Beware of the Lion

The zodiacs continue their training and are growing stronger. After a long day of hard work, the kids get to relax in the pool. Sagittarius continues joking around making a fool out of himself for everyone's amusement.

Erica: Oh Emmanuel, when are you going to grow up?

Emmanuel: C'mon, you can't lie that was funny

Erica: Humiliating yourself? Not a chance. This class clown act you keep pulling has gotten old

Nadia: You could tone it down a bit Emmanuel

Grace: Hah, hah, I think he's funny

Emmanuel: See, I'm just naturally funny, I understand Erica with you being so uptight

[Erica balls up a fist]

"You wanna run that by me again"

Emmanuel: Calm down Erica, I'm just saying that you gotta let loose. Let a laugh out every now and then. You agree with me don't you Lionel?

Lionel: Huh, leave me out of this. But you do seem to be a workaholic Erica

[Erica's face grows red]

"I simply pursue perfection"

Lionel: You crave winning

Erica: I thought you weren't listening, wildcat

Garvis: Seems like everyone is enjoying themselves, you all deserve a break

Nadia: Do we ever. Hmm, where's Elaina, isn't she joining us?

Elaina: Here I am


Elaina enters the pool, as she walks in, everyone is in total awe.


Elaina: Huh, what's wrong

Lionel: Well it's just... Never seen you look like this. It looks nice

Elaina: Um well... thank you

Nadia: Hmm, I sense hormones raging

Grace: Awwww!!!! Lionel likes Elaina!!!!

Lionel: What!? Elaina's just a really good friend of mine. I could never

[A look of disappointment appears on Elaina's face]

Lionel: Besides, Elaina's probably has a whole bunch of fish dudes crawling all over her

Elaina: No I don't!!! Stop calling me fish girl

Lionel: Well you a princess of an underwater kingdom

Nadia: Nothing more than an urban legend

Elaina: No, Atlantis is real

Nadia: Ill believe it when I see it

Garvis: Do you believe in the gods, Nadia?


Nadia: Well yes I do

Garvis: The gods are all-knowing and powerful. They have more knowledge than any of us and for us to the ability to communicate with them is simply a blessing

Grace: The gods truly are amazing

[Lionel stares into space]

Yeah they really are

Elaina: Hey Lionel you feeling ok?

Lionel: Huh who me? I'm fine

Garvis: Well I guess that's enough pool time for today. Everyone return back to the school grounds.

Emanuel: Aww man, but we just started having fun

Erica: Do what you are told, idiot

Emmanuel: You didn't even take a dip in the pool

Erica: I don't swim

Emmanuel: WHAT? Oh no you going in this water

Erica: Tough me and you die

[Elaina begins to worry about Lionel spacing out. She suddenly hears a distinct voice echo]


"Huh, who's there "

"Elaina.... Its time we've had a chat"

"Gasp, father!!!!!!"

[White out]

Elaina: Where am I?

Poseidon: Your mind has been transported to this room. For us to talk, your body still remains on the surface land.

Elaina: Father!!!! What brings you here?

Poseidon: I brought you here to give you a word of advice. But I also wanted to see how my daughter was doing.

Elaina: I've.... Ive been doing well. So much has happened since I left

Poseidon: You're departure saddened me Elaina. And you saddened the rest of the kingdom as well.

Elaina: I... didn't mean too

Poseidon: I know. You just wanted to reunite with your friend. Losing a good is a terrible feeling, but I must warn Elaina; theirs more to Leonidas than he is admitting

Elaina: What do you mean?

Poseidon: Did he ever tell you he was chosen to be a zodiac or why? I believe he might bring danger to not only earth but to Olympus as well

Elaina: No way, Lionel would never do that. I've known him since I was a baby; he'd never endanger anyone

Poseidon: I know your feelings for him are making things to understa-

Elaina: My feelings!? Lionel's my best friend. And for as long as I can remember he's done whatever to protect me

Poseidon: Than why didn't he save you from the shark incident?

[Elaina panting]

Poseidon: Lionel was chosen by Hades to become the next Leo

Elaina: Hades, the underworld god?

Poseidon: Yes, and knowing Hades he's scheming something and Lionel may be in the middle of it. Hades is a cranky fellow who's not exactly on Zeus's good side

Elaina: I... I don't believe you

Poseidon: What?

Elaina: I find it hard to believe that Lionel's working with the devil.

Poseidon: Fine... Don't believe me, but just be careful Elaina. People can change

[Poseidon departs and Elaina begins to white out]

Nadia: Elaina? Elaina? ELAINA!?

Elaina: Huh?

Nadia: Geez, snap out of it, you've been standing their mindlessly for a while now

Elaina: Where is everybody

Nadia: They headed back to the school grounds

Elaina: Hmm, week guess we should get going than

Nadia: Hold on a sec, while you spaced out, you were thinking of Lionel weren't you?

Elaina:... Yeah, you could say that. Did he ever mention about me since you two met?

Nadia: Well Lionel hasn't really spoken much about his past; all he's ever mentioned was the friends that he lost when the town burned down

Elaina: I see

Nadia: Hey don't worry about it. Besides Lionel's made it this far, he seems very insightful like he's been through it all and knows how to overcome it.

Elaina: Well Lionel's always been a strong willed person, that'd why I admire him. When I was little I always let others make decisions for me, I always deferred and for that I got bullied allot. But Lionel's been like a guardian angel protecting me and challenging me to find that hidden talent of mine. I don't know why I've been chosen to be the best Aquarius; a zodiac with very little notoriety but I believe with Lionel's help I'll find a power greater than anything.

Nadia: That's some dream you got their. I agree that Lionel's been a great hello to all of us. We've all been struggling with something and somehow Lionel's been able to ease the pain without even knowing the story behind it.

Elaina: That's Lionel got you, always willing to help

Nadia: Say, I bet you had no idea you'd be next in line to rule an underwater kingdom

Elaina: So you do believe Atlantis exists?

Nadia: Not a chance but I am willing to check it out with the help of your  guidance "your highness".

Elaina: Hmm funny

[Hey you two, it's time to return back on campus.]

Erica: Coming, we should head back

Elaina: Good idea

[Poseidon gazed at a distance worried for his child]

Poseidon: Please Elaina head my warning, stay away from the Leo