Noble Families

"Do you think one of the nobles could have done this?"

Since the carriage was destroyed by the attack, they were going to Emir on foot.

"I don't know, that's what bothering me"

He learned that the unknown enemy was a hundred times deadlier than the known ones. 

"Me too, but we shouldn't trust anyone, even Lord Clemo"

It was very unlikely that Lord Clemo planned this attack because he was the one who sent him to Emir earlier and Lord Clemo didn't have the guts to do something like this.

"Your armor, can it be repaired?"

He was currently wearing a black tunic with cape and trousers he bought in Luther and Granner. He could have worn his old black armor but he wore that during his stay in Emir for every day so it wouldn't be very kingly of him to appear before the nobles in old clothes.

"Yes, it might take some time to repair it though"

Arrora nodded and replayed the attack in her mind

"Can I ask you something?"