

It was midday, clear blue sky, really nice weather, but suddenly, a shadow descended upon everyone and slowly started spreading over on the ground.

The soldiers standing near the edge were the first to notice it, they looked up one by one, and found a giant spaceship slowly descending.

Sanctuary-2, Thanos' spaceship.

"It's coming!", Wanda commented, she had just come down to join everyone in the field alongside Vision not long ago.

"Get ready!", Rogers commanded.

Then T'Challa ordered the army to get ready for battle.

And just then, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!", Sanctuary-2 opened fire.

But from the look of things, Wakanda's force field seemed sturdy enough to hold for a while.

Bucky sighed, "I hate spaceships!".

"Hulk's still a no-show.", Doctor Banner commented.

Thor angrily groaned out a word, "THANOS!!", clutching the handle of Stormbreaker tightly in his hand, he stared at the spaceship with hatred in his eyes.

"It's about to breach through, any time now!", Romanoff warned everyone.

Just when the shield was about to be breached, Kol disappeared from the field and directly appeared outside the force field.

Then his eyes glowed white with solar energy as the surrounding temperate rose, "SIZZZLE!!", two yellowish, arm-thick rays of pure destruction carrying terrifying heat and power impacted the underside of Sanctuary-2.

These rays were like little needles compared to the massive size of Sanctuary-2.

However, "BAANG!!", the impact made the entire spaceship shake slightly as it stopped firing for a moment.

But it was protected by a very powerful force field that was reliable enough to save the ship from getting cut in half.

So in response, Kol bent his knees slightly, clenched his fist, and, "AAHHHH!!", with a yell, the yellow color of heat rays was no more. They turned pure white, much more condensed, and way more intense. With a substantial increase in both kinetic and potential energy.

Now it looked like the ship's shields were about to give out at any moment, as the whole structure began to tilt at an angle.

Just a few more seconds now and it would be cut in half.

However, just then, just as Kol's heat rays were about to pierce through, it seemed like those shields were granted a new life all of a sudden, "ONNNN!!", they expanded a few meters out and turned red, now being easily able to resist Kol's heat rays.

"Reality stone! Thanos is on that ship", Kol understood.

Then an opening was created and from there, a purple energy blast was fired at Kol, along with several other projectiles fired from the ship.

This was Thanos attacking using the Power stone.

The Wakandan armies and Avengers were watching all this play out. Seeing Kol's real strength, being able to resist that giant enemy spaceship while standing not much farther from where the first wave of enemies once landed, it was an understatement to say that they were just surprised.

Seeing that purple energy blast coming right at him, and no result in breaking the stalemate, Kol stopped firing heat rays as his eyes slowly regained their natural purple color.

Then he bent down slightly, and, "BOOM!!", leaving behind a giant crater in the ground, he flew straight towards the enemy ship at full speed.

In the air, his fist glowed in purple energy and hit the energy blast that was coming right at him, "BAANG!!", the resulting impact generated a vacuum zone at his location that combined with the sonic boom of his own momentum and spread out as a blast.

It was so strong that Wakanda's force field that was already about to give out, completely disappeared.

At the same time, due to the vacuum zone that was created, Kol's speed rose all of a sudden.

At one moment, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!", Sanctuary-2 was still firing at Kol with everything it had.

The very next moment, Kol pierced right through its hull without experiencing much resistance.


Except for slowing him down a bit, even the shields were completely useless in this scenario. After all, they were designed to stop energy attacks, not the mass of a flying humanoid calamity that was Kol.

At this moment, many of the ship's thrusts had become out of commission. It was barely supporting itself in the air.

Just then, "CLICK! CLANG!", like a piece of junk metal groaning in pain, as if crying out after being fucked sideways by oxidation for decades. It made such a sound.

And released Dropships down at where the Wakandan armies and Avengers were still observing the earth-shattering battle play out.

But not many. Just two. Perhaps it ran out, or perhaps it had something to do with that huge gaping hole in its hull which was Kol's handiwork.

The next second, blue spheres of energy showed up on several locations in the field and Thanos' Outrider army, along with Thanos himself emerged from them.

This was Thanos using Space stone.

But the Avengers were capable enough to keep him busy for a while, so Kol focused his attention on the spaceship. Even in its current condition, it was a big threat to those on the ground.

He flew at its side and glanced down at the field in contemplation, then after making a decision, Kol brought his palms together in front of him.

Then, "AAHHHH!!", in between his palms facing each other, a bright white ball of energy began to condense.

Intense heat could be felt from it. Many people busy fighting in the field looked up for a moment.

And the next moment, "SOLAR FLARE!!", the highly condensed searing solar energy erupted in a blast.

For a moment, it was like time froze, and all the other colors faded from the world, only white remained.

Pure white, intensely bright.

When everything settled down, people looked up one by one, only to find a clear blue sky.

The spaceship wasn't there anymore, nor could Kol be found anywhere in the sky.

However, many people had noticed the smoking, burnt-out parts of metal that fell in that explosion. Sanctuary-2 was nothing but just debris now. Whatever was left of it had fallen outside the battlefield.

Seeing such a magnificent display of power, Thor couldn't help but once again consider the absurd possibility of Kol's claim of being his grandfather, yet at the same time, there were too many things that did not match that had him confused.

Of course, Asgard was a civilization based on magic, so he didn't need an explanation of why a resurrected person would look different after coming back to life. That could be related to the method they chose to resurrect.

However, things like divinity that existed inside the soul could not change no matter what.

So Thor decided to talk to Kol about it to clear things up after this battle was over.

Just then, a voice attracted everyone's attention, "Hey! HEYY!! HELP! I'm being crushed. Help me!", Doctor Banner cried out.

'Solar Flare', as the name suggests, was an attack that was based on the real phenomena of Solar Flare. Along with terrifying heat and force far greater than fusion bombs, it also released out an electromagnetic pulse that fried the circuits of anything electronic in a few miles radius.

So currently, Doctor Banner's anti-hulk armor had become scrap and he was unable to free himself out of it.

Falcon and War Machine weren't much better. They had fallen on the ground and were groaning in pain.

Thankfully, the battle had paused for a moment or they'd be dead now.

On the other hand, Thanos, who was just now fighting against the Avengers, had also stopped attacking and was staring at the man standing in front of him.

Kol stood in front of Thanos. His eyes held curiosity, yet looked calculating, as he raised his hand and the Mind Stone appeared in his grasp.

He showed it to Thanos and spoke, "I heard you were looking for this to save the universe with it? I'm aware of your past and your reasons. I do not approve of your methods, but I believe you're quite talented to have achieved all that you have. Your willpower is commendable. You have raw potential to become someone truly great... if you change your ways.", then he paused.

And continued, "Serve me as your King, and you'll achieve all your wishes, albeit through different means... Or refuse, and you'll become nothing but a lab experiment to help discover the source of your power and the other mysteries related to your biology.".

Hearing this, a look of annoyance became apparent on the usually stoic face of Thanos, "This is... ironic! I had something similar to offer you. You are about to learn something valuable today, ignorant being. I AM INEVITABLE!!", then he raised his glove as the red gem in it glowed.

Although he replied to him in an arrogant manner, after seeing the display of power just now, Thanos had no intention of testing or repelling him, so he directly used the most unavoidable attack, using Reality stone to change Kol's reality, like he did while dealing with Guardians of the Galaxy.

This was like a signal to the Outrider army. They once again howled loudly and started attacking the Avengers and the Wakandan forces.

On the other hand, Kol had already predicted an attack coming as soon as Thanos started talking, and the most efficient way of dealing with an attack from an Infinity stone was another Infinity stone, like the one in his heart.

After the purple energy coming from Kol's body repelled the red energy of Thanos' attack, Kol spoke, "Well... I suppose you made your choice. Now let me teach you the true meaning of misery.", then he levitated a couple of inches from the ground, which was his usual fighting stance.

Then, all of a sudden, he flashed right in front of Thanos with super speed and, "Bang!!", and punched him on the chest.

Thanos tried to block it, but the difference in raw power was much too great. It was not something he could resist.

His body crossed the battlefield, flying around ten meters before Thanos' feet could dig into the ground as tried to cancel the force behind the attack.

After regaining his balance, "Cough! Cough!", he coughed out a little blood.

Seeing this, Kol had to admire the defense of Thanos' body. He had put a considerable amount of force behind that punch just now, yet Thanos just coughed out a little blood. This was impressive.

At the same time, he was glad that Thanos chose to resist him. Now he was looking forward to opening him up and studying his biology thoroughly.

"I heard you like to snap your fingers a lot... Me too!", Kol spoke, then he raised his hand, and, "Snap!!", he snapped his fingers.

In response, everywhere on the battlefield, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!", with the continuous sound of thunder, all the biological soldiers in the outrider army blew up one by one as if struck by lightning.

But that wasn't accurate. This lightning came from within their bodies.

Kol usually never mentions that 'Blood' is also his Divinity along with 'Power', because 'Blood' is considered a minor one.

Just now, Kol used his Divinity over 'Blood' to directly transfer the Natural lightning energy generated by his Divinity over 'Power' inside the enemy's bloodstream, thereby blowing them all up with a sound of thunder and a flash of lightning.

'Solar Flare' dealt with all the robotic soldiers in the Outrider army, and the 'Snap' dealt with all the biological ones, leaving the battlefield quiet.

For a moment, the surprise was apparent on Thanos' usual stoic face, but then he raised his hand, and with a battle cry, "AHH!", he used Reality stone and Power stone in concurrence to fire a thick pillar of white-hot heat straight at Kol.

Kol had no time to evade, so he raised his hands to resist it.

It didn't pierce through, but Kol couldn't advance forward either.

After impacting him, the thick energy beam divided into several thinner parts, accidentally killing a few Wakandan soldiers behind him.

The sky suddenly darkened and the lightning flashed in the dark clouds, "THANOS!!", with a yell full of fury, Thor descended from the sky and struck Thanos with Stormbreaker.

At the same time, Rogers appeared behind him and kicked him on the back of the knee.

And this was like a signal as the rest of the Avengers attacked Thanos at the same time.

This sudden interruption managed to divert Thanos' attention and his stalemate with Kol broke.

So Kol used his Telekinesis to create a protective force field around the Avengers and took advantage of the thunder cloud above to bring down immensely thick lightning onto Thanos, "BOOMM!!".

But, Thanos blocked it with his Infinity gauntlet.

So Kol then fired heat rays and released the protection force field, thereby allowing the Avengers to rejoin the battle.

Kol may have been a bit of a battle junkie, but Thanos wasn't an opponent that excited him as much, so he allowed the Avengers to fight alongside him.

The battle was completely one-sided as Kol alone overwhelmed Thanos, not to mention the rest of the meddlesome Avengers who always managed to divert his attention. Plus Thor was a threat to him with his Stormbreaker and could not be ignored.



Thor and Tony held Thanos from behind, forcing him to his knees.

Now he no longer had that majestic appearance from before, looking all beat up, bloody, and bruised. The arm where the Infinity glove used to be was missing, and blood was leaking from the stump.

He had his head down and refused to look up, and Doctor Strange even tied him up with a spell for good measure.

Tony, Strange, and others had arrived not long ago in the middle of the battle and joined in.

After learning Gamora's fate, Peter Quill constantly fired at Thanos' chest while yelling angrily, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Die! DIE! DIE!! WHY DON'T YOU DIE!?".

Nebula stood on the side, silently grieving for her sister.

Kol stepped forward, put a hand on Quill's shoulder, and spoke, "I promise you. His fate shall be worse than death. It would be a relief to die, he would beg for it.".

Hearing this, Quill calmed down a bit.

But Thanos raised his head and started to struggle, trying to speak, trying his best to get free, but in his weakened state, he couldn't do much.

So Kol walked towards him and put his left hand on his head. Then, in a flash of red energy, he disappeared.

Kol threw him inside the dimension of his M-Ring, where Time was always stationary.

The next time he wakes up, it would be inside a laboratory, strapped to a table, fated to become valuable research material for the rest of his days.

Others were a little surprised due to Thanos' sudden disappearance, but Kol explained and they soon relaxed.

Romanoff was standing on the side holding the Infinity glove, but Kol suddenly used his Telekinesis and the gauntlet flew towards him.

He caught it in mid-air and noticed that the Avengers had raised their guard up again.

"Hey! HEYY! Easy there buddy.", Tony commented.

"Kol, what are you doing?", Rogers asked cautiously.

Kol couldn't help but think, "These people have some serious trust issues.".

But he still replied, "For ages now, these stones had been spread across the universe. But now we know... this method is no longer applicable. So I'm gonna hold on to them until I can think of something.".

"No. NO! I don't think so. We appreciate the help in taking care of Thanos, but put down that glove. We'll deal with the stones on our own.", Tony raised his palms at Kol, making his stance clear on the matter.

Sam came forward and tried to ease the situation, "Hey! Easy. We're overreacting. Let's talk about it.".

Thor added, "Stark, put down your weapon.".

"I think I'm reacting just fine. We don't know this guy.", Tony argued.

Rogers asked, "Kol, what is your plan?", but it could be seen that he had relaxed his guard a little.

Kol sighed and shook his head. Although he could understand it, he still felt offended by their action.

He replied, "I think we may have developed a few misconceptions here. Let me make a few things clear.", then raised his hand, and, "Snap!", snapped his fingers, like he did before while dealing with Outrider army.

The horror that followed had everyone stupefied in incredulity.

"BO-BO-BOOMM!!", the sound of thunder at three places at once.

Tony, Romanoff, who had her hands near the guns on her waist, and Wanda, who was trying to sneak up on Kol from behind, all suddenly blew up with a sound of thunder and flash of lightning.

This was too sudden. Too unexpected.

But before anyone could comprehend what just happened and react to the situation, Kol waved his hand lightly in the air.

In response, some green energy appeared at the same place where Stark, Romanoff, and Wanda used to be.

Then it was as if Time itself started flowing backward.

Blood mist, flesh, bone fragments, and pieces of metal flew back and assembled together, reforming Tony, Romanoff, and Wanda, resurrecting them.

Just now, Kol first killed them the same way he did Thanos' Outrider army and then used Temporal energy to put them back together.

After getting restored, they didn't look good. All three of them dropped down on their knees simultaneously, "Huh! Huh! Huh!", and started breathing heavily, sweat dripping all over their bodies as if they had just run a marathon.

Kol restored their bodies and souls but kept their memories, thus allowing them to remember exactly what happened just now.

It was death. In every sense of the word. Something incomprehensible. They experienced it first hand, and yet, somehow they were still breathing. The whole thing seemed like an illusion.

Kol spoke, "I am not your friend. And you don't have a choice here.", completing his previous sentence.

Then continued, "But I am not your enemy either. So don't make me one. You people are heroes of this world and I do not wish to harm you. Don't force my hand. PLEASE!!".

Then he looked at Doctor Strange, "Doctor! You have the Time stone. You've seen all possible outcomes. I think you know what to do.", then he stretched out his hand towards him as if asking for something, "Don't worry. I'll give it back to you when I'm done with it.".

Strange sighed and replied, "Yes. I know you will.", then he walked towards him, and put the Time stone in his outstretched palm.

From what he had seen, Kol didn't wish to do anything bad. In fact, it was a good thing for the world. But as is proven by history, again and again, all changes face resistance in the beginning. They require sacrifice.


I think I've explained it clearly in the chapter, but Tony, Romanoff, and Wanda are not dead. Kol reversed Time and put them back together. Hopefully, people won't have any misunderstandings as they did before with Mikael.