
Elana continues to follow the aura that she sensed earlier. 

Elana: That aura

Elana: It's red. And it's guiding me to that building. Could Lionel be there?

Weights of fear are lifted off her heart as the voice of her champion echoes in her head. When she reaches the entrance of the academy she hears a loud commotion.

Emmanuel: " Alright, who took my snacks!?" 

Grace: Huh?

Demetrius: What are you talking about Manny?

Emmanuel: "Don't play dumb. Just a minute ago, I had my favorite bag of chips sitting on this table just waiting to be opened and eaten. I went away to grab a soda and when I came back it's gone. Someone here took it!"

Demetrius: "Woah, Woah, don't look at me. I didn't take it"

Grace: "Neither did I"

Emmanuel: Hmm. Erica, have any ideas on what happened? You've been suspiciously quiet throughout all this.

Erica: "I have no desire on any of your junk"

Emmanuel: "Whatchu say?"

Erica: "You heard me! Why would I put such garbage into my body? 

Lionel: "Can someone tell me what's going on here?"

Nadia: "Oh hey Lionel, Manny is trying to find out what happened to his bag of chips"

Emmanuel: "They were just here a second ago!"

Lionel: "Manny isn't that right their your chips in your back pocket?"

Emmanuel: "Huh, there it is!!!!" Thank you, Lionel, you're the best!"

(Everyone laughs at Emmanuel's clumsiness)

Erica: "Idiot"

Emmanuel: "Hey I heard that. Hey, who's that by the door?"

Lionel: "Hmm?" Gasps, No way?

Elaina: Gasps, I found you. Lionel

Lionel: Elaina, your alive!

(Elaina runs right into Lionel to embrace her friend)

Elaina: "I'm so happy I found you"

Lionel: "You really are standing right in front me"

Erica: So Lionel, aren't you going to introduce us?

Lionel: Oh yeah, everyone this Elaina; a childhood friend of mine. Elaina this everyone

Elaina: It's a pleasure to meet you

Professor Garvis: What seems to be all the commotion?

Emmanuel: Professor, it seems that we have a new student

Professor Garvis: Do we now? Huh!! I never would've thought that you might come here!

Erica: Huh? What's wrong professor?

Professor Garvis: Students... This girl right here is royalty. She is the princess of Atlantis


Lionel: NO WAY!!!!!

Elaina: Hahaha He's actually correct


Lionel: Wait, Elaina, so this whole time you've been a princess?

Elaina: Well its allot to explain

"So Elaina, is it true the underwater paradise really does exist?"

"Is it possible to live underwater?"

"If your the princess does that mean your father is Poseidon?"

Lionel: You've been chosen to be a zodiac


"How did you know?"

Lionel: Well that scar on your back is unusual

Elaina: That's private

Gravis: Now, now everyone. Give Elaina some space; after all, shes traveled far to get here

Lionel: Actually that reminds me why are you here Elaina?

"Well I came here to see you"

"See me?"

"Yes, the survivors from the village told me you ran away"

Lionel: The village

Garvis: Ok, everyone back to class in the meantime I'll give the princess a tour and escort her to her room.

Elaina: Guess I'll see you later then

Lionel: Yeah... Sure

"Why didn't she tell me about being chosen"

Elaina: I finally got to see my friend... Now I'll know the truth

Emmanuel: Seems like Lionel and that girl go way back

Erica: Indeed, did you not see his reaction when he saw her?

Nadia: It seems like the two of them have gone through some type of trauma together

Emmanuel: What makes you say that?

Nadia: Think about it, both haven't seen each other in a while, both were in shock when they finally meet and seem to have something urgent to discuss with on another

Emmanuel: IDK, it may be that both just want to catch up

Erica: It could... But has Lionel ever spoke on what his childhood was like?

Demetrius: Now that you mention it, he hasn't really. He did mention about regretting not being strong enough to help a friend

Nadia: Could Elaina be that friend?

Erica: Maybe, I guess we'll find out in due time