The Coronation Ceremony I

Finally, after taking the throne of Emir, Agoria, and Ishikara, Don announced the official date of the coronation ceremony. The people turned the entire kingdom into a festive land when they heard the announcement as they began to work with the black-armored men to prepare their kingdoms for the ceremony.

Emir and Agoria were feathers and sparkles, smiles and laughter. The coronation ceremony was the grand festival of their lifetime, the one everyone was invited to. The girls and boys wore whatever garish costumes they could dream up: magical beasts, black-armored men costumes, or they even dressed up as Arrora in white. Almost no-one walked anywhere, they danced, skipped, jogged, jumped, hopped, and wiggled ignoring the snowbanks. 

Everywhere one looked, the painted faces of children and adults grinned back at each other. Through the snow-covered street were performers of every type. There were jugglers and magicians, mime artists and dancers.