The Struggle Against the Commanders

As an ominous ball of darkness enveloped the scene within the old temple, a fierce battle was currently in progress between the mighty goblin and crocomen troops against a Fatty Joe and his party. The clash was far from typical, for, despite their tiny numbers, Joe and the others were somehow capable of keeping their opponents at bay.

Currently, four mighty looking monsters were engaged in brutal combat with Joe, who clashed against them with his shield and halberd, his appearance seeming no different from a hero at the helm of his party.

His foes were none other than the leading commanders of the joint army, two being of the goblin race as the remaining duo were of reptilian lineage. The goblins wore nimble light armor, as one of them held a dagger, and the other held a bow, as for the two crocomen, they were garbed in thicker armor with one wielding an ax as the other held a long sword.