
The reincarnate could feel everything breaking. The pain was absolutely stunning, he could feel every square inch of his body as if he'd been shattered.

A couple blood vessels in his eyes had popped, the whites of his eyes looked a little drenched in red. Besides that, blood poured from underneath his eyes, resembling tears. Maybe he burst something in his eye sockets?

Blinking, his vision was smeared red by the blood. Looking at his arms, he noticed that patches of red had permeated his skin, from the hemmoraging caused by broken blood vessels in his body.

This feeling was all too familiar. He took an exasperated breath. He was far too weak to be standing here.

Creating a blade and throwing it straight towards the head of the monster, it pierced right through. Hobbling backwards, the necromancer recovered and grinned. With the blade in their head, they were not stopped, and streaked straight towards the blade maker.

A dozen swords were made. The reincarnate chucked them rapidly towards the necromancer. Eye. Heart. Liver. Kidney. Mouth. Neck. Lungs. Arms. Legs.

Speeding towards the necromancer, he slid on the ground with his hand, before driving his foot straight into them.

Seeing this performance, the mercenary's eyes widened, "Huh, impressive dude."

The mute lady nodded and gave thumbs up.

"Can we just stop fighting now? Your guy looks like he's gonna die."

The reincarnate grit his teeth as the monster had gathered some sorta of black energy in their hand and struck him in the side with it.

Spitting blood into their face, he dematerialized the blades as he slammed his fist into the side of their head.

Making a sword, he cleaved several words into their torso in an instant. The words glowed bright and an explosion ruptured their body.

Kicking the reincarnate away, the monsters eyes widened as the wound stuck around for much longer than usual, with the healing being slow to complete.

"Oooh. Now this is interesting!" They grinned maniacally at this.

This was new. Not magic, soul release, qi, or aura. That much it could tell. From what the necromancer could see, it was like a ritual.

"… Well… I guess I've had my fun." They glanced at the mercenary and mute lady. "Situation isn't looking good for me at all~ so, I'll be letting loose."

In the middle of his chest, a gash was ripped through his chest, creating a massive hole where his sternum was. The reincarnate looked into the hole and was met with what seemed to be unending darkness. Danger.

Two large skeletal hand ripped out, grabbing the edges of the opening, before tearing the man further open. The reincarnates eyes widened. A third arm came out and grabbed at them. Dashing away, he sent out various slashes, which didn't do much to stop it. As the necromancers body was split apart, the hole would increase in size, and out the portal came a skeletal arm. Pulling at the opening, a skull came through as he was lifted into the air as the hand grasped the ground.

The reincarnate stared in disbelief at the sight. By now, the monster's torso had… become a gateway? Where the center of his body was, instead of ribs or muscles and sinew, was a black orb where the massive skeleton began crawling out. Six arms, six legs, and three heads.

The mercenary was not about to let what was coming happen. Pooling the sky and earth together, instead of grey mass, a yin and yang symbol was created this time.

"Balancing act. Dual forces. Intertwine. Heaven and earth. Collapse."

The hand of the skeleton came forth as white and black twisted around it. It was seemingly bent with the world as existence seemingly distorted around it.

The yin and yang symbol streaked forth like a comet. The skeleton had now fully appeared. The necromancer grinned. The skeleton crawled forth and lifted a hand to block the attack, only for it to pierce straight through. It's skull opened up its maw.

Devouring yin and yang, flesh rapidly formed around it's torso to hold back the explosion.

Then it burst.

It was like what one would expect from witnessing and being encompassed inside of a blackhole and a supernova at the same place simulateanously. You would be blinded by darkness and extreme light at the same time.

Different from the rending force of the grey mass. This attack was designed to use opposing forces to empower itself. It was essentially unstoppable. If one were to say, hit it really hard, the attack would only get stronger.

The net force of an object is the vector sum of all the forces that act upon the object.

This attack transformed all vectors of forces towards the inital direction of the attack/the direction of it's target(wherever the merc is aiming, it doesn't have homing capabilities, although, direction could probably be manually changed). This means that air resistance, friction, gravity, normal force, all of it only serves to perpetually increase the overall force of the attack.

This is until it was detonated.

Due to the regenerative capabilities of the necromancer, piercing attacks do absolutely fucking nothing. Whilst the raw power behind the attack could(probably) shoot straight through and simply splatter the monster to bits, they would likely be able to recover. So the mercenary just decided to try blowing them up.

The reincarnate felt himself get pulled away by someone as the everything around seemed to break.

As the carnage settled, with all the flesh blown away, the skeleton cracked as half the necromancer seemed to have been burned away from the force of the explosion.

"Hahahahahaha!" The necromancer slowly began to recover. "Nice try!"

The massive skeleton slammed it's hand into the ground.

"MAXIMUM MAGIC!" Cackling, the necromancer uttered these words with a mad smile.

The space began rumbling from the whirr of magic. A massive magic circle was created where the skeleton had hit the ground, only for it to be swallowed up by the black floor. The distance between the mercenary and them had instantly closed as the former utilized a movement art.

"Oh… whoops." The necromancer felt themselves get stabbed with a dozen spears of darkness. Without dropping their smile, their eyes widened with as they were then hit with a giant white hammer. It was sent barreling away.

"Let's try this again then!" Quickly recovering they looked up. "MAXIMUM MAGIC!"

The magic circle was engraved into their chest this time. Falling to his knees, a regular sized skeleton came ripping out of his ribs, blocking a punch from the cultivator.

The necromancers face looked… oddly dead. More and more skeletons ripped out of his body, until the view of them was obscured by bones.

In seemingly a moment, a mountain of skeletons erupted.

Clinging onto the martial artist, they were shaken off as the mercenary blipped a distance away from the spreading wave of skeletons.

The blue eyed lady glowed as they seemed to emanate crimsin red fire. While she held the reincarnate in her hand, she closed a fist and the blue eyed lady slammed the air in front of her. Red aura cracked the air as it broke past and diverted the skeletons.

It stopped shortly before reaching them. The initial first big skeleton had covered up the necromancer with it's body.

But that is not what stopped the force of aura.

It was a skeleton clad in black cloth and armor. It stood as something dreadful. The blue eyed lady squinted. It didn't have the strongest presence, unlike the necromancer, who was basically a person completely unchained by himself, acting free of any and all restraint. In fact, the thing resembled moreso the reincarnate in terms of feel, although, it was a skeleton. So it was also far from it.

Its hollow eye sockets sparked red as two glowing dots appeared in place of its eyes.