We can still cultivate

The sun began to rise in the east, the sky resembling a golden blanket covering the earth. Don gazed up at the sky as thousands of needle-like rays seeped through the thick forests in the gapes of trees, glowing like candles.

Most of the elves were tired after what occurred in their tribe. And after the long walk and setting up their camps, they were exhausted both mentally and physically. Even Amaryll and Arwen were sleeping soundly.

"You need to get some rest. We don't know what's waiting for us here," Knight whispered to Don.

"No. The elves need it more than I do. What I need is to make sure there are no threats around here." His voice showed calmness, but his eyes betrayed his feelings. Something was troubling him.

"I already surveyed the area. There are no magical beasts or any other living beings apart from us. Even the Druid creatures aren't nearby," Knight stated assuredly.

"That's what bothers me. This is the border of the Druid region. Any intelligent being wouldn't leave their boundaries unguarded. This place should have been crawling with Druid sentries."

Knight also thought about this, but he didn't want Don nor the elves to worry about it. After all, he was an intelligent beast.

"What do you think happened to the Druids?" 

They both were looking in the direction of the Druid territory. In front of them were hundreds of big monstrous trees that covered the rest of the forest. There was not enough sunlight coming through the branches. Even on a morning like this, it looked as if it was a dark night with a cold breeze.

"I don't know for sure, but it's got to have something to do with that mysterious magi. Even though elven slaves are in demand on the market, the bandits wouldn't risk a venture that far." Don had a faraway look in his eyes as if they were seeking something. Even with the cold wind blowing through his face his eyes didn't squint. "The elves should have been safer there. Also, Master-level mages can do more simple and profitable jobs rather than capturing a few elves to sell them on the slave market."

"Do you think we're still in danger?" 

An alarmed voice asked Don as he turned to see Arwen's troubled face. His body tensed while he clutched his fist so tightly it was obvious that he didn't overcome last night's trauma.

"Not for a while, but we better find a safer and secure hiding place."

Arwen slowly nodded in agreement. His mouth twitched like he was searching for words. After what happened to the tribe, it was better to be safe than sorry. But before he could do or say anything, he received an extra dose of shock.

"I need to pay a visit to Minister Brian," Don stated while facing Arwen. Arwen could see that there was a cold intent in Don's eyes.

"What? Why?" Arwen almost shouted immediately upon hearing Don's plan. "Don't you think it's risky to travel there?"

"I want to know what's his association with this mysterious mage,"

"I understand, but it's just not the right time for you to leave," Arwen couldn't help but reason.

"I will return soon, and Knight will be here so you can be at ease."

Knight showed his disagreement by squinting his eyes and grumbling in a low voice.

"You know you will attract more attention towards us, Knight. We still don't know if there's any of your kind in this world." 

Knight was still disappointed. He wouldn't be able to go on an adventure, but he agreed anyway.

There was an awkward stillness among the trio for a while.

"If that's what you want, at least take Uncle Dior with you. He knows the way around the outer lands better than anyone. He can shorten your journey, and it's more helpful to have someone with familiarity regarding the region."

Don thought about it for a while, 'Hmm... Arwen is right. It's not smart to travel alone in an unknown domain, and I could learn more about this place from him. Also, it will put the elf trio at ease.'

"Alright, I'll take him with me. We should depart after everyone has had their breakfast."

"Wait here. I'll go wake Uncle Dior and bring him to you." 

They both started to walk towards their camp. Knight stood in the middle of the grounds still watching the Druid territory before slowly turning away and walking behind Don.

Don came to his campsite. The camp he made looked like a small hut but was completely made of mud. It had a rectangular shape with makeshift windows to allow light and wind to come through. Don went inside and sat on the ground in a meditative posture. His eyes were closed, his spine was straightened, and he stacked his hands in his lap with palms facing upright. His right hand was on top of his left with his thumbs gently touching. He was slowly inhaling and exhaling. As he proceeded to do so, a small layer of light began to shimmer around his figure. The light was the Battle Energy circulating throughout his body.

Don recalled the things that had occurred since he returned to the mortal realm. While he was in deep meditation, Knight entered his hut and sat on the ground like a lazy king, and began to clean himself by licking his paws and legs.

Don slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Knight, the light he was emitting slowly fading away.

"Can you still cultivate Battle Energy even in a different world?" Knight inquired while his eyes started to sparkle with excitement.

"Yes. It's not as much as we're used to, but this world has Battle Energy. Even if it cannot be compared to the magical energy around us." 

There was a slightly relieved feeling appearing on his face. His mouth slightly formed a curve that looked like a smile.

"Ha Ha Ha! So our cultivation won't be hindered here. That's what I like to hear," Knight let out a laugh, his golden furred wings opening and fluttering lightly with happiness. The excitement was written all over his face.

Don very rarely showed his emotions, but even he was gently smiling when he confirmed that they can cultivate Battle Energy in this world.

While they were in a happy mood, Arwen brought Uncle Dior to Don's hut and stood outside. Don sensed Arwen and stood up to greet them.

He saw that Arwen was accompanied by Amaryll and another man. Don guessed that he was the Uncle Dior Arwen told him about. 

Uncle Dior wore a light golden robe and he also had silver hair as Arwen did, but Don could see that it was not pure silver. There was a hint of blackness in his hair. Similar to other elves, he had green eyes. But unlike the elves, his ears were not pointy as Arwen or Amaryll's. His skin tone was paler, and there was a resemblance to humans on his face. Don knew that uncle Dior must be a Half-elf. 

As the name implied, they were offsprings of humans and elves. Half-elves looked like elves to humans and like humans to elves, hence their elven description as "half-human".

"Don, this is Uncle Dior. He can accompany you in your travels." 

Uncle Dior nodded in consent as Don did the same. 

"We should depart in the afternoon. That way, we can reach the Slave city in the earliest."

Uncle Dior declared firmly. His voice was more mature than Arwen's, and there was a distinct roughness to his voice. Don could sense that there was also a hint of anger or disappointment within his tone. Don didn't know why, but he knew that Uncle Dior had something to say.