Girls time I

"You can eat however you want, no one would judge you here"

Knight saw the tigress was trying to mimic his table etiquette as she tried to eat using her paws like Knight but she simply couldn't do it.


The aroma was too strong for the tigress to resist. Just as Knight said, no one looked at her differently like she expected and because of that, she started to dig in with a smile.

"We were able to find the name of one guy who dealt with the salesgirl in Luther and Granner"

The bloodstains that Arrora saw in Luther and Granner had already turned into some shady case as the salesgirl who worked in the showroom suddenly disappeared. Don wouldn't have put his nose into the matter if not for Arrora begged him to look into it. Arrora put herself into the shoes of the girl who might be caged like she was and prayed for help because Arrora's instincts told her to look into the matter since she might have the power to save the person in trouble.