I Am Being Framed!

Dragon God's fate somewhat resembled Asura Tenka's, yet it was different. He at least had freedom and ended up as he did because of the mistakes that came from that very freedom and a moment of rage. But that poor girl was all alone, used as an object under the pretense of being a harmful being even though she was as kind as one can get under those circumstances. She was practically a devil with a mind of an angel at times.

If he found himself in her place, the Gods would be long gone if he ever broke free as she did when Asura Ryuu broke that seal. At this point in time, Dragon God was already wondering about how did the Tianmo* and Tianlong** tribe appear after his fall. What happened with the Divine Realm after he used the last bit of power to open up the space and escape with what was left of his Soul?

What happened with the residents of the original four realms? What about the foreign forces that came to join the plunder train? What about the war?

So many questions, but no answers. He knew the answer to only one question of them all. The one referring to The Realm of Gods - the leftovers of the once great Divine Realm. He knew everything that Asura Ryuu did, but he was very curious about Asura Ryuu's parents in The Realm of Gods. All the Gods who took care of him told Asura Ryuu that his parents went missing after his birth but even after searching for them for so long, Asura Ryuu didn't find any trace about either them or any information about his golden-colored blood.

The shattered Divine Golden Core a size of a thumb was still suspended in his Divine World together with the starry sphere that was a new form of the previous Celestial Tree, Asura Tenka's drop of Spiritual Blood as well as the Xu Ming's core that his current parents left behind before leaving.

They probably thought the core would be enough for Asura Ryuu and Asura Tenka to grow up to a certain level where they wouldn't need to depend on the power from it and left it behind for that reason, but how could they know what kind of monster their child will turn out to be.

Even Asura Ryuu wasn't aware of how irregular his existence is in this world because The Realm of Gods and The Celestial Realms differed in many things. What he knew from The Realm of Gods and Earth was enough to form an illusion that served overshadow his kind of scary existence.

By the time all of this happened, Asura Ryuu had already resolved himself and after checking his surroundings he slowly leaned into the chair and fell asleep - that's how the scene appeared in Asura Tenka's eyes, but the reality was slightly different.

As Asura Ryuu sank into the chair, it began rocking once again in a monotonous rhythm that somehow radiated a soothing feeling. That's why Asura Ryuu couldn't extract himself from the sensation and gradually indulged in that feeling.

The next moment he regained his consciousness, he was already floating above his sleeping body on a rocking chair. Taking a glance at his current form he realised what happened - the rocking chair stimulated his consciousness and his Soul left his body. His current form was the same as when he first awoke after merging with the Dragon God's memories and Micro Divine Plane - the Soul Form.

"Something's weird about that chair for sure." he thought.

Turning his floating body a bit and drifting off, he noticed Asura Tenka as she watched his sleeping body on a chair. His eyes flashed with a meaningful look and he called the Dragon God outside. Since they were in the Soul form, Asura Tenka couldn't see them in the outside world. If it was in Asura Ryuu's Divine World, then it would be different.

Asura Ryuu glanced at the Dragon God who was basically just a snake now and firmly suppressed his intention to laugh even though it was resisting hard, like a beast before death. He said in a somewhat weird tone of voice: "Look at what will happen now." while pointing in the direction of his body with his head and barely suppressing the laugh within him somehow. But it was already a failed thing because the Dragon God figured out what was going on.

Dragon God: "Don't hold back, even I find my current form laughable not to mention others. Compared with that magnificent form you've seen in my memories, this little snake is truly too laughable." Despite saying that, there was no change in emotion in the dragon's eyes that were staring at the place Asura Ryuu pointed.

He saw Asura Tenka leaning over and kissing Asura Ryuu's lips passionately and then leaning in his embrace and putting his hands around her waist.

Asura Ryuu's eyes showed surprise at the second part of what happened and when he realized what was happening, he muttered to himself: "I am being framed."

Dragon God looked at the scene and laughed, finding an opportunity to do what Asura Ryuu held back on doing. Asura Ryuu only smiled and shrugged but still felt a bit wronged: "If that little girl thinks I'm easy to bully then we'll see who has the last laugh, hehehe." His Soul Form shot back to his body and merged with it, but he didn't wake up. Dragon God continued watching the show with interest, wondering what will happen next.

Asura Ryuu's hands around her waist clenched slightly and then moved, which caused Asura Tenka to feel similar to how Asura Ryuu was feeling a moment ago. She thought he woke up and wanted to put her plan of framing him to work, but found that Asura Ryuu was still asleep with the same relaxed aura as before.

Asura Tenka thought to herself: "Unbelievable... This brat's actually behaving like this while sleeping!"

Asura Ryuu's hands didn't have eyes, so they didn't know where they went. Needless to say, Asura Tenka got embarrassed pretty quick and started squirming around with her body as if to shake off the evil hands that were roaming across it. But why would Asura Ryuu let such a beautiful chance go?

He embraced her a bit tighter, causing her squirming to stop and the only thing that left was her flushed face accompanied by the strong beating of her heart. She listened to her own heart and didn't dare move around anymore. The more she wriggled in his embrace, the tighter it got.

Asura Tenka: "It's basically like the quicksand... The more I resist, the harder his grasp! What is that boy dreaming of?"

At this moment, the corners of Asura Ryuu's mouth slightly twitched into an evil grin as his weak voice came out: "No-oh... we can't do that yet..."

Asura Tenka was stunned for a second, but the next second her face flushed red completely, all the way to the ears. She had an urge to break his hug open and run away but instead of doing that, she turned around in confusion and faced Asura Ryuu who gradually opened his eyes and saw her beet-red face. His expression was one of confusion at first but then morphed into a meaningful smile as his brows slightly lowered: "And what do we have here? What are you doing to this sleeping beauty? I'm not a princess, you know..."

Asura Tenka's heart was beating quickly, but she gave it her all to maintain a calm face even though it's beet red: "W-who? What are you saying? I don't understand."

Asura Ryuu grinned even more and said with hidden meaning: "We have a mischievous little thief here - who else could it be?"

Even before she could refute him, Asura Ryuu already sealed her lips and her rushed heartbeat gradually subsided.

Asura Tenka couldn't hear the Dragon God's laughter at that sequence of events, but Asura Ryuu could and even he chuckled silently a bit.

As soon as she was set free, Asura Tenka stood up and walked away without a word with somewhat hurried and unsteady steps, several times close to tripping.

Asura Ryuu sent her off with a satisfied smile of victory and returned to the previous pose, falling asleep once again as his soul left his body one more time. Just as it did, he spotted the shining radiance in the distance - it was the old man. Asura Ryuu pondered a bit and decided to see how the old man would react when he came back, so he and the Dragon God just floated in the air waiting for the old man to arrive.


*Tianmo -> Tian == Heaven, Mo == Devil => Heavenly Devil

**Tianlong -> Tian == Heaven, Long == Dragon => Heavenly Dragon