Don, two Dragons, and Sears

"Interesting...this Don is either a stupid one or a powerful one" At the outskirts of the capital, three people stood under a large tree. In front of the floated an orb and inside the orb, they could see what's happening inside the castle.

The three people were none other than Princess Audrey, Philea, and Ashby.

"Your Royal Highness, I think he's first, no one in their right mind would challenge a teacher of Cold Moon Palace"

"Let's see how this is going to play out" Princess Audrey became more and more curious about Everlight and it's King. She was searching for Spectre to assemble a group of powerful prodigies to form an Elite unit in Archeron and her search for Spectre pretty much hit a dead end but now she believed that she had found a replacement for him.


Meanwhile, in the castle, the throne hall became hotter by the aura released by Sears. Prince Rodrigo knew that the shit had hit the fan and it's too late to stop Sears.