Party for the Newcomer

The welcoming party starts before the Master's words finish echoing throughout the guildhall. Never before in my life, have I felt as accepted as the members of Fairy Tail make me feel. (This feels right. I feel like this is where I belong. Right here, with these people.) My happiness overwhelms me and I start crying, again, much to the horror of the boys. I laugh as the tears run down my cheeks, vastly amused with the reactions of the guys.

Lucy and Erza share a look of understanding between each other before they embrace me with a large hug. When the worst of my joyful tears are over with, I thank both girls with another warm loving embrace. Erza even manages to not slam my head against her armor. As the party gets into full swing, it seems that every time I turn around someone is pushing a tankard of something alcoholic into my hands.

I politely thank them, move on and give it to someone else. At one point, I forgot what I had in my hands and feeling thirsty, I took a swig. As soon as the taste of alcohol registered, I spewed out the drink in a large spray.

Seeing that, most of the guild pauses in their partying and starts laughing at the different faces I make while trying to get the taste out of my mouth. Mirajane, taking pity on me, brings me over to the bar and gives me some sweet, non-alcoholic, fruit juice to help rid the taste of alcohol.

"You don't really drink much do you?" she asks with a giggle after I drown almost the whole mug in one go.

I let out a sigh in relief before answering, "No, I don't drink at all. I never want to touch that stuff." I make a face in distaste before adding, "Nasty tasting drink. I never understand why people like it so much."

"Well, people seem to like it because it makes them happier, more free to express themselves." says Mirajane cheerfully.

"More free to act the fool and make dangerous mistakes as well." I mutter darkly while staring into the mug. A hand gently places itself on mine. I look up into the concerned eyes of Mirajane.

"You had something bad happen back in your world." she states. I nod before looking back down, trying to keep the memories at bay.

"I won't press you for the story, but if you ever want to talk about it I'm willing to listen." her gentle voice says to me. I look back up and give her a soft smile.

"Thanks Mirajane, that's means a lot to me. I'll be sure to take you up on that offer when the time comes." I place my other hand on top of hers, and I give it a gentle squeeze.

"You can also talk to me if you have any other questions or concerns, or if you just want any advice. I'll be glad to help the best I can, or just be a shoulder you can cry on." she gives me a sweet, happy smile which I can't help but return. On the bar stool, I turn around to face the guildhall as the partiers have a great time. I let my smile fade as an old memory returns. (There are some things that can't be shared, even amongst family.)


The celebration lasts longer than I would've expected. The sun slowly starts to sink and bathes the guildhall in a golden light. I sit there lost in my thoughts as I survey the guild while the guys are not brawling. (Its sorta peaceful like this. Lucy and Erza seem to be in deep conversation about something. And there's Gray with, whoszat again? Low key?) I sit up a little straighter. (Huh? Where's Pinky and Happy?)

Elfman, in what seems to be a heated debate Max, slams his fist on a table to make a point and he happened to hit the edge of a plate. The fork and spoon on the plate fly into the crowded hall and almost immediately people start fighting. I give off a slightly amused grin. (There's goes the peaceful vibe.)

A beer mug crashing into the bar next to me brings me out of my silent reminiscing. Feeling the need to release some tension and clear out the dark thoughts I recently had, I fly into the fray. (A good fight is just the thing I need to vent out my frustrations from that day.) Feeling my heart beat faster and my internal worries melt away, I dodge thrown objects, and flying fists. Adrenaline pumps through me and I grin like a fool.

(This should be fun, I always wanted to get into a bare knuckle brawl like in the movies to see how I would fare in a fight.) My punches, when they would connect, don't affect the guys very well, but my kicks were much more effective. After a while, I notice that none of the people I been brawling with weren't really fighting me. I would get punched, but there is no real power behind any of them. They were more of a tap than anything.

(Treating me with kid gloves huh? I'll show them what a country-girl can do.) I grit my teeth as determination drives me forward as I attack harder and fiercer trying to get someone to fight me for real. At one point, I come across Gray using his magic to slam someone else to the ground. I move in from behind and knock him down with a well placed kick to the lower back.

I raise my fists ready to block a return attack while bouncing on the balls of my feet. Turning around in anger, he sees that I was the one who attacked him. Grumbling, he shakes his head and moves off to fight someone else. His reaction gives me an empty feeling inside. I shake my head to clear it and pick someone else to fight.

Yet despite how I fought, none of the guys would fight back and I haven't seen any of the other girls in the fray. Finally, I get sick of the special treatment and I slink off to sulk at an empty table in the back. I watch the others in jealousy as they were having the time of their lives.

(Man, this sucks. I always wanted to get into a proper fists-out, drawn-out brawl, and when I get the chance, no one wants to fight me. And I still feel the need to vent. This really bites.) I let out a frustrated groan and slam my head onto the table. The smell of oak and beer assaults my nose as I lay facedown on the table, grumbling to myself.

Moments pass by while I listen to the drunk revelry. (Heh, just like home. Everyone is out having fun while I just sit on the sidelines, watching. Guess things aren't as different here as I first thought. Even in another world, people are people wherever you go.) A light touch on my back startles me and I lift my head in response. Standing beside me is the short, petite, blue-haired girl named Levy.

"Uh, hi there. Can I help you?" I start off lamely.

"Hi! I'm Levy. Levy McGarden! Pleased to meet you, Krysti!" she chirps very energetically. I can't help but smile and chuckle at her contagious happiness before extending out my hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you too, Levy!" I cheerfully greet back as she shakes my hand vigorously and seats herself down beside me.

"You're the one who broke that body swap spell, right?" I ask.

"Yup! The answer was actually very simple. Can't believe that it took me so long to figure out all I had to do was read it backwards." she bemoans while shaking her head sadly.

"Hey! You still managed to figure it out, which is awesome! I wished I could have been able to help, but I can't even read your language." I tell her in a sheepish manner.

"Eh? You can't read?!" she looks at me, horrified. Both of her hands cover her mouth like I told her I like to kick puppies.

"I can't read your language." I correct her while chuckling. I clear my throat before continuing, "But oddly enough you guys have some things written in my language. I see bits and pieces that I know from other languages and then there are some that I don't recognize at all." I shake my head in confusion.

"It's like a conglomeration of different languages that I know of, with some extra thrown in. I honestly can't make heads or tails out of it." I finish while shaking my head in confusion as I remember trying to read some of the job postings.

"I never heard of anyone knowing of another language that isn't of the ancients. As far as I know, everyone speaks the same!" she says loudly while waving both of her arms wildly in the air, shock written all over her face.

"Not me, I have to have this…," I tap at my ear where I have the translator firmly wedged in place, "…magic translator so I can speak to everyone. When I first met Natsu and the guys, it was really frustrating that I couldn't communicate very much. I'm just glad that my world and yours have a lot in common otherwise I would have been totally lost!" I say in relief. Her eyes start bugging out which causes me some concern.

"Hey, are you ok, Levy?" I ask, slightly worried. I place a hand lightly on her shoulder and the touch seems to have snapped her out of her daze.

"Your world!?" she almost screeches out in shock.

"Oh? No one mentioned it? Yea, I come another world." I state calmly.

"Oh. My. GOD!" she squeals that last word much louder than I anticipated, making me clap my hands over my ears.

She grabs onto my arm with a vice-like grip before shouting, "You have to tell me everything!"

"Uh, sure." I chuckle weakly under her audio assault.


Krysti and Levy spent the next few hours discussing the differences and similarities of the each of their worlds while the brawl inside the guild calmed down again. Afternoon and evening blends gently into night without the girls noticing. When the subject came to books, the overly excited blue-haired girl makes a dash to drag over her fellow book lover.

Lucy is confused to why she is being dragged over until the conversation starts up again about books. They then have a rather lengthy talk punctuated with excited squeals from one girl or the other. While all the while Levy's teammates Jet, the fast running magic user, and Droy, the plant magic user, were at a table behind the girls marveling at how cute the blonde and bluenette were.

Before Lucy and Levy leave for home, Krysti gets them to promise to help her learn how to read, much to the enjoyment of the new friends. Left alone again, but feeling much better, Krysti stays at the table for the rest of the party and watches with no small amount of jealousy when Cana and Erza join in a renewed brawl and gets no special treatment from the guys.

It was short lived as Erza defeated the other fighters with terrifying efficiency. This leads to Krysti understanding even more why her friends are so afraid of making the red-head mad. She then snickers to herself at the thought of how her friends must of viewed her being able to stand up to Erza. The Fairy Tail members leave the guild in small groups not long after Erza takes out almost every fighter, each helping the other stagger home with lots of pained groans.

Except for the ones who partied and fought so hard that they passed out on the floor. Krysti shakes her head sadly at the sight, but makes no move to help them. Unsure at what to do, or where to go, she sits quietly at the table waiting for Natsu to return. He has been missing since before the 2nd brawl and Krysti hopes that he remembers that he and Happy invited her to stay with them.

By the time most of the people have left, Mirajane appears from behind the bar and starts working on moving broken furniture around. Seeing this, Krysti pops up out of her seat and moves over to help the young woman. She protests, not wanting the guest of the party to clean. Krysti stubbornly insists and sighing in defeat, Mirajane goes and hands her a broom from behind the bar.

Sighing again, she gives up the broom with an, "Ok, but only sweeping! You're not to do anything else!" she commands sternly with both hands on her hips.

"Yes Ma'am!" Krysti chirps with a large grin and a salute. With a laugh, Mirajane goes to do other cleaning duties while the brunette moves to a corner of the hall and start sweeping in a leisurely manner. She smiles to herself at the familiar task and starts to hum in content.

When all was left was the sweeping, Mirajane approaches Krysti with a rubberstamp. Krysti slows her sweeping and looks at white-haired in confusion as the she moves closer.

"If you are a member of Fairy Tail, you need a guild mark on you to prove it.", Mirajane explains when she see Krysti's confused look.

A look of understanding appears on the other woman's face before the younger asks, "So where would you like it and what color?"

Looking surprised, Krysti asks, "I can choose a color? What choices are there?"

"Any color you want, no limits." she answers with a small grin.

"Hmmm." Krysti frowns in thought, considering her choices. A couple of moments later, she perks up with a smile.

"I would like it in royal blue, if you please. And right here." she says while patting her left hip.

"Ok, let me set the color and we will be ready." Mirajane says while fiddling with the stamp. Krysti maneuvers her night gown and sweatpants to expose where on her hip that she wanted the guild mark. One quick stamping later, and it is complete.

Krystina Skye VanHawkins is now an official member of Fairy Tail.