End of the Battle

"Come on he's just one man, not a god" one of the rebels shouted as Warren tried to defeat General Hozai.

The battle between Warren's men and General Hozai was not coming to a stop and General Hozai's superior battle prowess and experience nearly made him invincible as he knocked out most of Warren's men.

Watching the fight from afar Gael cursed at General Hozai in his mind and the soldiers who started to revolt were terrified at seeing Warren's men getting knocked down one by one.

However when the battle seemed to be going in General Hozai's favor, suddenly a bolt of light struck the middle of the battlefield.

General Hozai halted his offense on Warren's men and looked at the place where the light struck cautiously.

While looking General Hozai and the others could vaguely see a figure with feminine features slowly walking towards General Hozai.

"Half elf" Warren mumbled under his breath as the woman came closer to them.