Bullying Poor Feng

Xiu Ying and Yan arrived at her (Xiu Ying's) office and once they got in Xiu Ying said, "call in Feng for me"

"Ok Ms.Li" Yan replied while leaving to go to fetch (Lin) Feng from his office which was next to Xiu Ying's office

- not even 80 seconds later -

"Hey Ying, what's up?" Feng asked as he walked in and sat on the sofa in Xiu Ying's office

" *sigh* Feng, you do realize even though we are friends you should be professional in work hours?" Xiu Ying deadpanned with an arched brow

"Oh okay, sorry Ms.CEO" Feng said with a teasing grin knowing full well Xiu Ying disliked the title 'CEO/CEO Li' since it was often used for her father and brother. Although they aren't the closest, they are close enough for Feng to be comfortable with Xiu Ying and to share things with her and vice versa.

"Ugh whatever, can you just call Chen? I would, but I just don't feel like pulling out my phone and if I'm disturbing him, now it will be on you since you called" Xiu Ying said to Feng

"W-what?! You want me to call him even though you know I could be disturbing him?! Why can't you just call him?!" Feng called out and had the face as if he was a victim and Xiu Ying was bullying him so much that he wants to cry

"hm well I was but then you called me Ms.CEO so I don't want to anymore" Xiu Ying said with zero guilt on her face

"How can you be so cruel and petty?!?! And I bet you were still going to make me call him regardless!" Feng said with imaginary tears

"Mm true, oh well, now I have more of a valid reason. Go on, call him" Xiu Ying said, waving at him to pull out his phone to call his younger brother (by a year). Even so, Feng and Chen are completely different. Feng is more outgoing, warm, friendly basically like the boy next door who would always help you whereas his brother is cold, emotionless, and would rather pretend things don't happen and would only help or give favors to those close to him. He also hates getting disturbed and even though he would only scold Xiu Ying lightly were as to his brother he would scold him harshly and Xiu Ying knew it too.

[A/N: btw if you're confused, Lin Feng is 27, and both Xiu Ying and Lin Chen are 26 although Chen is a month older]

'Gulps' Feng prepares his ears for an earful while getting out his phone to call his younger brother while silently hoping he isn't working but judging how much Chen wishes to always help Xiu Ying as a way to pay back for everything Xiu Ying has helped him with (such as when he was bullied as in uni, she was emotionless and sometimes even cold but she was beautiful without a doubt, had an outstanding background and with a smart brain thus gaining the nickname 'cold beauty' whereas Chen was a computer nerd and although he was handsome in his own way, he would always have these glasses and wouldn't dress that well always having jeans and a black t-shirt thus making him a target to many and in the past, Xiu Ying would defend him and later the two became friends and even with minimal communication, still remained good friends)

'Beep beep beep' was the only thing heard in the quiet room while both waits for Chen to pick up

"Why are you disturbing me??" Chen's cold voice resounded the room (the phones on speaker) and without a greeting, he went straight in asking why his time is getting disturbed as you can hear the clicking from a keyboard be heard

"Haha little bro!" Feng said and if you listen, you can hear the nervousness in his voice. Although Feng is older, Chen was always more reserved and mature thus at times it makes it seem Chen is the older one and even in person, they are around the same height and both are lean as well so if you didn't know their ages, you could have mistaken Chen as the older one by his cold face versus Feng's warm one.

[A/N: if you're confused because previously I did say in uni, Chen was more a nerd style, he changed as he grew older!]

"Cut the chase, what do you want?" Chen said irritated because he was trying to help his Xiao Ying about her company problem

"Dear younger brother, sometimes I wonder who is the older one? And where did you even get your cold self? No one in our family is that cold" Feng said really questioning

"Just cut the chase and tell me what you want or I am ending this call" Chen scoffed and said

"Fine fine, for your information, your Xiao Ying wanted to talk with you" Feng said hurt that Chen treats Xiu Ying differently when he is disturbed but regardless it's his younger brother and it seems today he didn't blow up at his so he is a little happy, but only a little because he still was scolded heavily just in fewer words this time

"Oh, Xiao Ying wants to talk to me? Why didn't you say so? Pass the phone to her then." Chen said calmly although if you listen really closely, you can hear the happiness

Feng mumbles 'so unfair' while sulking and said "You're on speaker so she can hear you"

"Oh, hey Xiao Ying, what do you need? And why didn't you call me on your phone?" Chen said calmly

"Hey Chen, well I have two reasons, one I left my personal phone home and I didn't want to use my business one since I forgot to give it to you and two, my VP also known as your older brother called me Ms.CEO so I wanted him to get scold without me having to use my voice a lot on him" Xiu Ying said as if its a daily occurrence to bully Feng

"Oh that's why, well it's good you didn't use your voice on him" Chen said and although you can't pick it up right away, you can tell he is doting towards Xiu Ying because he treats her as her younger sister and he adores her so he obviously would do small things that show his warm and doting behavior to Xiu Ying

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