The past came hunting I

Don turned to see a youth who might be a little older than him walking towards them. The youth didn't wear any fancy robes like the rest of the nobles but wore a battle robe that had a few patches on them. There was a feather stuck into his shoulder-length brown hair and had a scar on his neck. If Don saw him somewhere else instead of this gathering, he would have mistaken him for a mercenary rather than a noble, there was nothing noble about him except for the ring with a big green gem in his finger.


Looking at King Enrico's face, they realized that he and the youth knew each other.

"I take these"

The youth grabbed two glasses full of wine from one of the servants and gulped one at the spot as he came to them.

"King Edward, King Don, meet my eldest, Prince Rodrigo Lemos"

When he introduced him to them, there was no pride or joy in his eyes but disappointment and regret.

"I would shake your hand but"