#Go back to the apartment / Chapter134

Chapter (134)


"Ah yes Sunny, this is the shop! Let's just go in, and have a look!" Leni Ruo replied, who invited Sunny to enter the shoe shop.

"Yes, come on aunt .." Sunny replied who agreed.

Then the two of them started to enter the shoe shop they were going to.

"Welcome, happy shopping!" Exclaimed the employee at the shoe shop, who welcomed the shop guests.

Sunny, and Leni Ruo just smiled back and kept walking into the shop, then started looking for the shoes they wanted to find. They both headed to a shelf that contained collections of Jimmy Choo brand flat shoes. Then a shop employee approached the two of them, then started asking questions.

"Please be a picky sister! Can I help you?" Said a shop employee who offered his help.

"Ah, coincidence! I want to find the latest flat shoes this month from the Jimmy Choo brand, is there?" Sunny replied to the shop employee, holding the shoes she saw.