
"Well *cough cough* um that was before when I agreed with Yu that you shouldn't be close to boys but now i'm old and I want to see both of my children get married" Li Wei said

"Ok dad...but anyways let's just continue eating" Ying said

After the lunch -

"Bye dad!"

"Bye Xiao Ying"

At the entrance of the restaurant, Old Zhou, was waiting for her already

"Take me back to office please"

"Ok child"

Skip to the morning of Wednesday (May, 20XX) -

"Hmmm what to wear…" Yang was murmuring 'I want Ying to like me back, hmm and as of now I at least want to impress her'

Yang then remembered something back in high school… (senior year for Yang, the day before graduation, and Ying was in sophmore year)


"Brother Yang!" Ying yelled when she saw Wang Yang across the hall

Yang turned around and walked over to Ying

"Yes Xiao Ying?"

"Brother Yang, I have a gift for you since you want to be a businessman, I got you a gift to wear when you're in the office!"

Yang raised an eyebrow and said "can I see it then?"

"Of course, here you go!"

Ying continued, "and the best part is I helped design it!"

"Really? Then I love it!" Yang said happily

Ying pouted, "but you haven't even looked at it yet!"

Yang opened the black box and saw it was a pair of silver cufflinks with a blue diamond in the center of each one

"Wow, I love it Xiao Ying! I'll definitely wear it!" Yang said genuinely happy because his Xiao Ying helped design and gift this to him

*end of flashback*

Yang remembered while his eyes were showing rare tenderness and sadness

'Hmm I should have those cufflinks somewhere in my safe'

Yang walks to his walk-in closet and goes to the wall where a picture of him and Ying from a while back was there. He gets the edge of the painting and pulls it to reveal a wall safe behind the painting

'0512' Yang remembers as he puts in the code, and while doing so he remembers that their (Yang and Ying) would be anniversary would have been today

"Ying, I know I hurt you, but I hope we can be back together, even if we do not, I will be your greatest friend protecting you in the shadows and keep my promise to never make you sad." Yang said with hints of sorrow

At Ying's place -

"Hmmm what to wear?" Ying was in her pj's, which consists of a white tee with baby blue shorts, thinking when her phone rung

"Hello?" because it was her work phone she maintained her usual (almost cold) neutral business voice

"Ma'am today just as a reminder that you have a meeting with Wang Enterprise and their CEO will also be attending." Yan said

"OK" Ying said and then waited to see if she had any other schedule planned

"Ms.Li, you don't have anything until 6 pm. At 6 I was informed that your family requested to have a family dinner with you attended at any cost" Yan told her

"OK," Ying said, then hung up.

After the call Ying starts picking an outfit for the day and subconsciously tries to look for good clothes to make herself look the best for Yang. She ended up choosing a white blouse and a navy blue pencil skirt that was a little above her knees. She then chose a pair of sapphire earrings she found in her jewelry case that was long forgotten until now but…


[this is a few days after Yang graduated and Ying was packing up her dorm for the summer (A/N: because I want to, their high school is a boarding school so that's why she has a dorm in high school) ]

"Why Yang why?!?!" younger Ying (in high school sophomore year)

"Ying, I can't tell you, but remember I love you, it's just I can't be with you." Yang said with an emotionless face but his eyes gave away the pain,sadness, and love away.

"But, but, what is it that's so bad that you can't be with me!" Ying screamed in her dorm at Yang

"Do you not love me anymore???" Ying continued with tears down her face

"No no Xiao Ying, of course I love you" Yang said while going to hug her which Ying rejected. Seeing this Yang was hurt but didn't show thinking 'I deserve this' mocking to himself for hurting his beloved

"It's just something that is happening and I can't talk about it but I can't get you involved. Please Xiao Ying, if and when we can get back together, I will tell you, just believe me ok?" Yang carefully explained without giving away anything but at the same time to not hurt her any further as he knows how much she loves him as he loves her

"I will believe you to the point that you are doing this for a valid reason but I don't want to see you again for now. Up until we become business partners I would like to not see you. This pain hurts and seeing you would only worsen it. Please if you love me and doing this for a good reason don't show up until I make my own business or take over my family business" Ying said while making sure her tears were gone

(A/N note again: at this time it was unsure whether Yu, the heir to Li Empire at the time, was going on with his plan of making his own business or taking over Li Empire)

"..." Yang was startled at this, and was hurt but knew it was his own fault for hurting her to the extent that she did not want to see him. After a few second which seemed like hours to Ying he said "Ok, if that is what you want"

"Please leave" Ying said with a stone cold face but her eyes betrayed her showing her pain to Yang

"Goodbye Xiao Ying, I love you and take care" after that, Yang left

*end of flashback*

"Yang, you kept your promise and I'm grateful. Now I've fully forgiven you and I hope one day you'll tell me why you hurt my fragile heart so much that i've turned merciless to my enemies." Ying said while holding the sapphire earring pair which was one of the last gifts Yang gave Ying.

Ying laughed, almost in mockery, while thinking 'thank god Yu and dad didn't know about our relationship and only though someone bullied me that day otherwise Yang would be dead

A lone tear made its way down her face which was flawless even without make-up.

'Sigh, let's just finish getting ready so I won't be late for work. I've never been late to work since I've become CEO and I won't let my past affect my work now' After the little talk in her head, Ying finish getting ready and left for her office after she ate some toast.