Once King Side Story - Those Blessed by The Heavens and He Blessed by Death

Long ago there were two beings blessed by divinity.

Then, there was a king. He was powerful.

His army was filled with a hundred notorious fighters, each a warrior capable of overthrowing a nation alone. Legends of renown, and they all followed him.

For what reason? Who cares? Maybe he was the strongest. Maybe it was because he was the most suited to leading. Maybe due to them just plain liking his nature.

It made no difference. Blessed by magic itself, capable of changing the world to their whims, the two gods fought each other for control. Wreaking havoc upon the world.

The king sat back and did not bother with the conflict.

He'd been recognized by the world for his achievments upon being crowned the king of those of such caliber, and so he'd been blessed with enlightenment.

When the gods fought, he was then cursed by the world in order to spur him to action. It was one which stripped him of his power, les he stopped the two in their rampage.

He would not as he did not care. He'd fallen in the love. And the kingdom of legends stood tall as a hundred guardians protected it.

Regardless, all things come to an end. His wife had eventually died of old age. A hundred years later, he remained. He looked as young as the day he'd been cursed. Perhaps it was the world cursing him for his inaction. Perhaps it was just result of his existence. It didn't matter.

His comrades had all aged. Old and greyed. And here he was, the same.

Sitting on a throne, the king couldn't help but just stare into the void with a dead expression.

He looked at his subjects and smirked at himself. "Ah. I imagine you'll all be following my wife soon. Shall we make it an occassion?"

They did not respond. As it was obvious.

"Very well. Let's go and save the world!"

The words rang out and his strength was restored.

Cutting and breaking through countless monsters, the king and his army met the two blessed ones.

In a great and powerful voice, the king roared out a warning, "Halt!"

They stared. "This conflict must end! It has gone on long enough! Your ceaseless violence has brought ruin to everything around you and the world has had enough. By my royal decree, I order you all to cease."

The two gods laughed and stopped their conflict. All in order to swat what they saw as a fly.

Without care, they brought down their monsters and beasts upon them.

Cleaving through the mass, the king moved amidst the dance of chaos.

His power was great and mighty. No beast could match it.

As the battle raged on to its conclusion, the king impaled the last of the fools through their hearts.

Sitting in the blood of countless others, the king was alone at the top.

At the young young age of a hundred years old, the king would not be dying anytime soon.