
The god of the underworld is dead. Hades' death causes a shockwave throughout the world and into Mt. Olympus.

Hermes: Your highness, I have urgent news... It's about your brother

Zeus: Hmm, its Hades isn't it?

Hermes: Yes

Zeus: What is it now? Spreading lies and deceit to corrupt the general public

"Um, no it's worse he's... dead"

"What!!!!! How?"

"His death is still under investigation"

Messenger Angel: Hermes, more news has surfaced on Hades

Zeus: Speak angel

Messenger Angel: Well though your is dead your highness, his powers have been transferred into another

Zeus: So he switched bodies with a human

Messenger Angel: No, this person is actually a zodiac

"The great taboo has been committed. Who is this zodiac?"

"We're still retrieving the details"

Zeus: Continue your search, and do whatever to contain the situation. The last thing we need is for the other Olympians to find out

(Meanwhile, Leonidas makes his return to the academy.)

Emmanuel: Welcome to our academy... Lionel! It's you!

Lionel: Yup I'm back

Emmanuel looks around with great anxiety, he grabs Lionel and braces for cover.

"Hey! What's going on?"

"Lionel, things have changed since you left. Its become more intense."

"Intense how?"

"Well since you left, a great earthquake happened, the town believes that gods are mad and taking it out on the portals. The priests have said that the last time this happened; the great taboo was committed."

"The great taboo?"

"You don't know, it's said that if a zodiac kills a god they receive their powers but natural disasters will occur as a sign that gods are on the hunt"

Lionel: Sounds pretty serious

(Wrath chuckles inside Lionel's conscience)

"He has no idea"

Emmanuel: Wait, Lionel, where did you go? Where have you been?

"I had some business to take care of. But now that its all over, where's Elaina?"

"Elaina! Woah, Lionel, you're the last person she wants to see"

"And why is that?"

Grace: Lionel's back! Yayyyy!!!!

(Grace embraces Leo)

Nadia: Welcome back, Lionel

Erica: Looks like the wildcat had no choice but to come back

Lionel: Hey guys, good to see you all

Garvis: Well, well, well, glad to see you're safe


"You've been gone a couple of days, hope you know you got some work to catch up on"

Lionel: Not surprised, but where's Elaina? Or do I call her princess now?

(A brief silence)

Lionel: Hey what's up?

(A tap on the shoulder)

Garvis: Come with me

(Professor Garvis and Leonidas go to the teacher's lounge. Their Garvis locks the door behind him)

"Where did you go, Lionel?"

"Is that really a question that requires an answer?"

"In this situation, it does. I fear you committed a grave crime."

Lionel: Elaborate

"Before you departed we discovered that your mentor was none other than the Greek god Hades. We found out that Hades had deceived you and played a trick on Elaina. During your departure, there was an earthquake and the skies have been cloudy ever since, which both fall in line with the great taboo. You are also a zodiac and since you came back theirs a different look to you, like someone who's been to hell and back; too many coincidences to ignore so I'll ask again where did you go?"

Lionel: If you want to know so bad I'll tell you. I went to battle Hades, and I beat him

Garvis: That's what I was afraid of. Do you have any idea of the repercussions that follow? You killed the god of the underworld, which makes you the new ruler. Without any supervision, the rules of death will come in disarray.

Lionel: You don't get it to do you?

Garvis: Huh

"That bastard took everything from me, he took my parents and my friends. Not to mention all the countless other people he's messed with. Killing him was what was best."

Garvis: I understand how you feel, to get revenge, but revenge is a sick drug that consumes whatever it touches. It is only a matter of time until the other Olympians discover who you are."

"Who I am?"

"Usually the zodiacs only interact with the gods who mentor them. Other gods choose not to get involved unless there was a reason. You killing Hades has given the gods a reason ."

Lionel: So everyone else is being affected

Garvis: Exactly, starting with Elaina. Her mentor is Poseidon; who is most agitated by your actions

Lionel: So he knows who I am

Garvis: Elaina spoke much about you while she was staying in Atlantis, naturally Posiedon looked into who are friends of the princess

"Hmm, then I'll leave, staying here will only bring more danger to the others, I don't want that."

Garvis: No, as your instructor it is my responsibility to teach you how to use your power. I am also your guardian. For now, keep a low profile; don't let anyone in the city see you.

Lionel: Alright

(As Lionel makes his way to his room a chill comes over him)

"What is that?"

"Do what you can to avoid the Leo"


Lionel: Elaina?

"Gasp, you're back!"

(Lionel steps into Elaina's room but Elaina takes a step back)

Lionel: So you know

Elaina: How couldn't I, you committed a crime

Lionel: That was never my intentions

Elaina: Trust me I don't blame you for what you did. I probably would've done the same thing, but it was wrong

Lionel: It has to be done, I did it for you and Sonia


"I never asked you to get back at Hades let alone kill him. And I'm sure my sister would've never told you to do that"

Lionel: Elaina, come on... its me, your friend Lionel

Elaina: Are you? Cause the Lionel I know wouldn't hurt a fly. He'd never try to kill anyone. I look at you now and I don't recognize what stands before me

(The other zodiacs hides in secrecy, all are just as surprised as Lionel. Elaina's words weigh on the Leo's heart. Lionel tries to reason with the princess but is completely frozen; his body trembles as he tries to comfort her.)

Lionel: Elaina...

Elaina: No, I'm sorry but I'm done speaking on this matter. The gods have informed me to stand clear of you

Lionel: (they already know)

"Was it Poseidon? Let me talk to him"

Elaina: I don't think that'll work. The gods will be meeting soon to discuss what's happened. I don't know what's going to happen

"Lionel, if you're smart, you'd leave. Staying here will only lead to more trouble."

(The princess's words are colder than the winters breeze. Lionel walks towards the exit and stops.)

"I want to leave... But I can't I made this mess and I'm gonna fix it, for everybody. You might have lost faith in me princess but I'll restore it soon enough."

(Lionel walks away)

Elaina: Whimper (tears trickle down her face in agony)

The other zodiacs: So the rumors are true, Lionel did kill a god. What's gonna happen to us? Are the gods gonna retaliate? 

"We'll know soon enough, for now, we obey orders."