Cleaning up

"Okay. Okay. That's enough you two." Levy's voice calls out sweetly to her teammates. At her request, Jet and Droy pull away still sniffling but with some of the largest grins on their faces. Looking around and seeing the smiling faces of the rest of the guild fills my heart with a sense of pride.

(Despite being the underdogs in that battle, they managed to overcome the odds and win. No matter what Laxus says, the love they hold for each other is the true strength of Fairy Tail.) At this thought, the urge to do something to help surges through me.

Walking through the crowd, I head over to the pile of lumber that Natsu and Gray are having a small competition with on who can carry more planks. Without paying them any mind, I grab the top plank and lift it over my shoulder with a grunt. Turning back, I see everyone looking back at me.

Arching an eyebrow I shout out, "Well? What are y'all staring at? We got a guildhall to rebuild!" Shouts of agreement answer me and I grin widely at the power behind it. Almost as one, everyone but the most injured split off to pick up where they left off. Without warning, the plank over my shoulder is pulled out of my grip and I see Erza giving me a stern look.

"You need to rest, you're not fully healed yet and the last thing you need is to be injured yet again." Hearing this, I pout heavily.

"But I can work! You know that I'm stronger than I look." I cross my arms over my chest with a huff. Setting the plank's end on the ground so it is leaning against her, Erza gives me an appraising look. I stand my ground and give her a challenging look back. I feel my knees try to wobble and I lock them out of stubbornness. Closing her eyes, Erza shakes her head slowly.

"No, you're still too weak to work like how you want to. It's better that you continue to rest up before trying anything with heavy labor." She solemnly states. I narrow my eyes at this.

"Well, what about the rest of the guild?" I ask while feeling huffy. "Most of them are still in bandages but you aren't stopping them from working."

"And all of them are mages with years of experience under their belt. Their bodies have been fortified by magic and can handle taking more damage than non-mages. They also recover much faster as well." She points out.

Erza's eyes narrow at me as her voice grows stern while she continues, "If it wasn't for Porlyusica, you would still be unconscious if not dead. Out of all of us, you were the one closest to death. You had extensive injuries that were even worse than what Levy, Droy and Jet had combined when we took them to the hospital. Then you went to go fight again and released so much magic that it shouldn't have been possible for someone first tapping into their magic. The strain from that alone would have killed a normal mage a few times over."

Every point that she made deflated my resolve and I stand before her with my shoulders sagging. Knowing that she is right and not going to try to argue my way out of it, I nod reluctantly and let out a heavy sigh. A heavy hand landing on my shoulder startles me and I snap my head up to meet Erza's warm gaze.

"I know you want to do what you can to help and you don't like not being able to do anything. I understand how you feel, more than you know. But just because you can't do anything now, doesn't mean you won't be able to help out later. Rebuilding the guild is a big project and it will take a long while to compl-" Her words were cut off by a loud shout and crash. We turn to see Natsu and Gray in the middle of a fight while using building materials.

I narrow my eyes at them before growling under my breath, "Are they seriously getting into another fight, again?"

"They are full of energy just like boys their age should be." Erza says approvingly. I give her a disbelieving look out of the corner of my eye.

"Full of energy or not, they are breaking the materials needed to rebuild the guild." I let out a sigh at this. "I better go stop them." I start to step forward when Erza clamps her hand to hold me in place. I give her a questioning look and she gives me a small smile.

"I know just the thing for those two." She says before striding forward. Catching sight of the red-head coming towards them, Gray drops the bucket he was holding and Natsu takes the opportunity to get in a solid left hook which sends Gray flying. Natsu starts to crow in his apparent victory over his rival which gets cut off short when Erza's hand clamps down hard on his shoulder.

"So how about we take up a job." She commands more than asks.

"Huh?" Gray asks in confusion as he pops out of the rubble near the bar without his shirt and covered in dirt and dust. Natsu looks over his shoulder at Erza in shock at the suggestion.

"Of course Gray and Lucy should come as well." She adds as she turns to look at the other two. I look on feeling kind of sad and disappointed. I know it's silly but since I unlocked my magic, I was hoping that I would be able to join them on missions out of town.

"What?!" Lucy yelps out in shock at being included.

With her hands on her hips, Erza ignores the outburst as she continues, "Ever since Eisenwald, we keep gathering together. We like a little team aren't we? All five of us. So why don't we form an actual team?" After she says this, I tune them out while feeling jealous and left out. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. A small tug on my hand has me look down to meet the worried gaze of Romeo.

"Are you okay Krysti-nee?" he asks in concern. Feeling affection for the small boy, I scoop him up for a big hug.

"I'm fine, Scamp. Nothing for you to worry about." I tell him truthfully. Sure I still feel jealous and whatnot, but that's a given. I just got to work harder to get to join them on their adventures.

Pulling away I cheerfully ask, "So what do you say about going to visit Auntie Vi? I haven't seen her since before the attack and I'm sure she is worried." I lower my voice as if I'm about to impart a big secret. "I bet she will have lots of cookies made when we get there.

"YEAH!" Romeo shouts out in glee and I laugh whole heartedly at his enthusiasm. Shifting him so he is sitting on my shoulders, I walk out from the yard with Romeo to see Auntie Vi.


Two days has passed and Krysti found that helping Mirajane behind the bar was a lot like her old job of being a barista, only with alcohol instead of coffee. Even though it wasn't actual construction work, she felt she was helping out so she was content with the work.

She also learned a lot about Mirajane herself and grew to know the woman enough to feel comfortable calling her Mira instead of Mirajane like she has been. Even though the front of the bar always looks nice and neat, Mira actually can't organize anything and just tosses everything wherever there is space.

The first time Krysti saw the 'back room' Mira has been using to keep all the alcohol and other supplies that aren't out front, she almost cried. It was a literal junk pile and the fact that Mira could find anything is a miracle sent from above. So for the first day, she took it upon herself to get the entire place organized and actually fit for business.

It was tiring work, but at the end of the day she was able to get everything separated into piles that would make the actual organizing much easier. Tired, Krysti dragged herself home and flopped onto her bed/couch.

The next morning, Krysti was only able to stare in disbelief. Mira somehow managed to almost completely undo all the work she did yesterday. Looking at Mira with the expression of 'Why?' etched on her face, Mira could only look back at Krysti with a sheepish look on her face.

With a heavy put-upon sigh, Krysti rolled up her sleeves, figuratively, and went back to work to fix the mess Mira caused in the few hours she was left alone. Romeo came by to visit and wanted to help but got bored easily when it seemed like Krysti was doing nothing but boring work. That is until she remembered the Disney movie Mary Poppins.

She made the work seem like a game, which quickly got Romeo interested again. It was nothing elaborate, just each pile was worth a different amount of points and so whoever got the most points won. While Levy was reading a new book that she bought with the reward money from their last mission, Jet and Droy wandered over and got into the game as well.

By the time it was lunch, everything was sorted properly again and now just needed to get put back on the shelves in its proper place. Well that is when Krysti figured out where the proper place was since Mira never had the place organized to begin with. The older woman made sure Mira had lunch with them to prevent any of their hard work from getting messed up, again.

Romeo was tuckered out after lunch since he was literally running the whole time while playing. Macao, with a fond expression on his face, took his son home who was sleeping heavily.

During lunch, Reedus walked up to the group enjoying their break from the hard work of organizing Mira's storeroom. In his hands was a large painting that he had covered that drew the attention of everyone at the table.

Knowing how good of an artist he is, everyone's interest was peaked and became extremely curious to what is the orange-haired man's latest work. Stopping in front of the eldest of the group, he shyly hands the painting over to Krysti and she looks up in confusion.

"What's this for?" she asks while feeling so confused at the gesture that even a blind man can see it.

"It's a get well present." Reedus says with his deep yet soft voice. "Uncover it." He gently prompts.

As if his words knocked them out of their stupor, everyone at the table clamored at the older woman to reveal the painting, each one excited to see the newest work of art. Chuckling heartily at their enthusiasm, she slowly uncovers the painting to reveal the moment when Makarov said she was part of Fairy Tail in great detail.

Gasps of wonder, declarations of amazement and even a whistle greet the sight of the painted image. All of Fairy Tail knew that Reedus is an amazing artist, but the level of detail and how lifelike the image painted is blew their minds.

Never have they seen such a well painted masterpiece, truly one of the best pieces they have ever seen Reedus produce. If it wasn't for the evidence of brushstrokes, Krysti would have thought that it was a blown-up picture taken by a professional High Definition camera back on her world. Seeing such a happy and cherished moment captured so vividly brought tears to her eyes.

Reverently, she placed the painting down on the table before getting up to throw her arms around Reedus the best she can. He hugs her back as her happy thank yous were muffled due to her face pressing against his shirt. He smiles gently, not minding that his shirt is quickly becoming damp. Small price to pay to see the look of awe, wonder, and happiness bloom within her.

After finding out her story of being taken away from her home and family, and especially after discovering that she is a fellow art lover, Reedus quickly grew fond of the brunette. He wanted to do something to help her feel more at home with Fairy Tail and seeing her almost at death's door during the attack from Phantom Lord only spurred that feeling to greater heights.

Tactful as always, Jet and Droy quickly start catcalling and teasing the two embracing adults. Disengaging from the hug, the art lovers turn glares on the younger guys at the table to which they ignore for more jeering. It isn't until an annoyed Levy grabbing them by the ears to drag them away do they stop.

Feeling embarrassed, Reedus disappears quickly in the crowd of workers at a speed surprising for a guy of his stature. Mira helps Krysti put the painting up in a safe place until the older woman is able to take it to her temporary home at the end of the day.

Although Mira couldn't help but tease Krysti a little bit as well for in her eyes, Reedus might as well gave the brunette a bouquet of flowers. Getting huffy, Krysti determinedly ignores the younger woman's teases and throws herself back into the chore of organizing everything.

By the end of the day, and with some help of the other guild members around, Krysti was finally able to get the entire temporary back room set up and organized. Mira was looking at it in so much excitement that Krysti was able to forgive her for messing up yesterday's hard work.

About when the shop was closing up, it was pretty dark outside when a man suddenly walked in with a pile of papers. Krysti looks on while the younger woman accepted the papers eagerly.

As the man left, Krysti asks curiously, "What are those papers, Mira?"

Looking up with an eager expression on her face Mira replies, "It's the reports back from the clients on how well our friends completed their missions and the new jobs that to be posted on the board. You go on ahead and go home, you worked real hard. I just need to put the new jobs up and give the rest to the Master and I'll be on my way home as well."

Krysti nods in agreement and walks on home with Reedus's present under her arm, but not before stopping by some shops to run some errands like picking up a fresh supply of herbs for Natsu's tea.

Taking a slightly different route to get home, so she can learn more of the town, Krysti comes across a new shop. Not able to make out the words yet to read the name, the sword that is the shop sign clearly shows that it is a weapon shop. The brunette goes to walk past it when a thought crosses her mind.

(It might not be a bad idea actually to have a weapon that I can rely on while I don't have any magic to protect me.) She stands there in thought for a moment before nodding her head with a decision made. She walks into the shop with a bell jingling as the door opens.

The next day she walks into the guild and heads behind the bar to help Mira. The younger woman notices Krysti's newest addition to her wardrobe and gives the brunette a questioning look. Krysti stands tall and proud as she gently pats her newest purchase, a pair of batons that can connect together and extend to make a bo staff. They are in a leather holster that is on a belt that encircles the brunette's waist.

Mira gives her a happy smile, glad to see the larger woman looking so confident with herself. Getting to work cleaning, the two women spend the morning in good company as they talk and laugh with their guild as the members slowly trickle in that morning.

As Krysti works on cleaning out beer mugs, a thump at the bar has the brunette look over her shoulder to see what caused the noise. Seeing a familiar mop of blond hair with a small side ponytail has her smile, glad that Lucy is back and safe.

"You seem down, Lucy. What's the matter?" Mira asks in slight concern.

"That Lupinas job left me penniless." Lucy whines from where she is still slumped over the bar. Krysti sets down the mug and moves over to stand next to Mira as she looks down at the blonde in worry.

"Well that doesn't sound like what a rich heiress would say." Mira gently teases the younger girl. Lucy shoots up with an indignant look on her face.

"I'm not! I didn't take a jewel with me from home!" she angrily cries out in protest. Quickly as her temper flared up, it deflates and she lets out a heavy sigh while rest her head on her hands.

"Even if I got a well-paying job, Natsu always spews fire everywhere, Gray freezes everything, and Erza…" she pauses before letting out a horrified scream as if remembering something truly horrible.

"Don't even get me started with Erza!" she cries out while tugging on her hair in frustration.

"Lucy, what's wrong?" Krysti asks, feeling greatly concerned about the blonde's well-being.

Lucy's arm fall to her sides and explains softly, "Everyone destroyed everything, so our reward got slashed. We just finally got back since Natsu has been feeling better on the train and he and Gray's has been fighting more. This time their fight caused the train to be delayed all of last night." She slumps down at the last part of her sentence before shooting back up and actually starts crying.

"I won't be able to pay rent for this month like this." Lucy wails softly. As she continues to cry, she looks over her shoulder to where Gray, Happy and Natsu were gathered around the new pool tables that were delivered that morning.

"Geez, here I am stressing over this and those guys are still so carefree." She sniffles.

Natsu grabs a pool stick and lines up to take a shot to start the game. With a burst of fire and smoke, a deafening crack splits the air like thunder as he hits the cue ball. When the smoke clears Natsu is looking down, disappointed at the billiard balls that are broken.

"Man, so I only got 6 of them broken." He says despondently.

"As expected of Natsu!" Happy cheers, clearly happy about the result as he floats between the boys.

"Don't lie! Its only 5! One ball was hit out of the table!" Gray accuses as he points to the table.

"NATSU!" A voice bellows out behind Lucy which causes her to let out an 'eep' of surprise as she almost falls out of her chair. The boys whip their heads over to the bar to see Krysti glowering at them which causes all three to freeze in place.

"We just got those in and here you are already breaking the equipment! Mister, the cost of replacing those balls and fixing the table is going to come out of your tea budget. So either you get another job to pay for it, or no more ginger tea for you until its paid off!" Krysti shouts out at him while putting her hands on her hips in the classic 'angry woman' pose. At her threat, Natsu's face drains of color at the thought of not being able to drink any more of that tea that is curing him of his motion sickness which has plagued him for most of his life.

"NO!!!!" He cries out in horror. Gray can't help but snicker at how distressed his rival is, especially since Krysti didn't call him out along with Natsu.

"UGGG! What's the point?" Lucy groans out as her face slams into the wooden bar. "Natsu and Gray will just get into another fight and Erza will destroy everything else and we won't get paid. I'm doomed!" Her muffled voice of despair could be heard clearly.

"Then maybe I can hook you up with a special job." Mira says cheerfully which causes Lucy to look up in surprise. "I think it really suits you Lucy and you won't have to anything getting destroyed." Mira says conspiratorially. The other two females look at Mira, intrigued about this special job.

The white-haired young woman leans closer to Lucy like she is going to tell a juicy secret which causes Lucy and Krysti to lean in as well. Reaching under the bar without looking she pulls out a flyer with the word HELP plastered across the top in English.

"What is it?" Lucy asks as she leans in closer to read what is on the flyer.

"It's a plea for extra hands to help with a failing theater. The owner needs help with performing small acts to help set the mood and bring patrons to the theater." Mira explains.

"A theater job?!" Krysti squeals excitedly next to the other women, her eyes shining like they do when it comes to something she is passionate about.

"I'm guessing you would like to come along?" Lucy asks while looking a bit uncomfortable with the level of excitement the brunette is exhibiting.

"Could I?" Krysti asks in an eager whisper and her eyes shine even brighter which the blonde didn't think was possible.

"Of course you can!" Natsu calls out loudly next to Lucy which gives her a small fright. He claps a hand on the blonde's shoulder as he grins widely at the brunette.

"The more the merrier when it comes to jobs! So what is the job?" he asks while cocking his head. The women all slump at the Dragon Slayer's question.