The Beauty of Nature

The beating of my hard sole shoes against firm stone is euphonious with the chirping of the high soaring beings that roam the sky. I stop before the zebra crossing; a luscious savannah awaits me. The crossing bellows at me, calling me, begging me. I give in to its request and enter its domain. The gust of the Amazon roars as I trek through the trail into an unknown land. With every step the land morphs, from the beautiful browns of the mountains to the deep dark green of the jungle. The stones from the cold gravel ground kick up as my hard soles dig into the ground. The light from the risen midday sun shines shines onto the pebbles, reflecting onto the heavenly landscape.

Whilst in awe, I accidently nudge the person walking in front of me. They stumble forward, then down onto the cold concrete. A swoosh slices through the blessed aerial blue. Mechanical crunch ruptures the air, grinding against my ear drums. A swoosh which blew away the beauty of nature for a few too many seconds... I look down to see an elongated beast, blood oozing out from under its belly, it had swallowed the person in its entirety! It stares me dead in the eye and my soul shivers. An intimidating aura wafts out from it; when the putrid air enters my lungs it is forced back out. A faintness begins to run through my body, causing me to lose balance. My hand flings out, grapples against the cliff face beside me, and eventually embraces the sheer cold that it delivers to my fingertips.

"Boy! Are you alright?" the man cries out. I reply with concerned but relieved nod. He looks at me into eyes with a grin.

"I see the beast has been let loose again,'' he states in a stern yet curious voice. I reply with yet another nod. A grin spreads from cheek to cheek on his chiseled face. "Lucky you survived, it could have been fatal. These seem to be happening more frequently as of late". I nod again in yet another confirmation of his statement.

"Well, you must go to the overseer and report this," the man giddily cries out whilst pointing to his left, before being whisked away back into paradise.

"He must have been referring to me,'' states another in a lively mutter. A being whose gleaming stone-cold eyes glared straight through me. "I am the overseer, I see you are in a bit of a concerning situation here. Might you come with me and explain what happened here." We began to move together, step by step in harmony.

"You must be wondering why this has occurred, well to summarise, nature punishes those who go against it. The beast is merely the messenger of its will." The statement makes my stomach churn. What does he mean? Why is nature punishing us? Nature wouldn't make us suffer, would it?

"Nature does not tolerate those who are against it. It will bring justice against the evils of the world. Surely, this it is true justice is it not?" The overseer stops at look at me, head tilted slightly, expecting an answer. Instinctively, slowly I shake my head.

The overseer's calm face turns grim, their mechanical smile dissolves and distorts into an unfathomable expression. "Must I have to carry out such justice on you? I would be more than happy too. After it is natural selection, those who resist will be thrown aside and left extinction of the conscious. Exactly apart of our founding principle of our great Darwin, with a little change here and there everything becomes greater. The primitive nature has been changed over time in the same way into the glorious being it now. The new and improved nature, one that will lead the world until its glorious end!"

Would angels really injure me with that vile beast? The tingles of joy that once had run from my fingertips to the tips of my toes has fade away. The vibrant jungle green has dwindled away, replaced by a dull grey. The once beloved trees seem now merely plastered on high-rising stone mountains. The grey diffuses out into the rest of the landscape, the darkness choking the once divine light. A great sadness overcomes me. Have we been forsaken? Have you forsaken us? Have we forsaken you?

"Best watch where you walk, young one," the overseer states forebodingly before walking away in a casual manner. He whispers as he retreats, "I must report this to the mother". In the distance I can see him waving, his demeaning manner disgraces my soul.

A swoosh slices through the aerial blue, followed by a loud crunch.