Bad Mood

"Xiao Ying, how is the company? And is the transaction with Wang Enterprise a success?" Li Wei couldn't resist himself and asked

"Mm the company is improving more with passing days, and yes the project with Wang Enterprise was a success and so far we are earning profits from it" Xiu Ying replied

Li Wei just hummed in replied and started eating again

The atmosphere was jolly with the whole family being here

- morning at Yang's villa -

Yang woke up in a bad mode as he had a dream (a nightmare for him) that his beloved Ying was in another man's arm and kissing each other which then, in turn, made him extra grumpy in the morning. Luckily (or maybe unlucky for the housekeeper) there is only one worker which was the housekeeper but unluckily for him, it was one of the days he came to work as the housekeeper came every other day to clean the house and make breakfast for Yang so he had to incur Yang's wrath today

Yang got up from his bed with a deep scowl on his face, grumpily went to take a shower, got dressed in his navy blue suit, and went downstairs after wearing a watch that Xiu Ying gifted him on their one month anniversary.

"Hello boss!" Housekeeper Jin said not noticing his boss's scowl yet as he only heard his boss's footsteps as he bowed towards him

"Shut up" Yang growled out as he was super pissed by his dream (*cough cough* I mean nightmare hehe)

"Y-yes boss" Housekeeper Jin said scared as he knew if he made one wrong move his boss will direct all his anger onto him and he didn't want to incur his boss's wrath '*cries* boss why are you so mad and grumpy so early in the morning'

Yang went to the dining table and sat done to eat breakfast before going to the office

[A/N: i'm sorry for always interrupting the story but guess how many people are gonna be crying because of Yang's mood ;) anyways back to the story]

- at Yang's office -

Yang was walking into his building (headquarters) and the aura around him, you can feel him being annoyed, mad, and grumpy. Some thought 'whoever was the brave/stupid person to upset him, may they rest in peace' some thought he lost a deal but everyone knew they were going to suffer unless someone is able to make him happy which no one knew who as they knew no one, not even Old Master Wang can make him less mad.

Yang went to his private elevator which only he, his assistant, his secretaries, VP, and close family and friends have access cards to his floor

When Yang reached his office floor, everyone felt his dark aura around him as he went into his office while half yelling

"Assistant Wu come here!"

"Y-y-yes CEO Wang" poor assistant Wu said trembling as he can feel his boss's anger

Yes, although it was only a dream and not reality, and yes although he said he will pursue Xiu Ying, he is feeling insecure. Yes, the almighty, strategist who was always confident was feeling insecure as she went through 2 heartbreaks and he did not know if she was willing to open up her heart again for the third time.

Humans always feel insecure for any reason, whether it was because they wanted to secure a deal, have their love recuperated, if they pass the test, etc. Even the strongest people will have a weakness or an insecurity as at the end of the day we are all humans and even the strongest people could be also the weakest.

Back at Yang's office, he was really upset and anxious that Xiu Ying won't recuperate his love for her and end up not getting his love back

*knock knock knock* assistant Wu knocked not daring to come inside the devil's room

"Come in" came Yang's cold voice

"Sir do you need anything?" assistant Wu asked, his voice being weak as he was scared

"Make me a black coffee with nothing else and have the head directors of every department make a report on how each of their departments are doing in an hour and have the meeting in the meeting room on the 50th floor, go!" Yang almost screamed the last part

'Poor directors' Assistant Wu thought as making a report on the whole department in an hour plus making it good without angering Yang was next to impossible unless they were already prepared to make one

- five minutes later -

Assistant Wu came back with the black coffee that was warm to Yang's liking

Just then a thought popped into his head 'if all the directors start crying, and worse comes to worst, I will try and call CEO Li to reduce boss's anger as she seems to be someone special to him since he never investigates a woman and especially it seems so as he said "investigate what happened to Li Xiu Ying AFTER I left her" so it seems they have history together. Either way, I will call CEO Li if anything gets out of hands and directors and their assistant are scared shitless/crying' Assistant Wu nodded afterward satisfied with his conclusion

- one hour later -

Assistant Wu knocked on Yang's door and when he heard him say "come in" he went in and said "sir everyone has arrived at the meeting room" Yang only hummed in reply and got up, put back his suit jacket on and walked to the door. They got into the elevator and headed to floor 50 for the surprise check-in meeting on all departments

Once they arrived in the meeting room, everyone stood up and bowed to Yang and said

"Good Morning President Wang!"

Yang just nodded, sat down, and said with his powerful voice full of command, "sit down, meeting has started!"

Assistant Wu sat behind him and noted down what's happening in the meeting and had his phone in his suit pocket in case he needed to call someone (*cough cough* Xiu Ying) or gets an important message


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