Chapter 1 - Desolate Wilderness

Vast forestry that covers the broad mountains with a thick green coating, the sounds of roaring and chirping from wild animals that roam about in the environment. They surround the landscape and give the place, which most people refer to as the Desolate Wilderness, life.

Found in a little grove by a waterfall, a little boy was practising some kicks and punches against the rushing stream. His non-muscular, albeit slim frame, contrasts his heroic shirtless stance as he wipes some of the water off his face.

"That's 100 punches and 100 kicks. That should reach my quota for the day. I'm going to do this until my awesome potential comes out!"

The little boy got out of the stream, dried his clothes off, and ran into the forest where some grey wolves are located.

This bubbly, energetic, little boy is Tian Longmeng who is said to not have any martial potential. His parents have a small base in cultivation so they are able to feel his meridians and try to guess his potential. That's the synopsis they told him at least.

However, Tian Longmeng was not perturbed by that. He had a strange love for martial arts as if the heavens were calling him for it, and he could not just simply take the fact that he had no talent and just succumb to a mortal lifestyle.

Since then, Tian Longmeng began his routine of going out to the waterfall every day to do 100 punches and kicks just before he dashes off to do his chores like hunting or chopping wood for his parents.

Tian Longmeng lives just 3 miles from the hunting ground and 5 miles from the waterfall. He uses the distance as an endurance training where he purposely tires himself out so that he can push his boundaries, hopefully sparking his potential.

"My parents are going to kill me if they find out that I'm still doing this." Tian Longmeng said while recovering energy.

"Well, let's make this quick."


"I finished hunting the grey wolves like you told me."

Tian Longmeng shouted as he returned home, bubbly and energetic as usual. In his hands were 4 grey wolf carcasses that were bloodied and dragging on the floor. There were no slash marks but there were bruises and bloody spots all over their bodies, which implied that he threw stones at them from a distance.

This is normally not possible because of the sheer agility of the grey wolves, but it goes to prove how strong Tian Longmeng is. Especially for a 7-year-old, that was said to not have any martial talent.

"That's great son. You got 2 more than usual today again. At this rate, you are going to wipe out the wilderness by the time you are my age." A robust and youthful man walked up to him and said while patting Tian Longmeng's back.

This was Tian Longmeng's father, Tian Fengmeng, who is the strongest person Tian Longmeng has seen in his life so far given he lives in the Desolate Wilderness.

Tian Fengmeng cannot be classified under the rankings of a cultivator but he does have a cultivation base that allows him to lift up a 1500 jin boulder. Tian Longmeng always purposed in his heart that he wanted to be just like his father when he stepped on the world of cultivation.

Robust, Proud, Strong, and most importantly, being able to marry a stunning beauty like his mother.

His mother, Tian Fengxian, came out of the wooden cottage to greet her returning child with a smile that could topple kingdoms. She had a cool, enchanting aura that made one feel like they were floating in space, lost in the aroma of spring lotuses that exuded from her grace. Her calm and serene face, however, did not hide her slight squint as she noticed Tian Longmeng's appearance.

"Did you go out to waterfall before hunting, did you?"