A Kiss from the Princess

Even though it was certain that King Garreth would win the war against Korrinth, it would have come with the cost of losing many lives especially the men in the army of Agoria.

Also King Harold would never yield even if he offered to let him go in return for his kingdom and Darlene and after winning the war, the current strength of his army would have drastically decreased and it would make Agoria slightly vulnerable to some war-loving kingdoms nearby.

However now he had a secret weapon that could end the war without any casualties on both sides and the strength of the Agorian army would double after they join Korrinth's army with them. Because even if King Harold win the war by a chance, it would be only a short time victory before the wrath of Redland Academy bring the wrath upon his kingdom and King Garreth was sure that King Harold would choose to surrender when he sees King Garreth's ultimate weapon, Jowan's great master friend.