The Power From Within

As Erica recovers from her battle, the rest of the students await her return. Everyone gathers for breakfast but Lionel is still resting. During his sleep Lionel becomes distressed.

"You should've killed her. You had her on the ropes. When are you going to learn"

Lionel: Huh? Who's there?

"Conviction is your biggest flaw, your empathy will hold you back"

Lionel: What do you want from me?

"Become the monster you were destined to be"

Elaina: Lionel, Lionel... wake up or you'll be late for breakfast

Lionel: Waaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!


"Elaina? What are you doing here?"

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack!!!"

" I came to wake you up for breakfast and instead of saying "Oh thank you prices for your hospitality" but no you wanna shatter my eardrums "

Lionel: Princess shmincess you're still shark girl

Elaina: Do not call me that 😤😤

Lionel: You don't scare me, Elaina

Elaina: Well you should be, I am Poseidon's daughter after all

"What's going on up here!"


"Why aren't you two downstairs for breakfast?"

Elaina: Well, Lionel was still sleeping so I came here to wake him up

Garvis: I see, maybe I should give you an alarm clock Lionel to fix your tardiness or should I wake you up every morning myself

Lionel: Um that won't be necessary senpai 😰😰

"I sense concern in his voice yet his eyes are filled with passion. Like he's determined to achieve his goal. There's still allot I don't know about Lionel, I have to know what's his story"

Garvis: Well how bout we all head to the dining hall

Elaina: Sounds good to me

Lionel: Yeah I'm starving

"Oh and Lionel, try to not start any more fights"

Lionel: How's Erica?

Garvis: Allot better now

"I can't believe I did that to her... Damn"

Garvis: You mustn't beat yourself, it was an honest mistake.

"You're a competitive person Lionel, your passion drives you to improve; your emotions fuel your powers and give it 100% but in the heat of battle, you could lose control. In order to become a great warrior and a powerful zodiac, you must learn to control your emotions."

Lionel: Damn... How can complete my quest if I can't control my powers?

Garvis: Well you're on the right track by coming here. With my help, you'll be able to achieve your goal. Meet me at the gym in half an hour

Lionel: Huh? the gym? What for?

Garvis: You'll see soon enough

"As Garvis and Lionel make arrangements for training, Emmanuel eavesdrops on the conversation"

Emmanuel: Do my ears deceive me? Hmm... Lionel and Senpai are plotting something

"Hey, guys guess what I found out?"

Nadia: Hmm? What are you talking about Emmanuel?

Elaina: What's going on?

Emmanuel: Lionel and Senpai are arranging something, I don't know what it is but they said to meet each other at the gym later today.

Grace: What do you suppose their planning?

Nadia: I don't know but it does seem that Senpai has begun to show favoritism towards Lionel

Demetrius: Well now I'm interested, maybe we should check it out

"Leonidas and Senpai Garvis meet at the gymnasium for their training, the other students grow curious and decide to tag along"

Garvis: Young Leo, are you ready for your training?

Lionel: I am

"Look there they are!!"

Lionel: What are you guys doing here?

Grace: Well we heard you were planning something with master Garvis so had to see what it was

Lionel: But it was supposed to be private training

"Hahaha not to worry, the rest of the students will learn from it as well"

Lionel: Alright then, so what am I supposed to do?

"Strike me"


Garvis: During your tenure here, I've paid close attention to the way you fight so I know how to exactly beat you. Care to test my theory, Lionel?

Lionel: You're on

"Lionel you can't be serious, if he's watched you battle all this time then he knows how to beat you"

Lionel: Only one way to find out

"Both Garvis and Leonidas engaged in an epic duel that captivated everyone. The students couldn't keep their eyes off the battle as Lionel and Garvis traded blows. Both seemed evenly matched until Elaina noticed Lionel grimacing."

"Woah, look at those two."

"I'm pleasantly surprised that Leo could keep up with senpai. Perhaps theirs more to him than we thought"

Elaina: Lionel can't keep going like this


Emmanuel: What makes you say that? He's out there carrying his own against Garvis

Erica: The battle is weighing a toll on him

ERICA!!!! You're ok (Erica smirks appreciating everyone's concern)

Erica: Each attack deals recoil damage on Lionel's body. Lionel is strong but he also relies on speed; something that Garvis has far too much experience with

Nadia: What is it that you mean?

Erica: Garvis has been in many battles so he's seen Lionel's type. I think he's testing Lionel and see if he'll push his limits as he did in our battle and judging the expression on Lionel's face, he's close to his limit.

Garvis: Com' on Lionel, surely you can do better than this


Garvis: Show me your power

"So he wishes to unleash the beast. What are you going to do?"

Lionel: Shutup, you can't control me

The two continue to battle but Lionel becomes exasperated

[Lionel breathing heavily]

Garvis: So... You've reached your limit

Lionel: No, I can still fight!


"Garvis walks away as the battle is rendered over"


Letting your opponent walk away is inexcusable

Lionel: No, I can still fight. Don't you walk away from me!!!

[A roar of rage echoes the room and surge of power emits from Lionel' body]

Garvis: There it is, now to find out what type of power you possess. Now then, don't hold back, show me what you got Leo

Lionel: Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

[Lionel begins to glow, his aura shifts from gentle to ferocious]

Elana: What's happening to Lionel?

Erica: He's showing us his power

Lionel and Garvis continue their battle, Lionel's resurge of power gives him a slight edge but Garvis soon finds his weak spot

Garvis: Where... is all this power... coming from!? I've never seen anyone with this power. Could he be tapping into the power given to him by the gods? I have to find a weak spot.

"Lionel continues throwing punches"

Garvis: Wait! He's constantly throwing punches while leaving his body exposed.

Lionel: You're finished Garvis, this battle's all mine

Garvis: Not so fast,

Lionel: What?

"With one punch to the gut, Lionel becomes disoriented, unable to attack, Garvis sends him flying off the field"

[The winner of this battle is Garvis]

"Everyone is left stunned"

Emmanuel: Whoah, Garvis really is strong

Grace: I hope Lionel's ok

[Lionel stands up grimacing from battle, but frustrated from losing control]

Garvis: You should get yourself healed in the infirmary.

Lionel: Damn

Emmanuel: Lionel doesn't look too good

Erica: Of course he doesn't, this is what happens when you suffer defeat; probably his first in a while

Nadia: Kinda think of it, we haven't seen Lionel lose a fight and yet, so you may have point Erica

Demetrius: Hope he doesn't let it deter him

Elaina: Lionel, what was that?

Garvis: It wasn't much but from the looks of it, it seems that Lionel's power may come from some dark spirit that can enhance his power. Being a zodiac that could be troublesome if the gods ever find out. Just who is Lionel's mentor god?

"Aquarius has Poseidon

Taurus has Hephaestus

Sagittarius has Artemis

Nadia and Grace have the dream god, but what about Leo?"