
Don knew If he wanted to develop his empire, he would have to put down roots on the world out there. Fortunately, he found the kingdom for his liking to conquer.

"Joel, what do you think about returning to Emir?" Don asked Joel and when the blonde heard Don he was shocked as he nearly jumped back.

"Don't worry we are not asking you to meet the king, just do a little intel gathering" Standing beside Don Knight said.

Joel knew his master bondholder Arrora standing behind Don and he doesn't have a chance of disagreeing with Don and Knight. After a few breaths of time, Joel nodded his head but his heart was pounding his chest in fear as he couldn't forget the torture session he had in Emir and the woman who betrayed him.

Seeing Joel's reaction, Don knew what things could be running inside Joel's mind as he flicked his wrist and took out a Khal and sent it flying towards Joel.