Insight Into The History

The Asura siblings took a good half an hour to wake up from the dazed state, which surprised the two Elders. Even though they also had an enlightenment of some sort when they first came in contact with this peculiar aura, the feeling didn't linger for as long as it did with the two kids. At best, it was a fleeting feeling lasting a dozen seconds, unlike with the two monsters.

Once again, they were reminded of how heavy the title 'Children of Destiny' was. The difference between themselves and the two was that of a pond and a sea. Not to mention comparing themselves with these kids. The two girls even felt a bit dazed that the difference was so big. It's a hard thing to swallow, as Asura Ryuu experienced with the old man who took them in.

Speaking of the old man, where was he now? There were some similarities with that old man and Xun Feng. Maybe they are friends? Brothers? Who knows...

While he thought of the old man, Asura Ryuu's eyes opened. Within them, there was a special light reflecting profound understandings that accumulated during the short half an hour. Asura Ryuu gave it his all to feel the special energy that was referred to as 'Energy of Life', but it was all in vain. Even though his Divine World boosted his perception and all, his mind was still far too weak to harness the full potential of the Divine World.

The feeling was like having the entire world's money on your bank account, yet being able to spend only a three-digit sum at once. You could only buy things with a maximum value of $999 at once.

If there was something costing $1000, you couldn't buy it because you can only use $999 at once.

The most troublesome thing was that you couldn't simply use the credit card two times to spend up to $1998 and buy an item worth $1000.

The same applied with the Spirit Power absorbed from the Divine World and converted for his usage.

Currently, Asura Ryuu could only absorb energy from a single blade of grass within his Divine World, and only that amount boosted his perception several times. Anything more than that was inaccessible whether he wanted it or not.

Asura Ryuu needed a massive amount of Spirit Power to be able to understand the type of energy he just felt, and he is still far away from reaching that point.

After all, the two of them were reborn into new bodies. These bodies are still weak, even though they carry enormous potential with them. That's what being able to spend only 3-digit value while having an entire world's resources meant.

Asura Ryuu turned to the side and glanced at Asura Tenka, whose eyes just turned in his direction and the two pairs of eyes met. At the moment their eyes met, the surroundings quietened, as if every little blade of grass and every leaf on the trees paid respect to them. It was a magical scene that quite easily infected others.

Asura Ryuu reached out and grabbed Asura Tenka's hand, pulling her close, and the two behind immediately followed after them.

Passing the rather numerous amount of stairs was nothing for them, considering that they have Heavenly Dragon constitutions. In a certain sense, Asura Ryuu and Asura Tenka could even be considered half-human, half-beasts.

The human part refers to their minds while beast part refers to their bodies and constitution.

After passing the flight of stairs, before them was a large mural engraved on the wall. There were no doors, just this picture and the wall. The picture on the wall seemed to represent a war of some kind, judging from the creatures in it. There were various Demon Beasts, Humans and Spirits fighting with each other.

Asura Ryuu thought: "It seems this picture represents an ancient war, judging from the fact that the three races go together to the academy now. They should be the ones in this mural. I wonder what caused the three races to let go of the past grudges."

Xiao Lan's enchanting voice resounded from behind: "Three-Disaster Ancient War".

Asura Ryuu turned around and glanced at her with an inquiring look on his face, obviously expecting the explanation for the words that Xiao Lan just uttered.

Xiao Lan naturally understood what he wanted, but she actually didn't explain anything and just said: "You will learn about it at class, let's go inside. The principal won't wait for us."

Asura Ryuu looked at the stone picture and still couldn't wrap his head around how would they enter the building - after all, there were no doors.

Xiao Lan snapped her fingers, and a blue shiny thing appeared in her hands. It was an emblem.

The emblem in the shape of her original form - the one of a Qilin. When the emblem appeared, blue light surged out of it and wrapped all four of them. The next instant, the light flashed, and a passage appeared through the picture. The passage actually appeared because the space was twisted and formed a tunnel through it.

Asura Ryuu was genuinely surprised that almost everything he saw at the academy operated with space. Even the residence he was in before was inside a little sub-spatial world. He was really curious as to what happened for the entire academy to have something related to space.

As far as Asura Ryuu knew, only the Immortals and Gods had access to the laws of nature. Someone who made the entire academy based on spatial law was either really proficient in it or was someone who broke through the limit of this world but didn't ascend. But then again, this were only his conjectures - whether it was really like that or not, he didn't know.

He recalled the statue that was used to test their Spirit Energy when they awakened and remembered a huge sword on the statue's back.

Asura Ryuu thought: "Someone who swings a two-meter block of metal shouldn't be proficient in spatial laws... Then that means the founder of the academy wasn't the one who set up these arrays. Could it be... Xun Feng? But it didn't seem like he understands spatial laws either... but I may be wrong. In any case, let's wait and see."

After passing through the tunnel, what greeted the four was a vast hallway full of murals and portraits of important people for this Academy and the Empire. All heroes known throughout the world were in this big hallway.

The murals seemingly represented another event, showing the nine stars and nine different groups of people staring at the sky.

Lan Yao uttered at this time: "Nine-Star Heavenly Relegation."

Asura Ryuu only remembered the name without expecting any kind of explanation, but was pleasantly surprised to find out that Lan Yao actually continued on with the explanation of the mural.

Lan Yao: "Once every nine years, when the nine stars reach their corresponding positions, the Nine-Star Heavenly Relegation will happen. The entire Nine-Point Star Realm will be enveloped in nine-colored lightning and the level of Spirit Energy will rise several times. Demon Beasts like this period the most. It lasts for nine days and then everything returns to normal."

Asura Ryuu: "Nine-Point Star Realm?"

Lan Yao: "That's the name of the star we all are living on."

Asura Ryuu thought to himself: "We are living on a star? Do they refer to planets as stars? It's quite possible..."

Asura Ryuu asked: "Then when is the next Nine-Star Heavenly Relegation?"

Lan Yao looked at him with some pain in her eyes when she heard that question. Asura Ryuu didn't know that her sister disappeared in the last Nine-Star Heavenly Relegation, hence why her expression was sad.

Lan Yao: "It happened six years ago. The next time it happens will be in three years. During that time you must give it your all to gather the Spirit Energy. Remember what I told you!"

Asura Ryuu started pondering once again: "Six years ago? Wait, isn't that when..."

Asura Ryuu: "Interesting."