
The ritual of the zodiac selection has begun and the Olympians have begun selecting individuals for the next generation. A young man named Leonidas is chosen to be the next Leo by the god of the underworld; Hades.

"Who are you?"

"I am the immortal Hades, I am here to present an opportunity to you, young Lionel. Living in an orphanage for years has brought you nothing but suffering. I can grant you power, power to leave this town and live a life of glory."

Lionel: A life of glory?

Hades: Do you wish to become a legendary hero?

Lionel: Yes, I wish to get stronger

(Hades smirks)

"So be it.... You are no a zodiac!!!!"

From that day fourth Lionel was mentored by Hades to become a zodiac. A few months of combat training has increased Lionel's speed and power. But his aggressive manner towards other's at school is still a work in progress. His best friend's Sophia and Elaina always come to reel him in.

"Sorry guys"

Elaina: Sorry is not gonna cut it. You need to learn to control your emotions

Sophia: Typical Lionel, ready to roar like a lion (Lionel blushes)

"Thanks Sophia "

Elaina: That wasn't a compliment

Lionel's love for Sophia grows everyday. Almost to the point where it begins to hinder Leo's growth as a hero. Hades takes note of it and offers a new task for Lionel.

"I have a new task for you"

"What is it?"

Hades: In order for a hero to reach his full potential he must let go of all ties from his past, relinquish any burdens that remain in his heart

Lionel: You want me to...

Hades: Severe the bond you have with that girl

(Lionel's heart drops)

"But why? It makes no sense to me"

Hades: Do it by nightfall and we shall continue your training

Lionel is tasked to kill Sophia but comes up with plan to protect her. Lionel visit's Sophia at her house.

Sophia: Oh hey Lionel, what's up?

Lionel: Nothing, just figured I stop by

Sophia: Well your just in time for dinner

The two indulge in a feast, Lionel is entranced by Sophia's cooking but also is reminded of the daunting task.

"Would you like a drink, Lionel?"

"Oh yeah, sure"

(Sophia offers Lionel a drink)

"Oh, I forgot I have dessert waiting in the oven. I'll go get it"

(At that moment, Lionel comes up with an idea. Lionel cuts himself and lets his blood drip into Sophia's drink)

The two continue eating and enjoy each other's company. Sophia begins to feel lightheaded and Lionel consoles here. The two of them lock eyes; her eyes gleam like emerald gems. The two experience a rush of emotion that is uncontainable. The two exchange saliva as the two spend their first sexual experience. They both agreed to not tell anyone including Elaina.

Lionel leaves hoping that his blood will hide Sophia from Hades.

Lionel returns to Hades to inform him of completing his task

Hades: Did you do it?

Lionel: Yes... She's dead

Hades: Very good, we can continue your training

Lionel continues his training. Sophia goes on with no signs of death nor any side effects from drinking Leo's blood. One day Elaina prepares for her school field trip to the aquarium. At the aquarium, Elaina becomes fixated on seeing the sharks. In a freak accident, Elaina falls into the shark tank and is attacked. Miraculously she survives but is in a coma; Lionel and Sophia are informed and rush to the hospital. When they reach the hospital, Sophia is lost for words. Tears trickle down her face as her heart sinks into her stomach seeing her sister in pain.

Sophia: How did this happen? I knew I should've gone with her.

"It's just the aquarium Sophia, nothing's gonna happen" (sarcastically speaking).

(A loud thump to the wall) BULLSHIT!!!!!

"Stupid, Stupid, Stupid !!!!"

Lionel: Hey it'll be ok, she's in good hands

Sophia: But I'm her big sister. I'm supposed to protect her. I'm all she's got

Lionel: Nobody would've thought something like would happen. All we can do now is let her rest and pray to the gods.

(Her voice begins to crack)

Sophia: What if she never wakes up?

Lionel: She will... And we'll be standing right here when she does

His voice of reason soothes her aching heart. Hades senses commotion and looks to see the issue where he finds Lionel and Sophia consoling. Hades' teeth begin to grind Ave his head explodes in anger.


Hades: So Lionel? It seems that you've made your decision on where your allegiance lies. YOU CHOSE THE WRONG SIDE

Hades kidnaps Sophia where Lionel takes the bait and lures him to his old home.

Hades: How nice of you to join us Lionel

Lionel: Just let her go Hades, she's done nothing!!!

Hades: Clearly she has since you hid her from me all this time. Throughout the time I've trained you I've taught you to be courageous, stick to your morals, and to be a man of your word. I didn't teach you to lie. And I didn't teach you to steal.

(Hades tosses books that Lionel stole from Hade's own library, stashed away in Lionel's house)

Hades: What did you think was going to happen when I found out huh?

Hades: ANSWER ME!!!! (Lionel flinches in fear)

Lionel: I don't know

Hades: You defied me, not only have you disappointed me but you've also got this girl caught up in your mess. I bet she doesn't even know who you really are?

(Sophia shrieks)

Lionel: Hades, don't!!!

Hades: I've been too lenient on you. Letting you do as you please. There are rules to this!!! You are under my command and from now on suffering will be your teacher

(Hades slits Sophia throat)

Lionel: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hades vanishes leaving a smokescreen all around Lionel. An uproar of shrieks invades the atmosphere. Coldness caresses Lionel holding a firm grip. He then recognizes the menacing tune. "Mom??? Dad???" Smoke than turns to fire leaving Lionel surrounded. A distant voice echoes, "It was a pleasure to burn". Lionel realizes that Hades killed his parents on the night of the fire.

The smokescreen clears and an ominous fog takes its place. Lionel's lips quiver and his body shake as the images replay in his head. Numbness has filled his body. Lionel can only cry at the pain he's witnessing. His hands clenching to the very last breath of hope that his best friend is still alive. "Wake up Sophia!, Wake up... Quit playing around"

With nowhere else to go, Lionel packs his belongings and decides to leave town. Soon after his departure, Elaina wakes up from her coma, where she feels light-headed but conscious. After the doctors run a few tests, Elaina is cleared and ready to return home. When she returns home she finds the town half destroyed with no one in sight. She walks to her house and finds her things destroyed. Elaina looks for Sophia and finds her remaining corpses; Elaina drops to the floor cries.

Elaina: What the hell happened here???!!!! Where is everyone???

Elaina: Sister, what happened to you?

Neighbor: Elaina, is that you?

The two hugged

Elaina: Yes, what happened

Neighbor: I'm not sure what started it but all I know is that the fire took out the whole town. Mostly everyone has always traveled elsewhere.

Elaina: Including Lionel?

Neighbor: Him too, he was the first one to leave. Matter of fact some people say he was with your sister before the fire started

Elaina: Maybe he knows what happened

Elaina packs her things and sets out to find Leonidas.