Little Abyss and Little Glutton

For now, Asura Tenka and Asura Ryuu gave up thinking about how painful the future for them will be and let go of that thought.

Asura Ryuu: "Umm..."

Looking at the two 'sisters', he didn't know how to address them so he was racking his brains to act like a little kid to the best of his ability.

Asura Ryuu: "B-big sisters... When will we go to academy?"

Xiao Lan looked at him with a teasing look in her eyes: "But you're already at the academy, Little Abyss."

Asura Ryuu's right eye twitched when he heard the 'Little Abyss'. What a nickname... Was it his fault that he needs a humongous amount of energy because of his blood!?

But at least he wasn't the only one suffering. He had eaten around fifty different fruits in the past hour while Asura Tenka ate slightly less than him. But she wasn't lagging behind much either.

The only difference was that the concentration of Spirit Energy in Asura Tenka's blood was ten times more than Asura Ryuu. The two 'sisters' gave the two kids nicknames and laughed to their heart's content while watching them consume all kinds of Spirit Fruits.

Asura Ryuu became Little Abyss.

Asura Tenka became Little Glutton.

At first, Lan Yao was worried for them because of the amount of Spirit Energy they ingested with that much Spirit Fruits, but when she heard the furious roars from their bellies repeatedly, she got used to it and decided to let go and not think about it anymore.

Half of the fruits around the place where they came were missing, eaten by the two little monsters. Both of them finally had happy expressions on their faces.

Asura Ryuu could feel the existence of faint Chaos Energy formed from fifty drops of Spirit Energy.

When Xiao Lan saw that Asura Ryuu literally devoured the Fiery Flame Fruit, she became more courageous and gave him even fiercer types of fruits. Asura Tenka also joined the eating contest with her brother, but the one suffering wasn't them but forest.

Asura Ryuu recalled the scenes from a moment ago and pretended to be angry because he was called Little Abyss. He realized that pouting would obviously have an opposite effect of the one he had to do if he wants the two 'sisters' to stop calling him that nickname, but considering he had to act as a little kid, he naturally had to sacrifice something. In this case, the sacrifice was his pride.

If the two sisters knew they are bullying the True God and the True Devil, who knows how they would react. To their luck, Asura Ryuu and Asura Tenka didn't want to flaunt their previous glory here or else they would have surely been promoted to the elders of the academy directly, if they didn't get killed before that.

Asura Ryuu: "That's not what I mean...", he said in a pitiful tone of voice.

Asura Tenka interjected: "When will we go to our class? Big Sister Lan Yao said that she wants to teach us all together!"

Lan Yao: "Hehe, are you that impatient to suffer? You know, the first few days will be purely knowledge but after that, what awaits you all is hell..."

Asura Ryuu murmured under his breath but intentionally made it barely understandable: "Hmph... even that's better than being bullied like this!"

Lan Yao and Xiao Lan glanced at each other and started laughing. The two beauties laughing like this exuded a special kind of charm that, if a grown male saw this scene, he'd surely fall for them or even get an illness called: "Simping". It's a very common illness that mostly targets males, but females aren't excluded either.

The illness has a single symptom, and it's easily recognizable - the one having it is called a Simp and they would give up everything for the attention of the targeted person. Be it family, friends, money, fame, they'd willingly give up everything merely for attention from that person, even if it's in vain.

However, the illness can sometimes turn into a heavier one called 'Crazed Obsession' when the ill person can't consciously control themselves anymore and gives up all reason. The illness is usually manifested because males want to impress females and catch their attention. At least, that's the most common way in which it manifests.

Asura Ryuu was sure that there would be some unfortunate fellas falling prey to this illness sometime in the future because of the two big beautiful sisters.

Xiao Lan shot a curious look at Asura Ryuu whose eyes were filled with complicated and mysterious light. But as soon as he felt her stop laughing, Asura Ryuu immediately entered 'cute-round-eyed-little-puppy baby' mode.

To make things worse, his handsome face enhanced this mode which made these two sisters marvel at his appearance almost every time they saw him.

Xiao Lan suddenly thought of how Asura Ryuu would look when he grows up. What will their relationship become then? Her mind flashed with various fantasies - after all, she was a female as well...

Little did Asura Ryuu know that the rules and morals of this world were far from being like on Earth. Especially regarding to love-related things.

Lan Yao didn't have the same thinking because there was a thing weighing on her mind that stopped her from thinking about her future and happiness, let alone love life. Would she be able to cross the last tribulation and ascend to immortals like her elder sister?

The question regarding her sister's life or death being unknown made her thirst for even more power, but she was afraid of the final tribulation because the last one almost took her life. If it wasn't for the treasure she used up and a special location when she broke through, Lan Yao would likely fall prey to Heavenly Tribulation Thunder. Especially because she had a Spirit Emblem related to Dragons.

At this moment, while Xiao Lan was still in a daze caused by her fantasies about her little master and her future, Lan Yao's eyes focused and glanced at two kids while smiling once again. She was imagining what kind of torture ... *COUGH* ... training to give these two resilient little rascals, and a strange smile appeared on her face. Her smile was radiating evil, but she didn't realize that.

Asura Ryuu and Asura Tenka saw that chill-inducing smile and shuddered. Asura Ryuu felt a source of warmth coming from his hand and noticed that Asura Tenka unconsciously took his hand.

At this moment, Lan Yao spoke;

Lan Yao: "Tomorrow. You have one day of rest after the ceremony and then the classes for all thousand people that were accepted would start."

Asura Ryuu: "Then, how big are the classes?"

Lan Yao: "Usually, the class comprises a hundred people, but this year your class will be an exception. It will host only the twenty four of you, for now. We want to see how talented you twenty four monsters would be. If it's successful, then you'll get lots of benefits from the Academy, but if you fail even a single test, your entire class will be cancelled any benefits, even the most basic ones."

Asura Ryuu: "Eeh? That strict?!"

Lan Yao: "Heh, what did you think? Even though we joke around with you all the time, our Academy produces talents for the Empire. How could Academy allow anyone to sully the name and prestige of previous fifty thousand years of its existence?"

Asura Ryuu: "F-fifty thousand years?! That's sooooo long!"

Asura Tenka's strangely toned voice expressed her awe: "W-wooow..."

Asura Ryuu immediately looked at Asura Tenka when he heard her childlike voice of awe. He knew that she started doing the same as him - acting like a true child. The corners of his mouth rose up, but he gave it his best to maintain a puppy-like face on the outside even though he was dying inside.

Asura Tenka's voice appeared in his mind: "Hmph! I know you want to laugh, Little Abyss. Go on, laugh."

Asura Ryuu immediately counterattacked: "Heh! Little Glutton, don't think I'll have mercy. Ahahahahaaha..."

While they were still munching some fruits, in the invisible space formed by their consciousness, the furious battle of words was going on.

Xiao Lan noticed something between the two because of her connection with Asura Ryuu and subconsciously looked at the white symbol that appeared on her forehead in the reflection of a small pond in front of her.

Lan Yao noticed the same symbol and didn't recognize it at first. However, when she realized that the symbol had no connection with Spirit Emblem but was instead Master-Slave Contract, her eyes filled with shock.

Lan Yao: "Y-you..."

Xiao Lan only now realized that Lan Yao could see the symbol as well and became embarrassed. Instead of panicking, she was embarrassed!

Nothing was needed to be said. Her reaction said it all.

Lan Yao thought: "This arrogant girl... she finally found someone?!"

She couldn't help but glance at Asura Ryuu and noticed the aura responding to the symbol on Xiao Lan's forehead. This little monster... he truly is a monster of a kind. He even got a Legendary Qilin as his own Spirit Beast!