Arrora’s transformation

"Are you ready?"

Don, Knight, Amaryll, and Arrora were standing in Arrora's room. 

Arrora didn't understand why Don had given a bedsheet to Amaryll and made her stand beside her.

"I'm ready"

Arrora sighed and said as Don nodded

"Drink it"

Arrora took a glance at the potion and opened it as the smell of jasmine put a smile on her face but when she noticed the grin on Knight's face, her smile disappeared.

"Come on Arrora, drink it"

Amaryll was curious to know what the potion could do.

"Here goes nothing"

Arrora drank the potion in one gulp and waited to see the potion's effect.


Knight started to count with an evil grin on his face

"Two and three"

The moment Knight said three, Arrora clenched her stomach and fell on the ground while Amaryll rushed at her

"Are you alright? What's happening?"