Calm Start

And so went Krysti's new life for the first week and a half. She would wake up in the pre-dawn gloom and would trek outside to vent out her dwindling hope of ever seeing her parents again. After crying, she would head back inside to clean up and make breakfast.

Happy and Natsu would wake up to a hot breakfast made by their new housemate and Krysti made sure Natsu would have a few cups of the special ginger tea to help reduce his motion sickness.

Each day that he drank the tea his motion sickness became less noticeable, much to the dragon slayer's delight. He always made sure to thank her profusely for her hard work and kindness to which she received with a small blush. Happy, of course, would try to embarrass her by calling her out on the blushes, but to no avail which irritated the blue feline.

After coming home from his first two day mission since the older woman moved in, Natsu was surprised to find a thermos being pushed into his arms the next morning just as they was starting to leave for the guild.

"Here." Krysti said gently as she made sure he grabbed the thermos. "This way you won't have to go without your tea and you'll have something to refresh you after riding transportation." Overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness, he looked at his roommate who was warmly smiling at him and did the only thing he could think to do. He hugged her.

Her breath whooshes out as she is wrapped up in a crushing hug. Krysti returns the hug as her shock wears off and Natsu's response is to hug her even tighter. This, of course, didn't go unteased by Happy which also caused more laughter and shouting.

After they would eat breakfast, all three of them would head to Fairy Tail. They would laugh, joke, and talk the whole way there. There was rarely a silent moment during their trek. Upon arriving, the three would separate to go do their individual activities. Natsu and Happy would meet with their team to go and take on simple missions that wouldn't take more than a day or two.

Krysti on the other hand would either be with Levy, if she wasn't on a mission, Lucy between missions, or Mira for the rest of the time to learn how to read the language of the world and to learn more about it. All four girls bonded to something akin to sisters very quickly with the brunette taking over as the eldest. Although when it came to guild related things, Mira would take the lead.

Krysti would also take lessons from other guild members on how to best bring out her magical ability, if she had any besides her odd fire-resistance. She also learned about how magic was used for everyday tasks to the point that it was considered mundane even by non-mage standards. Even the smallest magical item magic wowed her, much to the enjoyment of the guild.

Her child-like wonder to such simple and commonplace things endeared herself to them. From the pen that can use light to write in the air, to Lacrima, the magical crystals the power almost everything in this world. Krysti literally drooled when she was shown the wind-reading glasses. Being able to read many times faster than normal greatly appealed to the brunette bookworm.

She took to her lessons with an fervor after Levy promised that Krysti could borrow them once she is able to competently read. The three girls were patient teachers for the brunette to which she was thankful. Erza decided to help early on which brought back bad flashbacks to Natsu when she taught him while they were children.

As the red-head's over-enthusiastic nature takes over and starts outlining an extremely harsh and unrealistic training scenario, Krysti raises up her hand in protest. Every noise in the guild comes to a sudden standstill. The newest member of the guild was refusing an order given by Erza.

The Erza. Known as the strongest female in Fairy Tail and lesser known also as the scariest female in Fairy Tail.

Everyone but Team Natsu held their breaths, worried what is going to happen to the new girl. Krysti looks defiantly up at Erza, who is standing over her, and politely tells the armored mage that she refuses to take part Erza's plan. Lucy, Gray, Happy and Natsu have a good idea what is going to happen, but even they are still shocked when Erza respectfully accepts the refusal and doesn't try to force her will on the older brunette.

Krysti goes back to her reading lesson after professing her thanks and Erza moves off to the bar to get some strawberry cake. The rest of the guild is absolutely stunned. Never has Erza backed off like that when she wants to do something for someone, no matter how much they refuse.

Only a direct order from the Master or someone in the Magic Council could stop the eager red-head when she sets her mind on something. Respect and awe for their newest member soars all the while the object of the guild's wonder is sitting blissfully oblivious with her nose in a children's book. As the day wears on Krysti does notice that more of the guild is engaging her in conversation and offering their help in various matters.

She just pegs it to the fact that they are getting over some sort of shyness and not the fact that she impressed the hell out of them. Krysti would split her time in the guild from learning to read to learning how to access and release her magic. Everyone was in agreement, unless she was in a highly stressful and probably life-threatening situation, meditation was the best way to learn.

Krysti has a hard time meditating as she was told to do to be able to access and draw out her magic. She had no trouble believing in herself, and she does feel something well up inside her during meditation. Yet despite everything she tries, she just can't quite seem to let it out as she is suppose to.

Something keeps blocking the way like there is a giant plug keeping her magic inside and then her imagination would take hold and ruin her concentration. Her active imagination would sometimes run rampant and it wasn't unusual for the guild to find the woman laughing at seemingly nothing.

They soon learn to ignore the woman's random giggle fits, and stop trying to understand what is making her laugh from her failed attempts at trying to explain her world's pop culture. The explanations only served to make them more confused than before. Krysti doesn't blame them, a lot of times her world's pop culture confused her as well.

She would stay in town until late in the evening practicing drawing out her magic or other such activities while waiting to see whether or not her friends will return from a mission. If they did, she would walk home with Natsu and Happy to go and train with them.

Mostly for her, the training was a lot of stretching with a light amount of lifting barbells. After training, they would relax and talk about their day before going to sleep. If the team didn't come back, Krysti would walk to her new home by herself after dark and clean the house before going to bed.

She didn't find any washing machines or dryers in the house much to her chagrin. So she had to use the old fashioned washtub and rub board that was like what her mother used to use when she stayed with her grandma, Krysti's great-grandma.

With some help from Natsu and Happy, she was able to get some wires connected to a couple of wooden posts outside the little home. With the clothesline set up, she could let the wind and the sun dry the wet clothes for her. It was hard, but satisfying work. In a way, it helped her feel closer to her mother despite being in a different world.

A few days later, as a way to help her learn her way around town and to put her reading skills to the test between lessons, she started doing small non-magical errands around town. Mainly doing some shopping for older people who have a hard time going out on their own. Krysti found the additional walking to be real good exercise for herself as well.

The money she earned through these small jobs was used to buy more ingredients for dinner and to make tea with. Macao had her take his son, Romeo, during these small missions so he can help her when she needed it when came to reading the grocery lists.

It also served as a way to have someone responsible to baby-sit the young boy as well.

Romeo was hesitant as first but soon warmed up to the newest guild member after she helped him with some bullies that wouldn't leave him alone. They basically were teasing him about how he was motherless because of his 'useless' father being a wizard.

Krysti not only defended Romeo and his father, but she defended all of Fairy Tail and told the boys how they saved her from a tribe of 'evil' demons. Most of the story was lies, but it impressed the bullies enough that they decided to not only stop teasing Romeo, but that they may try to become wizards when they grow up too.

Because of this, Romeo looks up to Krysti greatly and soon enough anytime he was in the guildhall, Romeo would be sitting next to Krysti. They played games, they learned to read together, they learned more about magic, and helped out around town.

Levy, Lucy, and Mira were already quite fond of him and soon he was like a little brother to all of them. Macao would let Romeo stay over with Krysti at Natsu's home on the days that Natsu's team would be gone longer than a day so she wouldn't be lonely. It was pointed out to her that it wasn't completely altruistic on Macao's part. With Romeo out of the house, his father was able to pursue more women in the lame excuse of trying to find him a new 'mother'.

The older woman grew extremely fond of the small boy and was very grateful to Macao for letting Romeo stay with her as much as he is, reasons being pure or not. Having the small, energetic child around helped her not miss her family quite as much. With Romeo in tow, Krysti also went to visit Auntie Vi often.

The older woman adored the boy and would make sure there was plenty of sweets when he came around with the brunette.

They talked often, the shopkeeper being extremely helpful when a word that neither Krysti nor Romeo could figure out came up in the lists. She knew her way around Magnolia better than the back of her hand. Auntie Vi even pointed out a very convenient shortcut that ran between the marketplace and Lucy's home. Krysti made note to show it to the blonde if she hasn't already found it.

The talks were greatly beneficial to the brunette as well and she greatly appreciated Auntie Vi's kindness. A week after her injury, Krysti went to visit the hospital to get her nose checked on. The nurses removed the bandages, and after some painful poking and prodding by the doctor it was declared that her nose was going to be just fine. With most of the swelling down, all was left was the purple-ish bruises across her face.

Dr. Shibiwa gave her some ointment that not only conceals the bruises, but helps them heal faster as well. Krysti accepts the ointment with a wide smile and blushing face. The brunette couldn't help but hug the nurses and the doctor out of relief and happiness when they said she was free to go. Before leaving, she was told to try not to get hit in the nose again for she might not be as fortunate next time. With a quick laugh she promises not to purposely get hurt.

That night, when Krysti's friends returned from their mission, they were greeted by the sight of a happily grinning and bandage free brunette. The four of the five went and enveloped her in a big group hug when they saw the bandages were removed. Gray did not join in since he was still a bit uncomfortable being too close to Krysti since he still remembers how she blantly groped him in public.

Lucy and Happy were the most excited of them all about Krysti's recovery. They wanted to celebrate, which of course got the rest of the guild joining in the celebrations that resulted with the normal brawl.

During this brawl, Lucy was given some news that excited her greatly. Erza deemed it time to give her the Golden Gate Key Sagittarius. She was beyond ecstatic to get the 5th Golden Key and Krysti made her promise not to make a contract with the spirit without her being there. Levy's team soon showed up and Lucy had to go show off her new key to the petite bluenette leaving Krysti behind to watch over them fondly.

Krysti made sure to stay away from the brawl this time, not wanting to risk breaking her nose again while it is still healing. Night falls and most of the partiers have either been knocked out, passed out drunk, or gone home already. With some help from Mirajane, Krysti was able to get Natsu on her shoulders as he slept peacefully. She took him back home and dropped him rather heavily in his hammock before going to bed herself.

It was only 3 days after this when trouble started.