The Man from the future??

For a moment Don couldn't find any words when he heard the old man, not only him but everyone standing in the hall stared at the old man with slightly opened mouths.

"Old man are you alright in the head?" Knight couldn't help but ask.

"Who did you call Great Mother and how did you know what you have just said?"

Seeing Catalie's face Don guessed the old man said something he should have known as he stood there watching Catalie's figure floating towards the old man.

"You are our Great mother, before I activated the time machine she said to say this line when I meet King Don besides how can I use bound energy if I am not from here"

"What happened here? If she, which is me did say that the situation must be catastrophic right? "

Even Ken didn't know what is that weird saying meant but hearing the little girl hitting spot on Ken nodded his head

"Yes before I depart the whole world had fallen before the dark queen only Everlight stood as safe heaven but we have failed too"