Now it's time to do it

Queen Sienna couldn't continue the marriage topic after hearing Don's determined decision and surprisingly princess Amber looked relieved.

"Well when you consider about marrying, let us know, King Don"

Queen Sienna smiled and said as King Edward nodded

The ministers and nobles deliberately avoided talking with Don and after a few standard inquiries like, how are you? What's happening in Agoria and Emir?, they quickly left the castle as fast as they could. After dealing with everyone, King Edward showed Don's chamber which was a spacious fancy hall with a huge bed in the center.

Don's black-armored guards were standing in the hallway and outside of the room while Arrora and Arwen took the adjacent rooms. While Don was in his room, Arwen kept overseeing the security and walked around the castle to make sure no one sneaks in again like Yvonne.

"I thought you're meditating"

Don was looking at the starry sky while he heard Arrora's voice