Vivian and the mole

In addition to the flame in the fireplace, there was also a ceramic candle holder on Vivian's table. The top was divided into three fork branches, with the one in the middle being the brightest. Each branch had a burning candle on it as the light made Vivian's red hair shine.

The room was filled with the smell of Lavender. The scent of Lavender and the cold climate made her sleepy. But the stack of reports she had to check prevented her from taking a long nap on the silk sofa in her room. Outside of her window, the recruits were honing their close combat skills under the tutelage of Nanbu.

Her office was located in a compound not far from Emir castle which was previously occupied by the Lambert family. Of course, most of the Lamberts were hanged and beaten to death by Arrora because of their participation in Heaven's gate. The remaining Lamberts left Emir after this and their houses and buildings now belonged to Don.