13_Pleasant Calmness Over the Situation

Mu Lihai didn't tell Xu Cheng one crucial thing. He had gradually forgotten to take his pills before going to bed due to him not having any nightmare these past few days. And because of that, his hormone changed drastically and it disrupted his body temperature.

Mu Lihai was always a bright and active child when he was young. But when he was seven, he was down with a fever. Doctor told them that it was a bacterial infection.

Nothing happened after his fever broke but that was the blunder. When he was thirteen, the same bacterial infection had triggered a rare disease in his red blood cells namely CAD, Cold Agglutinin Disease.

Mu Lihai started to get sensitive to cold since then but it wasn't serious so he brushed it off until he was fifteen. One day, he was diagnosed with anemia after he fainted due to fatigue.

He started to get pale and tired easily but his family paid a lot for his treatment that he was 70% cured and that he just needed to avoid cold temperature at all cost. That was the rule.

But things changed back until he turned eighteen, when the accident happened. The rain on that day really made him shiver out of his bones, he failed to follow his one rule. Mu Lihai started having nightmares because of the incident and he had trouble sleeping. The lack of sleep hindered his body temperature regulation, so him not having enough sleep caused Mu Lihai to feel even colder during the day. It worsened his condition further.

Xu Cheng told Mu Lihai's parents that it wasn't simple. It had something to do with him mentally too. Perhaps he was always reminded of that day that the cold crept over his body subconsciously.

That was to say, Mu Lihai was already cured 70% and he wasn't supposed to have any more issue if he continued to stick to the rule: avoid cold temperature.

"I think you're not suitable living in this country or any other country with four seasons." Xu Cheng said to his friend.

"Why not you move somewhere?" he suggested.

"And where do you think I should move to?" Mu Lihai scoffed at Xu Cheng's ridiculous idea.

"How about Singapore? It's always hot there." Xu Cheng said.

"Yeah right, how great it is for me to move there and leave the company without a president." Mu Lihai said sarcastically.

"It's not like you really wanted to take over right?"

"Of course I didn't want to, but now things are different. My dad decided to branch out and I'm the only child!" Mu Lihai sighed, dejected.

"How can your parents think of moving away from here when you're like this? Are they sane?" Xu Cheng couldn't understand Mu Ruan and Mu Zhi's thoughts.

"I don't know." Mu Lihai answered. He didn't take it seriously before since his parents had said that they wouldn't go anywhere until his issue was settled.

Out of a sudden, Mu Lihai coughed several times before Xu Cheng could give him his medication.

"Hey, easy." Xu Cheng looked at his friend whose face had turned white. He became worried instantly.

Mu Lihai coughed again several times and he felt that he couldn't find any warmth left in his body.

"I need a blanket- a jacket or whatever that can help me stay warm." Mu Lihai started shivering. His fingers gradually turned purple. Xu Cheng panicked upon seeing his friend's condition worsened without warning.

He glanced over the floor to ceiling window behind Mu Lihai's desk, he saw the snow coming down like a brewing storm.

"Shit! It's getting colder." Xu Cheng went to Mu Lihai's side and he took his hand and was shocked to feel that his body was very cold like a corpse.

Xu Cheng immediately called Zhu Kang and told him the situation.

"I'll inject you with a drug so calm down." Xu Cheng told Mu Lihai.


Li Yao was mesmerized by the sight of snow brewing behind the tinted windows. They were still in a discussion but she could tell that Zhu Kang was acting slightly off. She didn't know the reason of it though.

Then, Li Yao sighed inwardly as a certain someone popped up in her mind. His deep gaze that made her immobile and speechless. His sweet voice that could rival her favorite boy band's vocalist. And his different expressions on his handsome face during their first, second and third encounter.

She almost yelped in surprise when she realized what she was thinking about. Had she become a pervert? How come she was thinking of Mu Lihai?

A sudden ring of Zhu Kang's phone made them halted their talk. Then his already off putting face that he covered quite well gradually broke.

"I'm sorry but there seems to be an emergency. We'll discuss this some other time. Please tell me what time you are free so that we can schedule another meeting." Zhu Kang got up immediately and he apologized again before striding away to the elevator going upstairs.

"What happened?" Head Attorney Han asked no one in particular.

After some pondering, Head Attorney Han decided to just call it off. He would call to discuss things further again. The situation sounded serious just now but he didn't want to meddle. They both got into the elevator and went down to the lobby.

The public elevator didn't have access over the underground parking lot so they had to walked by feet to a different door leading to the underground parking lot.

Only people of upper management such as board of directors and the president himself could take the private elevator and got access straight to the underground parking lot without going through the lobby.

"Let's go, miss Li." as Head Attorney Han was getting ready with the car, Li Yao almost alighted the car when she saw the commotion just after the private elevator opened its door.

She was standing very far from the VIP parking lot area but she wasn't blind. She could see the three men in haste. She knew two of them! Assistant Zhu and.. President Mu?! Mu Lihai?! He was unconscious!

"I thought it was a simple cold?!" Zhu Kang asked Xu Cheng as he helped him with Mu Lihai.

"It's not supposed to be serious but I had no choice but to use the drug." Xu Cheng told the man.

Just as they walked ahead for the car, they saw a woman standing not far from them- staring in disbelief.

"Who's that?" Xu Cheng eyed Zhu Kang.

"It's miss Li, our outside legal representative from HL firm." Zhu Kang answered automatically.

"Outside? From HL firm?!" oh no, nobody should know about Mu Lihai's condition even if that person was their own employee!

"Call her and tell her to follow us!" Xu Cheng told Zhu Kang abruptly. But it didn't take him long to understand that even if he didn't tell Zhu Kang to get her, she would come running in high speed, looking genuinely worried.

"What happened to President Mu? What can I do to help you?" her face a hint of worry but she didn't sound like it at all. In fact, her voice held a pleasant calmness over the situation that was unfolding upon her. It made the men gradually feel at ease.

"Follow us." Xu Cheng instructed her and for some weird unknown reasons, Li Yao followed his words like they were absolute.