She has finally woken up

"Why is this amulet not working?"

"No! What are you doing!?"

"We can escape together"

"Leave, take care of my child Viv, I LOVE YOU!"

Bits and pieces of memories flashed inside her mind. Calderon self sacrificed himself to save her and her child and the last thing she remembered before closing her eyes was Calderon's body exploding into a flash of light with the heavenly level shadow figure.

"Viv, take care"

Even when the death came to take him, he didn't lose the smile on his face.



She opened her eyes and sat up on the bed

"Where am I? CAL!" 

Vivian shouted as she looked around the room in panic and fear.

"Your royal...highness…."

Vivian jumped out of the bed and grabbed a candle holder when she saw the young girl who was standing there with watering eyes.

"Who..who are you? Where am I? Where is my husband?"