A fight in the Forest

Knight was flying on his black sword and reached a rural road as well as a thick forest. According to the map, the road would lead him to Laketown, the closest town to Skull island.

"Seems like going through the forest is the quickest way"

The forest was marked as a danger on the map due to the countless magical beasts living there but what a magical beast for the king of forests.

The forest was ancient. The trees were thick and old, roots that were twisted. It was filled with songs of the birds rustling sounds of the plants. Its canopy was so dense that he could only see the occasional streak of sunlight that rarely touched the forest floor. 

Knight loved dark forest like this, he and Don would often take shelter in forests in the divine continent. They would make a treehouse on big trees and stay on top watching all the animals and lives in the forest. It brought so many memories and put a smile on Knight's face. 

"Hmm? Someone's fighting nearby"