3_Second Division Office

"Li Yao." a man around his fifties was standing near Li Yao's desk when he called her name. She raised her head to see the director.

"Director Han. What can I help you with?" she smiled towards him. This man was so kind to her that she felt lucky to work under him.

This made it two months after she finished her intern session and now she could say that she successfully landed herself a place to work here, in the largest law firm in the country.

She was always a star in school and in her job. She was quick-witted and smart. Many superiors liked her attitude when dealing with her tasks that they asked her to work here permanently almost immediately.

But of course, it came with side effects too. She was often targeted by those who couldn't see the difference between real hard work and licking boots. Especially those interns who couldn't make it to the top since she would always occupied the seat there.

"I think it's time for you to handle a case. I know you can do it. What do you think about discussing this with me in my office later in the afternoon?" the old man smiled professionally. He was one of those who saw Li Yao's talent and dedication. And he wanted her to utilize herself to the maximum.

"You mean.. I can handle my own case now?" wasn't that too early for a newbie like her? For the past two months, she would always be an assistant for senior lawyers and attorneys and went to the court to see how the job was done.

"I believe in your ability. Head Attorney Wang also thinks that you're ready." he said. Li Yao's cheeks turned slightly pink when the name was mentioned.

She actually had a very deep respect towards Head Attorney Wang. And maybe.. adoration too. She really looked up to him. He was just 28 when he became the head attorney of the second division. And she was lucky to be able to get a place in the same office division as him. He was her role model.

"We'll discuss this later. For now, proceed with your task." Director Han walked away after she nodded.

And just after five minutes of peace, a group of two walked closer to her desk. Two beautiful and tall women with tight pencil skirt just inches above their knees came nearing Li Yao.

"Well.. how nice is it to be you?" the woman with a red tinted gloss said. Her haughty demeanor was apparent.

"Is it good? Boot-licking your own superior into landing you a case?" another woman said with a hint of disgust in her tone.

"Hm.. it's good. At least I know how to. Rather than you two hovering over me, why don't you try to boot lick too? It might not be possible though." Li Yao got no mercy in her words.

She learned the hard way to survive in the society all alone. She had no time to entertain some bitches on the street.

"Wha- how dare you?!" the two women were easily enraged by her mere taunting.

"Stop pestering me. It's not in the list of your task." Li Yao said without even giving them a glance. She was forever glued to her computer. He hands magically typing over the keyboard.

"You damn woman!" one of the woman tried to attack Li Yao with her claws. She wanted to scar this conceited Li Yao in her face. She couldn't stand the fact that Li Yao was effortlessly embarrassing her.

But she was stopped with a small yet strong hand. The hand gripping her wrist was tight. It made her wince in pain. After that, she was shoved to the other side and almost fell to the ground. But the other woman was able to catch her quick.

"Hey bitches. Can you let us do our job in peace? Do you want me to report you AGAIN? You want to lose your job so badly huh?" a petite woman appeared. The way she emphasized the word 'again' was proof that these two had been cooking up problems and she was aware of it.

Although she seemed small, she was actually the assistant attorney of the second division office, the second most important person in the division. She worked alongside Head Attorney Wang.

The two women, immediately saved themselves the embarrassment and ran to their desks. Shameful as it was, they couldn't afford to anger their superior. They also were new to the job after having barely completed the intern requirements.

"Thank you, Assistant Attorney Ye." Li Yao smiled while she nodded in appreciation.

"You know that you can ask for a change in division right? Why bother staying here when your coworkers aren't with you in the moment of help?" Assistant Attorney Ye raised her voice deliberately as warning to others who paid no heeds to office bullying.

All of them hung their head low in shame. They really didn't want to get into trouble. So why would they help?

"I know." Li Yao said. But she knew she couldn't be weak in this kind of situation. Running off to another division meant that she was weak.

And she was here because of Head Attorney Wang too.. her so-called role model that she adored.

Assistant Attorney Ye sighed. Then she smiled. She gave a signal for Li Yao to continue her job before she disappeared into her own office.


Mu Lihai was sitting solemnly in the waiting room where his best friend was standing over the armrest of another chair, shaking his head.

"Just relax, today is your day." Xu Cheng said.

"How can I? I don't want to come back but I have to." Mu Lihai sighed with frustration apparent in his countenance.

"You have to learn to let go. For how long will you keep blaming yourself? And besides- it wasn't even your fault!" Xu Cheng shook his head again.

He was a doctor responsible for Mu Lihai's condition. He had been by Mu Lihai's side since they were young and since their houses were close, they quickly became best buddies. Their house was located in one of the prominent districts and high class neighborhood for the riches.

There weren't many boys their age who lived there so they were closer than anyone.

And Xu Cheng had been monitoring Mu Lihai ever since he got to know about the incident on that rainy night.

Mu Lihai changed after that and Xu Cheng almost couldn't see his past self anymore. He kept blaming himself and lived with regret.

But Xu Cheng knew it wasn't Mu Lihai's fault. He saw the test result of Mu Lihai's alcohol content during the accident.

His BAC was 0.04%.

Mu Lihai wasn't intoxicated.

But he didn't believe it. He kept blaming himself since he thought that his parents could be fabricating the result. He didn't want to listen at all.

He thought that the woman's death was caused by him. And he blamed himself for everything.

When his parents went to talk some sense into him, Mu Lihai didn't believe anything they said. He was too hard-headed.