. Those old geezers often give me a headache and it's a cold and silent war underneath all those facade and smiles."

Bai Yulin would be lying if she didn't feel touched by his words. But just like how he did a good job pretending to be her, she also wanted to do a good job in taking over his place.

"I understand your concern, Ji Haishan. But you can't stop me from going. I'm ready to slay and I'm not playing!" she said in a hard tone while she munched on her Double Cheeseburger, making her appear not so convincing.

Ji Haishan didn't say anything after that as he eyed the meal in front of him with mild disgust. He could never fathom how Bai Yulin would love to eat this junk food.

Bai Yulin squinted her eyes and scolded "Hurry up and eat! It's delicious and I'm not joking!"

Ji Haishan rolled his eyes "You know I don't eat such food, right?"

"I know. But once in a while, you have to unwind. Eat unhealthy food and you will feel better!"

"Where's that logic coming from?" Ji Haishan furrowed his eyebrows in response.

This time, it was Bai Yulin's turn to roll her eyes "Ji Haishan, I know you're a majestic young master of Ji family. So now I'm going to teach you what we, common folks eat when we're stressed out."

Ji Haishan didn't comment further as he sat there in silence, crossing his arms in protest. He didn't know that Bai Yulin was trying so hard to divert the topic of the meeting towards the topic of McDonald's.

He faced Bai Yulin again and he turned to the burgers on the table again. There were two cans of coke, some chicken nuggets, pineapple pie and spicy McWings. Oh, he didn't forget the french fries.

Ji Haishan stopped protesting when Bai Yulin didn't bother about him anymore. He took one burger that he believed was called Sichuan Double Chicken Burger.

Between the one he picked and another called German Sausage Double Beef Burger, he would rather eat the former. He sort of knew he couldn't finish the latter.

With reluctance in his eyes, he began eating. One step at a time.. with Bai Yulin eyeing his every move. Her eyes were like a hawk's. She didn't give him a chance to even spit the precious burger back on the plate.

Then, they ate their lunch in silence. Occasionally having Bai Yulin groan in satisfaction as she ate her burger.

Soon, Bai Yulin was getting ready for her first ever job (after they swapped bodies). She was feeling excited and also nervous at the same time. But the excitement far surpassed her nervousness.

She came out of the bedroom wearing a coral blue three piece suit. The vest hugged her torso and it looked smoldering hot on her body. Ji Haishan turned around and was racking his mind on where and when did he ever buy such color before.

"Surprise surprise!" Bai Yulin wiggled her eyebrows after seeing the confused look of Ji Haishan.

"I bought this online, if that's what you want to ask." she smirked in satisfaction.

"What? Why?" Ji Haishan thought he had enough suit for himself.

"Duh! All of your formal suits are boring! If they're not black, they're dark blue. No variety at all." Bai Yulin complained, her fashion sense kicking in.

Ji Haishan could just sigh. He knew he was bad at dressing up. He was always clueless in terms of fashion but at the very least, he still took care of his image by doing his hair or buying expensive personal items. But that was his limit. He didn't know how to do more than that.

As if reading his thoughts, Bai Yulin chuckled as she said "Don't worry my dear boyfriend. Everything looks good on you. But with me here, I'm going to make you the hottest and stylish man on earth."