Chapter 23 - Finshing What one Started

Why Stringface was so angry was because he obliviously fell for Tian Longmeng's nerve-wracking trap. He was too busy salivating to notice the auspicious leaves that he was stepping on and easily got his foot caught and swept into the air by a rope vine.

Stringface, now dangling upside down and feeling heavily embarrassed, was flailing about and screaming that Redbeard should get him down. Redbeard did, by throwing a blade at the vine to cut Stringface down.

Sadly enough, Stringface fell into a ditch filled with slippery mud afterward; and thus began the unending train of swearing and curses.

The next plan afterward, was for the Hou Tiger skull to be swept along some loose soil due to the impact of falling into the ditch. This would have sealed the coffin and truly made the monkey bandits go insane if it was not for Redbeard's cleverness of not falling for any potential traps.

Tian Longmeng did not care anyways. It was better that he finished his own handiwork.

"I will kill you! Even if it is the last breath I draw, I will kill you!" Stringface was so intense that he drew a blade and began to swing at Tian Longmeng. Tian Longmeng, on the other hand, decided to test how strong his defensive capabilities were.

Shockingly, Tian Longmeng put his forearm in the way to defend the upcoming slash. Both Stringface and Redbeard were not expecting that this child would be so reckless as to give away his arm like that.

Stringface became delighted in the face of Tian Longmeng's stupidity. If Tian Longmeng was going to be arrogant like this then he might as well teach the child what the adult world is like before sending him King Yama's* way. "Well, if you are offering your hand, do not cry when I am rude."

With that, Stringface swung down like a cleaver chopping meat.

Stringface was going to be disappointed however because the blade did not even pierce Tian Longmeng's skin. There was only a grating sound like the sharpening of metals.

The bandits were completely frightened at how tough Tian Longmeng's body is. It was like they were looking at a monster in the flesh.

Stringface dropped his blade while involuntarily stepping back, trembling. "Why- why are you so- uh- who even- are you?"

As Stringface struggled to get words from his mouth, Tian Longmeng revealed a grin as he analyzed his hand.

"It seems that normal weapons cannot cut through my skin anymore." Tian Longmeng was quite right. This was because of his Body Strengthening cultivation making his physical body so powerful that it can even beat normal metals.

At this point, Tian Longmeng was even more elated to see how strong he would get when he reaches the Earthen Realm with Body Strengthening, or even both paths. Nevertheless, Tian Longmeng saw the night set in and decided that it was time he wrapped up things.

In a split second, Tian Longmeng was right beside Stringface and his fist was planted in Stringface's stomach. Stringface's eyes curled into his head and he dropped flat on the floor without even a whimper.

Tian Longmeng then attracted his attention to Redbeard and called out, "You, what is your name? You seem like the only sensible person."

Redbeard carefully observed Tian Longmeng before replying, "The name is Redbeard."

Tian Longmeng, looking thoughtful for a moment, responded, "Redbeard, such a robust name coming from a man with no beard. Anyways hand me my Hou Tiger skull back and I will let you go freely."

Redbeard was slightly irritated at Tian Longmeng's casual insult. Of course, he used to have a beard. It was not red or anything like that, but it was soaked in the blood of so many of his enemies that he earned the long-fought name: Redbeard.

Who would guess that he would casually encounter some noble in a tavern and out of some massive stroke of misfortune; would be captured and enslaved to be some entertainment for some noble's child.

Insulting his prideful name like that would have already set Redbeard over the edge; however, he learned very cruelly that in this world there is always a bigger fish. He might be strong amongst commoners but any noble or talented infant, like who is in front of him, could easily kill him.

"Here." Redbeard retrieved the Hou Tiger skull from his treasure bag and tossed it to Tian Longmeng.

"Well, I am not one to persist in causing trouble so I will be on my way." Tian Longmeng grabbed the Hou Tiger skull and placed it in his bag before leaving the scene with the egg.

Redbeard sighed and picked up the unconscious Stringface and tossed him over his shoulder. "To believe, we were the ones doing the robberies yet we got robbed. And by a child too. How laughable." With that, Redbeard also left the scene with Stringface and the broken pendant.

*Yama is the Chinese representation of the ruler of Hell or the underworld.