Ch 15 - Eastern Seas, here I come!

[Hi Guys! Finally updated a new chapter. I know it has been 10 days since the last update. However, my situation doesn't permit me time to have regular updates. I am currently working on a big project which has even robbed me of my weekends. I will try to update new chapters as and when they are done but please don't expect regular updates. Also, I have made some changes in previous chapter as there were many mistakes in editing. Big chapter 2500 words(almost 2 times my average word count). Hope you enjoy this chapter.]


Hu Immortal Blessed Land

Fang Yuan was greeted by the land spirit. She had something in her hands and she was anxious as she wanted to pass it to Fang Yuan as soon as possible.

Fang Yuan was feeling tired as he had been continuously using thoughts under the light of wisdom and work on his inspiration. He had recently obtained the control of Star Form Blessed Land using Song Zi Xing's fake head. He was trying to take maximum advantage of that and just deduced the recipe of Star thought gu using the newly gained Immortal Gu. Star thought gi was very important to him as it helped for better deduction under the light of wisdom.

He observed the Land Spirit face and pet her head. Seeing her calm down, he finally asked, "What is it?"

"Master, we have received a letter from Immortal Crane Sect's Lord He Feng Yang.", Hu Immortal Land Spirit told Fang Yuan. "One of the disciples came at the agreed place and requested to hand over this letter to you, Master."

Fang Yuan took the letter gu and activated it using his primeval essense. The following words apperared in his mind : "Lord Fang Yuan, our sect's Lord He Feng Yang would like to speak with you with regards to Fang Zheng in person. Please mention the time and place which is as per your convenience. Lord will be able to bring along Fang Zheng if the meeting is set after 10 days so as to avoid suspicion of his sudden disappearance."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and agreed to meet him in person after his duel with Feng Jin Huang which was supposed to happen in 15 days. He rewrote the the content of the letter gu and asked Hu Immortal Land Spirit to deliver it.

Fei He Mountain, Immortal Crane Sect,

After Fang Zheng departed from the palace, He Feng Yang had secretly discussed the matter with the supreme elder. They finally concluded that they will hand over Fang Zheng to Fang Yuan. However, they will set some basic agreement to ensure some minimum safety. Even though Fang Zheng was an elder of the Immortal Crane Sect and was also being prepared for the position of future Sect Leader, Guts gu was much more important since it even helped the Gu Immortals. If Fang Yuan increased the price or even intentionally delayed the sales of Guts Gu, it would cost Immortal Crane Sect a fortune.

Gu Immortals of the righteous path were not foolish. Although, they would show righteous appearance on the surface, clandestine deals would always be made in the background. Afterall, the most important thing was to get benefits and go further in the path of cultivation.

After the duel ended, an Immortal Crane Sect elder came to Fang Yuan, he spoke in a humble manner.

Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

The sky was clear and bright. Countless exquisite halls made of white jade emitted translucent light.

A rank eight Gu Immortal, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord, slowly pushed open the large door of the discussion hall.

He walked into the hall while leaning on a walking cane.

In an instant, the wills of over twenty Gu Immortals inside the hall turned towards him.

"Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord, you have worked hard for the last hundred years…"

"After completing this segment of fixing fate Gu, please take a good rest. Heavenly Court needs a senior expert like you for any unexpected situations in the future."

"Yes. The most important thing right now is to repair the Fate Gu. There aren't any unexpected situations in this Refinement Path Convention, right?"

The Gu Immortals' wills started talking, breaking the silence.

Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord opened his cloudy eyes and looked around, before fixing his gaze on a will seated at a high position.

Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord spoke: "Lian Jiu Sheng, you should awaken. The current Refinement Path Convention is reaching its end, we still need some preparations for the recovery of Fate."

Lian Jiu Sheng is a Rank 8 refinement path great expert, a member of Heavenly Court. However, he had a double identity. He is also secretly a member of Shadow Sect, which was founded by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable.

He was one of the Gu Immortal that Shadow Sect send to Central Continent as undercover agent. His task was being associated with most important affairs of Heavenly Court. He had been in Heavenly Court for a thousand years now, nobody had ever suspected him.

The focus of Heavenly Court right now was to restore the Rank 9 Fate gu which had been destroyed by Red Lotus Demon Venerable using Rank 9 Love Gu.

Love always defies reason. No one can understand or control it. It is beyond the bounds of Fate and even makes the impossible possible.

Meanwhile, Spectral Soul Demons Venerable as well as other Venerables wanted to revive and hence planned to destroy the Fate gu using their arrangements. These arrangements were very important and would decide the fate of the entire world. Any unexpected factors were to be immediately obliterated.

Currently, Shadow sect was preparing to take the main stage for a heaven defying action which would slow down the repair of Fate gu while Heavenly Court members were busy repairing Fate gu using the Infallible Inheritance in the Infallible Blessed Land which was at Hairy Foot Mountain in Central Continent.

Infallible Inheritance would give out a total of 36 success dao marks in exchange of all the mortal failure gu which are refined by the failures from whole of the refinement path convention. Hundreds of thousands of Mortal Failure Gu would help in accumulating a total of these 36 dao marks out of which Heavenly Court will only be able to retrieve 30 of them.

Mortal Failure gu was mentioned in <>

The more failures there are, the closer one will be to success!

This was the main purpose behind holding Refinement path convention every hundred years. With the failures of hundreds of thousands of gu master refining gu, Infallible Blessed land will be able to create these 36 success dao marks. As the mortal failure Gu increases in numbers, they would then condense into success dao marks with the arrangements set in the blessed land. 30 of these success dao marks would go to Heavenly Court which was very important for repairing Rank 9 Fate gu while 6 of these dao marks would go the top 6 winner of the Refinement path convention as their contribution is the highest.

Even Heavenly Court members were not able to forcefully take control of this blessed land since ithe owner of this blessed land was a refinement path great expert who was the leader of Hairy Man variant humans and also made things difficult even for Ren Zu by making him lose Courage, Faith and Strength Gu.


The wills discussed for a while and went to Hairy Foot mountain to open the Infallible Blessed Land to retrieve the success dao marks for themselves as well as the 6 winners of the Refinement path convention.

After displaying might of four Rank 8 Gu Immortals of the Heavenly Court for a while, they were finally able to create an opening. They were Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord, Bi Chen Tian, Bai Cang Shui and Lian Jiu Sheng,

Bi Chen Tian was a wood path Gu Immortal. He had red eyebrows and green pupils. Bai Cang Shui was a water path Gu Immortal.

The four were silent for a while, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord spoke: "Fortunately, after restoring fate Gu this time, it will be able to display fifty percent of its might. This is a qualitative change compared to before! From now on, we can search for even more fate escapees, and restore the Immortal Gu even faster."

"Speaking of which, how many escapees did you discover this time? Have you already dealt with them?" Bi Chen Tian asked.

Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord replied: "I last checked the fate escapees from Heaven Overseeing Tower 1 month before the Refinement path convention started. I remember it was the day when the Heavens were in unrest as if an heaven defying being was going to be born in this world threatening to tilt the hierarchy of the whole world. It was similar to when Venerables were about to take birth."

"I immediately went to Heaven Overseeing Tower but didn't find anything unusual. However, I discovered several new fate escapees, I cannot do anything against those in Southern Border and Northern Plains, but the two over here in Central Continent are already being dealt with."

Two figure came up in his mind.

They were Fang Zheng, a Rank 5 enslavement path gu master of the Immortal Crane Sect and Song Zi Xing, a Rank 7 blood path Gu Immortal, who was a previously under Myriad Dragon Dock.

Song Zi Xing, also known as "Blood Dragon" was also a member of Shadow Sect.

"Next time when I go to the tower, I don't want to see any of these two still there. All lives have their trajectory and destiny predetermined since they are born. This is the law of heaven and earth, the rule of nature, how can we allow these people to leisurely escape? This is life that does not belong to any of them."

Fate escapees and fate Gu were irreconcilably opposed. However, those that had escaped the judgment of fate were truly too many in numbers especially since Fang Yuan's rebirth.

Bai Ning Bing, Tai Bai Yun Sheng, Fang Zheng, all of them were fate escapees. Fang Yuan himself was also a fate escapee. However, Heaven Overseeing Tower was unable to identify the Otherworldly demons. Otherwise, there would have been no opportunity for Otherworldly demons to grow and thrive and even become Venerable in the Gu world.


"I will see you soon. From the refinement path convention as well as the recent fight with my brother, I have obtained an inspiration. This is a precious once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I shouldn't let it go to waste.", Haru held Yi Yue in his arms and gave a soft kiss on her forehead as he repeatedly comfort her.

He had explained to Lord Sky Crane as well as Zheng Shan Chuan that he would be wandering around for years to absorb the inspiration he obtained from absorbing Fang Yuan's will.

Haru bid farewell to the people he was closest with and immediately left. He even informed a location to everyone where he planned to go. Obviously it was a fake location where he had made sufficient arrangements. When the order is recieved from Heavenly Court to dispose his off, He Feng Yang would first visit the fake location. However, he would find that the area has been blasted to pieces. Anyone who saw the scene would think that a fight happened with Fang Zheng dying in the end.

Even though he was a Rank 5 peak stage gu master, it was possible for him to die in the wild. Even Gu Immortals cannot be said to be invincible. Not only were there countless other creatures, even other Rank 5 or Rank 6 gu masters can defeat Fang Zheng.

However, it was not so easy to fool. Haru had even imitated the aura of Fang Zheng at that place so that if the Immortal Crane Sect used detective Gu, they would be able to see his traces.

For creating explosion of that scale, he used Rank 5 Corroding Lava Explosion Gu. It was the upgrade of Rank 3 Lava Explosion Gu. It had an effect of corroding everything in the range if 100 metres and leaving no traces behind. He had received this Gu along with many immortal materials in the refinement path convention.

Haru used it along with an inflammable immortal material to create a huge explosion within the range of 500 metres. It was so powerful that even an Gu immortal would be seriously harmed by such a blast. The only downside was the activation time which was about 10 mins. Haru activated the same in the location he mentioned and immediately left the range.


1 month later,

Fang Yuan created huge commotions by defeating Feng Jin Huang.

Later, he met with He Feng Yang. He came to know that Fang Zheng had already died.

Earlier, He Feng Yang had received orders from Heavenly Court to dispose off Fang Zheng. He went to the location which was mentioned by Fang Zheng to his master Lord Sky Crane, his wife and his disciple. He didn't suspect that Fang Zheng would lie to the most precious people in his life.

He went to the location and after using all his detective gu, he came to the conclusion that Fang Zheng had indeed died. He even saw burnt bodies of many flying cranes outside the 500 metre range. Many of them were those which were earlier controlled by Fang Zheng. Haru had deliberately sacrificed many flying cranes to create the effect of his death.

However, He Feng Yang was still suspicious. For Heavenly Court to want Fang Zheng dead and for Fang Zheng to die suddenly in a big explosion due to fight against someone powerful. Was there such a coincidence in the world? He still decided to report his exact findings to Heavenly Court. The news reached Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord.

Recently, even Song Zi Xing had been hunted in the True Yang Mountain Range and had barely escaped the ambush of the Gu Immortals of ten great ancient sect after paying a huge price and using his blood path killer move Blood Demon Body Separation.

As Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord checked, he only saw one person now in the list. It was Song Zi Xing. "So there's only one person left. It seems Fang Zheng has truly died. Hahaha, even Heavens are against such a person. The speed of recovery of Fate Gu has increased and soon with refinement path convention ending, we will be able to use 50% of it's power!"

However, he did not know that Fang Zheng was not only dead, but he had fooled everyone and had currently even reached his desired location. Who knows what his expression would be if he knew the truth.

Heaven Overseeing Tower was unable to track the otherworldly demons. When the Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord had last checked the details of Fate Escapees, it was 1 month before the Refinement path convention began, when Fang Zheng was still the original Fang Zheng and Haru had not yet transmigrated to this world. Helping Haru escape from the reaches of Heavenly Court and making him a variable for countering Fang Yuan was all part of Heaven's will and hence Haru didn't face much troubles in escaping.


Currently a young man was standing on a huge flying crane. Behind him, there were thousands of flying crane and a huge wall creating a mesmerizing scene to anyone who looked.

"Although it took a month to fly till here, I have finally arrived here. Haha, Eastern Seas, here I am."

It was Haru and behind him were the huge regional walls which seperated the Eastern Seas and the Central Continent.

A new adventure was about to begin as Haru looked forward to the future with his eyes shining brightly while giving off the protagonist's aura.

(Book 1 fin~)