7_Corporate Law would Suit Her Better

Mu Lihai strode downstairs after he woke up from his sleep. He didn't seem like he had a great sleep last night. Walking to the kitchen, he saw aunty Zhu who was their family housekeeper.

"Oh, young master. Breakfast isn't ready yet." she told him with a smile. It was still too early in the morning.

"I'm thirsty." he spoke to the old woman while making his was to the fridge. He was still in his pajama.

"Your parents haven't woke up yet?" she asked him.

"Hm.." he hummed in response. How was he supposed to know if they have woken up or not?

Mu Lihai was rummaging through the fridge when a string of coldness washed over him. He hissed when he felt the sensation of the freezer.

"What are you looking for?" aunty Zhu asked him softly. She was aware that the young master was someone who couldn't stand the cold.

"Mineral water." he answered. Then he gave way to the old woman to help him look for it.

"Here." she took a water bottle in the fridge and handed it to him.

"Thank you, aunty Zhu." Mu Lihai wore a smile as he gulped it all down. His throat was parched.

"Please wear thick clothes when you come down next time, young master. It's getting colder." aunty Zhu said. There were two weeks left before winter but the weather was already terribly cold for him.

"I'll keep that in mind." he took her advice with a light smile.

"Go upstairs now, I'll call you if the breakfast is ready." she acted just like a nanny and Mu Lihai didn't mind at all. Aunty Zhu was the most trusted employee in the Mu household.

As Mu Lihai was taking steps upstairs, he saw his father walking down.

"Lihai? You woke up very early." he raised his brow.

"Good morning, dad." Mu Lihai greeted his father with a faint smile over his face. Then he noticed his father doing a once-over on him.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Do you purposely want to get sick and not come to the office?" Mu Zhi asked his son.


"You know how easily you get sick during cold weather. So you didn't wear thick clothes on purpose right?"

"What? Dad, come on." Mu Lihai rolled his eyes with the sudden accusation. He stepped a bit to the right to give way for his father to walk downstairs as he pretended to not hear anything the man had said.

When Mu Lihai got to the office, he was introduced to his personal assistant, Zhu Kang. This man was aunty Zhu's nephew and he was really capable. But something about him seemed off...

"You said Zhu Kang is your name?" Mu Lihai questioned the man.

"Yes, it is." the bespectacled man answered.

"Wait.. I know you.." Mu Lihai tried to figure it out but the assistant beat him at it.

"Or should I say that I had a little bit of friendship with Mr. president when we were younger?"

"Huh?" Mu Lihai furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, It's you! Whenever aunty Zhu brought you along with her, we played together at the back of the house." Mu Lihai finally remembered.

"Yes Mr. president. That was me." Zhu Kang said.

Mu Lihai was a very active child during his early childhood. Before he got to know Xu Cheng, he was friend with Zhu Kang first. But their friendship wasn't long, since Zhu Kang had to follow his parents to another city. It was a very brief yet fun companionship to be told.

"Reporting duty to Mr. president." the bespectacled man said in a very formal manner as to lighten the mood. Mu Lihai laughed at his antics. He was still the same!

"No need to be so stiff, Zhu Kang. We're friends." Mu Lihai teased the man.

"Please call me assistant Zhu, Mr. president. You can call me Zhu Kang outside office hour." Mu Lihai had to endure laughing at his childhood friend's seriousness.

"Fine, assistant Zhu it is." Mu Lihai said and Zhu Kang nodded while grinning.

"But- stop calling me Mr. president. It makes me sound old." Mu Lihai told the man.


"Call me young master is fine. Just like your aunty."

"Alright, young master." Zhu Kang readily obliged.

"Now, getting back to business.. the legal team right?" Mu Lihai took a seat behind his huge desk while he took a file from Zhu Kang.

"Yes, we'll be having a meeting with HL firm next Monday at five and it is estimated that the discussion will be over by seven. We'll have dinner together with HL representatives." Zhu Kang explained.

"Hm.. what about my own personal team? Dad has taken the previous team over to the branch abroad." Mu Lihai said.

"The recruitment process took longer than we anticipated since there were many employees running after the posts. You sure are popular, young master." Zhu Kang said.

And of course Mu Lihai was popular, he was the star of Economics and Business Management in his school after all. Many would like to work under a promising young leader such as him.

"Make it quick please, I want it to be done by tomorrow. And let me do the final pick." Zhu Kang nodded in affirmative.


Li Yao was typing on her keyboard when she heard a commotion outside. She took a glance over the surrounding and saw that she was the only one who didn't notice that the office was almost empty.

Where was everyone?

Li Yao looked over the glass window and saw that the first division office was busy this morning. There, she recognized a person. Head Attorney Wang?

He was talking to the head attorney of the first division. Why was that?

This whole law firm was the biggest in the country, and it had a very systematic departmentation. There were four divisions in total. And each division was stationed at their own floor. Li Yao was from second division office on the eighth floor.

"I heard that a new outside legal team will be formed." one of the spectators said to her co-workers beside her.

"Yeah, it's for that huge company whose new president has been appointed. You know that inauguration caremony yesterday? That's the company!" one of the workers whispered excitedly.

"What? Why didn't I know anything about the caremony?" her other friends whined, she really wanted to witness the caremony.

"Gosh you.. of course you wouldn't know, it was a very private and close-off occasion. I just got to know about it on the news this morning." her friend told her.

'A new legal team.. for outside corporation.' Li Yao's eyes sparkled upon the thought. So it was a corporate legal team for a company!

That was...

That was it!

Li Yao had always been dreaming of specializing in corporate law. And with the case she was handling now, it wasn't hard for her to switch since civil litigation issue had something to do with corporate litigation.

But she was a newbie. Would she be recommended to join the team?

Her heart dropped at the idea. It was impossible.

She did become a lawyer to avenge her mother but something within Li Yao changed after she worked for the past months in the firm. She realized that she really wanted to do this not because she was avenging, but because she liked it. She had come to love her profession.

But it was not like she had forgotten her initial goal. It was just like killing two birds with one stone. She would still proceed with her personal investigation but what was most important now was her career.

Li Yao was a fairly reasonable woman who valued law enforcement. She was not someone so fixated on revenge. It was just that on her mother's death anniversary, she became somewhat too emotional.

She had wanted to go for criminal law at first but decided against it when she found that corporate law would suit her better.

'I want to be part of the team..' she told herself while slightly pouting, seemingly very cute.