
As I rode the bus, I sighed deeply. In just three days I witnessed the high level of demand the school required. I reflected on the arduous night of study that awaited me.

My personal relationship problems aside, I should not neglect my GPA. There is no way I will let all my efforts to get into this school go to waste.

Suddenly my cell phone rang. It was a message from my aunt, warning me that she would be home until the early hours of the morning.

"She's planning to go and get drunk again..." uncomfortable memories flew through my mind...

Minutes later I got off the bus, and walked a bit to the main hospital in town.

After talking to the receptionist, I went to a room on the third floor; I immediately knocked on the door.

"I'm Rei, I'm coming in," I announced.

When I opened the door, I found myself with the purest smile I had ever seen.

[Hello. Dear brother. Welcome].

Yuriko, lying on the bed, greeted me cheerfully with sign language.

"Hello. How have you been?" I asked, taking a seat. "Haven't you been bored today?"

[Yes. The hospital is always boring. I missed you.]

"I still..."

[How was school?]

"Ah, well. Although not much has happened to me. I think I'm being ignored."

[Don't feel bad] Yuriko suppressed a pity smile [Sooner or later you will make friends].

"Friends, eh? I am trying... I think..." I mused as I scratched my head.

[Now that I think about it, you look good in your uniform. You're very handsome.]

"Hey, but you always tell me I'm handsome in whatever clothes I wear."

[...] my sister thought for a moment [But it's different. You have a different aura with the uniform.]

"Different in what way? I look the same as always."

[I can't explain it...] Yuriko was hesitant to make a face with her mouth. [Whatever. I'm proud that you were able to get into the school you wanted. Congratulations.]

"I really missed you..." Her good and sincere wishes really do me good. "Changing the subject, I was told at the reception that you'll be discharged today, just a few tests to take in an hour. My aunt sent me a message saying she'll be here until very late tonight."

Yuriko now looked uncomfortable and another grimace came over her mouth.

[She's going to drink again.]

"Exactly... Anyway, I'll wait for you until the medical tests are over and then we'll go home together."

[Yes!] she nodded her head. [Thanks for looking after me, little brother.]

Once again, she gave me another warm smile as she held my hands.

Sometimes, when Yuriko smiles at me, I feel a current of bitter happiness spreading through my body; this is when the disaster of Himawari Bay comes to my mind.

My parents worked near the bay where one of the companies that are part of the Saionji Group had been secretly dumping large amounts of mercury compounds.

Fish and consumer animals were contaminated, resulting in people near the bay experiencing symptoms such as lack of coordination, vision and hearing loss, and even paralysis over time.

Shortly after the large number of cases of people with these symptoms were discovered in the vicinity of the site, an investigation was carried out to find the company responsible.

Class action lawsuits were filed, but the Saionji Group managed to get by thanks to their influence. It is said that even Yakuzas were hired to intimidate those who dared to sue. The company was released without any obligation to pay compensation.

It wasn't until a couple of years ago that those affected (or at least those who survived) received what they were asking for, but were already on the verge of death or the damage was already terminal.

My father died a year after the first failed lawsuit, and my mother met the same fate after suffering paralysis, when Yuriko and I were just children.

For about three years, that's when the company started dumping the waste into the bay, long enough for Yuriko, who was still in my mother's womb, to be affected as well.

My sister was born with a speech impediment and also with other congenital problems.

Unpredictably she suffers from convulsions, fainting spells and her general health is not stable. That is why she continuously has to visit the hospital.

Once Yuriko and I arrived at the house, she lay down on the couch, with a relieved expression.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

[No. Thank you. I'm fine. I'll just watch TV for a while and rest.]

"Well... After I take a bath, I'll make you some dessert."

[Great! I missed your meals already! Everything is tasteless in the hospital.]

"I can imagine. But since it's time you learned to cook, I still have the burning taste of breakfast from three weeks ago ha ha ha."

Yuriko immediately blushed and pouted in protest.

I also missed bothering my sister a little bit.

[You'll see that I'll be a better housewife than you.]

She made her statement with a flaming look, as flaming as the fried eggs she wanted to make...

Relieved to have my sister back home, I went to my room, threw my bag on the bed, took off my tie and without wasting any time I went to take a bath.

The next morning, I drove to school at the same time as I had always done all week. I arrived on time, and "on time" for me means being ten minutes early.

That's why I was already getting the idea that I would always be the first one in the room, but that first Friday of school I found someone else when I arrived.

It was a girl who was sleeping peacefully; and even though her long crimson hair was strewn across the table, thus hiding her face, I had the impression that it was the first time she had been in the room.

"Hey, you're in my seat," I said.