11_Something Unexplainable

The discussion between the two parties came to an end after quite some time and now they were enjoying dinner. Mu Lihai's eyes never darted too far away from Li Yao's figure. For some reasons, he couldn't tore his eyes away from her. He stared at her the same way he did on their first meeting where she had saved him.

He thought that she actually resembled someone.. but he didn't remember who.

But that was not the real reason that he was hooked by her. He really did find her face attractive and pretty.

Ah? Why was he acting like a teenager! Mu Lihai cursed himself inwardly to reprimand himself to act proper in formal occasion. He was acting just like a teenager having a secret crush over a girl and was checking her out.

On the other hand, Li Yao also felt like she was being watched and she was aware that it was Mu Lihai. She found it suffocating to be stared at like this. But she reminded herself to be patient. After all, he was the great President Mu. The one who just took the throne of the business empire.

Who would have thought that the man she had pulled to the side of the road was actually very powerful?

After some time, Li Yao developed extreme self-consciousness. His staring didn't cease at all by one millimeter. She started to turn red from embarrassment. Why was he like this?!

'Stop looking at me! What do you want?!'

Minutes passed by and she finally couldn't take it anymore. She returned the gaze with a glare and he was actually surprised. His eyes wide opened like he just saw something interesting and she couldn't help getting flustered.

They went into battle-mode with their eyes as weapon but in the end, Li Yao lost. She couldn't possibly win against Mu Lihai. His eyes, his stare.. they were penetrating. Those black eyes that were as deep as starlight obsidian could tell a million stories and she was afraid to be drowned in them.

She hated those eyes.


The dinner finally concluded and Li Yao was the first to excuse herself out. As she was walking to the entrance, she was suddenly stopped by a calling from behind her.

"Miss Li!" she turned around to see the man who was introduced as assistant Zhu back in the meeting.

Oh now she recognized him. He was the one who had thanked her for saving his friend aka boss. Li Yao wondered why she couldn't recognize him back then?

She didn't realize that her thoughts were occupied by only Mu Lihai that she didn't seem to care about anything else at that time.

"How can I help you, Mr. Zhu?" Li Yao politely smiled.

"Just assistant Zhu is fine." he said.

"Then, what seems to be the matter, assistant Zhu?"

"My young master would like to see you, in private." he told her as her eyes pictured some horrific visions.

Was this it? The famous scene where a murder took place for glaring against the mister president?

Zhu Kang saw her sweating figuratively and he almost laughed.

"It's not like that. He just wants to relay some words to you." Zhu Kang told her honestly.

They walked back through the lobby but this time, they were not in the same private room where the meeting took place. It was a room more high-end and quiet. And also smaller compared to the conference-like room just now. Zhu Kang left Li Yao alone in the room as Mu Lihai was already there, waiting for her.

"Have a seat, miss Li." he told her as she took steps to the single table in the room where he was sitting leisurely across her.

After she took a seat, she was suddenly overcame by a bad feeling. She didn't offend him much right? She just glared at him. That was all.

Looking at her fidgeting in her seat, Mu Lihai sighed softly. Was he that scary? Then he stood up and walked closer to her by the other end of the table. He stopped just a few steps away from her as he bowed his head slightly.

Li Yao was speechless at what he was doing.

"Thank you for saving me the other day. I would be in so much trouble if not for you." he told her slowly and Li Yao found herself in a daze.

She couldn't believe it! He bowed his head at her?! He didn't throw money or check in front of her face after she had saved him?!

He surprised her with his good attitude. She thought young masters like him would be jerks and only care about giving money to shut people up.

He was.. different.

"Ah no! It's fine!" Li Yao stood up abruptly as appreciation to his action but she stumbled at her feet by the edge of the table.

"Ah?!" she braced herself for impact but she didn't fall like she thought she would.

Instead, a strong hand bigger than her own snaked itself by her waist to support her from falling. The sensation of his glove on his hand made her shiver inwardly.

Li Yao was just inches away from his body. He was too close. And true to what Zhu Kang said earlier, Mu Lihai didn't fancy the coldness. Because he himself was a walking ice cube.

His body emanated cool air just from the touch. Why was he so cold?

Li Yao glanced over his draped overcoat and thick suit, he wore so much yet he was still feeling cold?

As if knowing what she was thinking, Mu Lihai took his hand away from her waist. She lost the coolness immediately after. It was actually a very pleasant sensation and she quite liked it.

And just after she thought that it was over, he placed his fingers over her cheek. She flinched at the coming sensation again. Even when he was in gloves.. his fingers felt so cold.

"Like a freezer, right?" he said as he chuckled lowly. His sweet voice a melody to her ear.

Li Yao nodded absentmindedly. She really liked this sensation..

"How come you're like this?" she asked him without thinking. It was not yet winter, but it felt like he was already in antartic instead.

Mu Lihai didn't answer. She then became aware that she had stepped over a line. But just before she could apologize, he answered her.

"It's associated with anemia." he told her. She could see that he didn't want to talk about it. But he answered her still.

The thought made her feel something.

Something unexplainable..