With the guards from Emir escorting Don and Princess Darlene began their journey towards Korrinth.
Since lots of guards could attract unwanted guests towards the carriage, the carriage was only escorted by a small group of soldiers.
The carriage given to Don and Darlene was Emir's best which was used by the late King Hedor himself. Through the windows, Arrora could see the scenery changing from barren lands to grasslands and forests.
Arrora was sitting beside Don while Princess Darlene and Uncle Steve sat opposite of them.
"So tell me about yourself, Adria" Princess Darlene asked and Arrora recalled what Don had said previously about how to handle situations like this.
The journey to Korrinth was a long one so Don knew Princess Darlene would use this opportunity to get information on him and Everlight.