Final Breath

Nezuko clenched her hands, turned to look at Hiroto, and said, "It's worth a try. My brother did everything he could to turn me back into a Human. He risked his life and bore all responsibility himself…"

"Let's do it," Shinobu said as she limped forward with Kanao's support. "I helped study the medicine before when creating the poison for Muzan. And the results are visible right here in front of you." Shinobu gestured towards Nezuko.

"What's the point in talking about it?" Mitsuri's voice came from the side. Her eyes were red from crying when seeing how many Hashira's and Demon Slayers died while fighting against Muzan.

"Muzan is dead, we should be doing all that we can to save Hiroto." Mitsuri pleaded to the other with a firm gaze.

As everyone was standing around and not moving, Kanao made her move. She propped Shinobu up and rushed forward, grabbing the Medicine from Nezuko's arm and rushing towards Hiroto in a flash.

"Wait! It's still dangerous!!" Giyu cried out holding what remained of his missing arm.

Having sensed something, Hiroto who was in a catatonic state swiveled his head around and glared at Kanao charging towards him. With his left arm, he scratched deeply into his arm, leaking blood onto his hands and punched outwards, sending the blood flying.

As the blood drew an arc in the air, it ignited, creating a wall of fire in front of him and preventing Kanao from coming closer.

'Breath of Wind, Seventh Form: Gale - Sudden gusts'

Sanemi leaped into the air and swung his blade down, which generated gale-force winds, causing the fire to be swept away, extinguishing it.

"Don't say anything, just go!" Sanemi shouted as he collapsed onto the ground, losing all strength in his body.

Using this chance, Kanao charged forward as Hiroto was now standing in front of her with a bonelike sword, Crimson and Amethyst colored.

Hiroto then swung his sword downwards towards her, cutting through the air and earth with one swing.

'Breath of Flames, First Form: Unknowing Fire'

Rengoku suddenly dashed out towards Hiroto at high speed, intercepting the slash before it reached Kanao with a resounding crash, causing him to be sent backward from the force behind it.

Getting closer, Kanao focused the blood and oxygen circulation in her body and used a technique that raised her kinetic vision to its maximum.

'Breath of Flower, Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye'

Kanao's perception of the world slowed down, as everything around here seemed to be moving in slow motion. Her eyes turned to a dark color in the process. The strain on her eyes increased with each passing second.

As Hiroto swung his sword towards her, Kanao was able to duck under the swing when it was inches away from cutting her. Getting close to Hiroto, she thrust the medical injection towards his neck.

The medicine then started to seep into Hiroto's body, flowing through him as Kanao backed off just as he was about to crush her.

"Graahh!!" Hiroto cried out as he felt a burning sensation throughout his entire body, as though the cells polluted by Muzan's blood were being purged.


Back within the mindscape, the battle between Hiroto's consciousness and the Demon was fierce, leaving large gaping holes and slashes within the ground.

Both sides kept using the full Breath of the Sun techniques against each other, always remaining in a deadlock, that was until the Demon suddenly stopped his footsteps and hunched over on the ground in pain.

"Arggghhh!! Those damn Humans!" The Demon cried out, as he felt himself slowly feeling empty inside his very being.

'Something must have happened outside.' Hiroto said as he rushed over using Flash Dance as quick as possible to finish him off.

"Like hell, I'd let you!" The Demon cried out as he thrust both of his arms into the ground, using the blood that littered the ground to all ignite, resulting in a sea of flames flying towards Hiroto.

Hiroto narrowed his eyes and changed his breathing pattern.

'Breath of Water and Breath of the Sun, Combined Form: Perfect Equilibrium'

Hiroto's body was swarmed by the sea of flames but then re-emerged as his body seemed to be in a constant state of change. Each time he breathed, he could feel both the hot and cold air, helping him to easily navigate through the flames and arrive towards the Demon.

With one last attempt, the Demon cried out, "You won't kill me! I won't let you."

Jumping up, the Demon wielded his sword and charged towards Hiroto, using the fire around him as stepping stones, as though they had a physical state.

On the left was the original Hiroto, with his Hashira flame markings lined from the right side of his forehead, all the way down to his right arm.

Opposite of him was Hiroto's Demon form, eyes dilated like a Demons, long and sharp fangs with razor-sharp teeth, with Demon markings that looked like flames covering his face.

Time seemed to stop as the two charged at each other, both disappearing from view, only to reappear behind each other moments later, both maintaining the same pose.


"Y...You…" Not being able to speak properly, Hiroto's lookalike's neck slowly bled out, as a clean line slowly emerged. The bone sword in his hand shattered into thousands of tiny pieces, scattering into the wind.

Standing upright, both Hiroto and the Demon turned to each other and just stared silently, not needing words to communicate with one another.

With a look of defeat, the Demon's eyes slowly changed back to its original human shape, staring up at the blood-filled sky as it slowly changed to a bright and sunny sky.

His body slowly started to disintegrate one by one, becoming one with the mindscape. Taking one last look at Hiroto, the Demon spoke up, "Take care of Nezuko and Tanjiro."

Hiroto didn't say anything, giving his silent agreement. Closing his eyes, the Demon disappeared completely, causing Hiroto to blackout.



Breathing roughly, Hiroto's eyes were unfocused, as he stumbled around on the ground and fell forward, only to be caught by a pair of arms.

Feeling himself in someone's grasp, Hiroto looked down tiredly and saw the face of Nezuko, smiling as tears of joy streamed down her face.

"N...Nezuko?" Hiroto muttered, trying to lift his hand up but didn't have the strength to.

"Brother!" Nezuko cried out in joy and buried her head in Hiroto's chest and wept.

"Brother!" Tanjiro's cry came from the side as he ran forward to join his brother and sister in a hug, finally having his family back once more.

"He's baaaaacck!! It's Hiroto!!" Everyone shouted in joy, celebrating.

Hiroto looked up from the two and saw hundreds of faces celebrating with a smile of relief and joy. Knowing what happened, Hiroto spoke up.

"Sorry. Did I…" Hiroto spoke up but stopped as he thought of what he could've done.

"No, you didn't kill anyone," Giyu spoke up, breathing out a breath of relief as the tension in his body gave out.

"Your attacks… were nothing…" Inosuke spoke up as his body shivered, crying out of his mask.

"You… That was the scariest thing I've ever faced in my entire life." Zenitsu spoke up as he slumped on the ground

"Hahaha, Hiroto my boy, you gave us quite the scare." Rengoku laughed, trying to hide his past nervousness.

"That was the most fabulous thing I've ever witnessed… Well, second to me." Uzui said with a laugh, but then clenched the side of his body in pain.

"Good job on coming back to us." Muichiro smiled and gave a nod as he had his arm tended to.

"We were close to just killing you, but was convinced otherwise," Sanemi said as he laid on the ground with the corner of his lips curled, nodding towards Kanao and Shinobu, who were watching Hiroto.

Hiroto nodded, and then looked down at his body which had some leftover scars from his fight against Muzan. "Does anyone have a spare shirt for me to use?"

Without waiting to reply, Uzui threw a shirt towards him. Thanking him, Hiroto wore his spare shirt and looked towards Kanao and Shinobu.

Hiroto smiled and walked forward, stopping Nezuko and Tanjiro from helping him walk towards them. "Look after Tanjiro first, Nezuko. He's still hurt from before." Hiroto glanced at Tanjiro's missing arm.

Nezuko nodded obediently and took Tanjiro to where the others were being tended to. Hiroto walked up to Kanao and Shinobu and said, "He- Ow."

Before he could finish talking, Kanao rushed forward and hugged him. Groaning in pain a bit, Kanao panicked and said, "S-Sorry!"

Hiroto shook his head and said, "I'm alright, just a bit sore." He then proceeded to hug her and whispered in her ear, "Thank you."

Blushing, Kanao buried her head into Hiroto's chest and nodded silently. Then, Kanao looked up at Hiroto and used her eye to silently gesture towards Shinobu on the side.

Hiroto gave a knowing smile and separated from her, walking towards Shinobu. Shinobu smiled and said, "I'm glad yo-"

Hiroto ignored her and hugged her, causing Shinobu to freeze on her spot for a moment, before a smile bloomed on her face, wrapping her arms around Hiroto.

Hiroto then spoke up, "Sorry, I broke your monocle."

Shinobu gave a chuckled and said, "I'll punish you later for it, but seeing that you killed Muzan and saved me, I'll overlook it this one time."

*cough cough*

"Ahem." From the side, the heir of the Ubuyashiki family, Kiriya lightly coughed, causing both Hiroto and Shinobu to blush as they quickly separated.

Kiriya smiled and said, "I'm sincerely happy that you've recovered, turning back to a Human."

"Thank you, Ubuyashiki-Sama," Hiroto said, bowing towards him.

"No no, Hiroto, we should be the one thanking you," Kiriya said, stopping Hiroto from bowing. "In the end, we managed to take down Muzan. Without your help, it might not have been a reality."

Hiroto didn't say anything else and just nodded, but then saw Mitsuri off to the side in a sad state. Hiroto walked towards her. Hearing footsteps near her, Mitsuri looked up and saw Hiroto smiling gently at her.

Biting her lip, she jumped towards Hiroto and started to cry loudly in his arms. "Waaahhh. So many people died today. Himejima and Iguro, they, they…" Mitsuri kept stuttering as she cried on and on.

Hiroto stroked her head and said, "I know… They gave their lives so others won't have to. But it's over now. No one will have to go through what we did. People won't die because of Demon's or become them in the future anymore. It's finally over."

Mitsuri didn't say anything and kept crying before she lost strength and fatigue kicked her, causing her to get quieter and quieter until she fell asleep.

"I'll look after her," Shinobu said walking over. Hiroto nodded, passing Mitsuri on to Shinobu's care.

Hiroto stood up and looked around the destroyed street they were in. Seeing people smiling in joy and relief, crying in sorrow and grief. People were being tended by the Kakushi, helping with the fallen and coordinating with each other for the aftermath of the battle.

That was when Yushiro's voice came from the building directly behind Hiroto. "I knew you wouldn't die."

Hiroto looked up into the sky and replied, "Yeah… Tamayo would've been proud of you."

"... Thank you." Yushiro replied, as Hiroto nodded and walked away from the building to rejoin the others.

"The final battle is finally over. A new chapter opens for us." Hiroto said silently, watching Tanjiro and Nezuko chatting with each other happily.

"Brother!" The two shouted towards Hiroto.

Hiroto laughed and went to the two, saying, "We did it. I'm proud of you both, for persevering with me, helping me to avenge our family. And finally turning Nezuko back."

The two then hugged Hiroto and Nezuko said, "I should thank you two. Without you, I might not have-"

"That's enough of that." Hiroto interrupted, continuing, "Let's just be happy that we're finally back together. Father, Mother, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta are smiling down at us."

The two nodded, and Hiroto said, "Let's go home after things have settled down."