16_".. I think I like you."

Mu Enterprise.

Both Head Attorney Han and Li Yao were escorted to the above floors immediately after they told the receptionist their names.

When Li Yao walked into a room, she noticed that it was the same one they went in last time. But instead of having only Zhu Kang to greet them, one more person was there, sitting comfortably on the leather chair at the center.

She recognized him.

It was Mu Lihai! The man who had kissed her audaciously in the hospital!

The man who had been in her mind for some time now! She really couldn't get rid of him at all even if she tried.

"I'm sorry for not showing up the last time." Mu Lihai got up from his seat and he greeted Head Attorney Han.

"Oh my, I thought you wouldn't be here since I assumed you left all the decision for Mr. Zhu to make." Head Attorney Han was pleasantly surprised to see the president of Mu Enterprise.

"Well, this is closely related to my own inside legal system after all. I should be directly involved at some point." Mu Lihai said as he nodded curtly. Then his eyes went to Li Yao who was trying so hard to be invisible behind Head Attorney Han.

"Miss Li? Is there something wrong?" he asked with concern. But Li Yao could sense the hint of amusement in his tone. She wanted to hurry up and go back home.

Li Yao didn't want to entertain this man any further. Except from her parents, she had never been kissed on the forehead. It might sound childish but she was really surprised by his action! Li Yao never had any experience with men as she focused solely on her studies. After her mother's passing, her life was terrible. Going around each and every house of her greedy relatives, she never became close to anyone.

Li Yao originally had quite a number of friends she could count on. She was pretty and many liked how humble she was in school. She had a likable personality. But after her mother passed away, Li Yao was forced to cut her contact with her friends as she was tossed around her relatives' home at many different cities.

When she turned 19, Li Yao managed to get her hands on one of her parents' properties. A small apartment in the heart of the city. Her parents had this apartment way before she was born. When Li Yao was born, they moved to a much bigger home where she had lived with her mother before the accident happened.

Now even that house was taken by her father's sister. She only had this apartment left.

Well.. it was not like she would let her relatives have the last laugh. Li Yao was just waiting. Waiting for the right time to strike. She wanted to strengthen her career first before she could take back all the properties.

"Miss Li?" Mu Lihai's sweet voice came ringing in her ear making Li Yao freeze.

"Ah yes? I'm fine." she nodded absentmindedly.

Some seconds later, Mu Lihai saw her taking a deep breath and composing herself. She then looked back at him with eyes so bright and unwavering. Her back was straight and she looked so professional with her cream colored blazer and pencil skirt.

"We can start with where we left off before."

Mu Lihai found himself liking her professionalism. It was refreshing to see her in her work-mode. He saw her flustered expression even more daring now.

After some time, the discussion came to an end. Li Yao was starting to sweat. She didn't know that it would take this long. Well.. it was not that long but for her- Mu Lihai's intense stare was akin to a laser piercing at her heart. It felt like three years had passed. She could feel herself heated up with only his eyes on her.

"How about you guys join us for lunch? I have a meeting outside and I plan to eat at the new Japanese restaurant nearby." Mu Lihai opened up. He was acting so friendly with Head Attorney Han now.

"Oh, did President Mu mean that one on the second floor of Kai building? I heard it got good reviews." Head Attorney Han graciously accepted Mu Lihai's offer.

Li Yao had no choice but to force a smile. When Mu Lihai returned her smile with his dazzling one, her heart skipped a beat. The way he curled his lips with a slight smirk made him appear more devilish yet charming.

'Oh no..' her heart couldn't take it anymore. Li Yao could feel herself getting ready to drown herself in his deep gaze and smile.

It was hard to resist! Plus with that handsome face!

Now that she met him again, Li Yao knew how good-looking this man was. Even from the first time she saw him near the road waiting for his car, she knew he had that look like a prince in a fairy tale story. But instead of a prince, he was the angel.


At the restaurant.

The lunch was merry. Nothing important was discussed except for some light chat and talk. Head Attorney Han was easy to speak to as he was the oldest in the group. He already had a wife and a daughter. But the way he talked made him sound more approachable.

Zhu Kang who sat beside Mu Lihai saw his phone beeping. He looked at the message and told Mu Lihai that he should go make a call for a while. Mu Lihai understood and he excused himself. Looking at the opportunity, Li Yao told the others that she needed a washroom break.

Li Yao went to the washroom for a little touch-up. Although her face was fine without makeups, she knew when to apply them such as this situation where she was meeting important clients.

After she was done, Li Yao stepped outside only to be blocked by a man. She looked up to see Mu Lihai standing in front of her. Her chest heaved up suddenly and her heart constricted. It was such a weird and raw feeling that she felt it was a nuisance.

Mu Lihai saw her frowning and he chuckled. Her scowl worsened and it only made him laugh. He put his fingers in between her brows to ease the frown. Only then that he found her blushing while trying not to look up.

Li Yao was a head shorter than Mu Lihai so she had to look up to see him properly. The way she avoid looking at him made him giddy inside. He didn't know how to describe this feeling. But he nevertheless liked it so much. It was new to him and he planned to experience it first-hand.

"Is there a problem, President Mu?" she managed to ask him.

"Not at all, but.."

"But..?" Li Yao raised her brow that made her look cute.

"But I think you have something to say to me." Mu Lihai said.

"I don't have anything to say to you, President Mu." Li Yao started feeling hot so she wanted to get away. That was when he did the famous kabedon to her.

In between him and the wall, Li Yao held the urge to gasp but her expression showed it all.

"I don't know that President Mu has this habit of pinning others down. At the washroom at that." Li Yao tried acting calm but her fist was ready to land a punch on him.

"Hm.. I don't know that I have this habit too. It just felt natural when the 'others' you're talking about is you."

Li Yao's felt an adrenaline rush in her chest. It was making a loud beating sound that she started feeling embarrassed.

"W- what do you mean?" she threw a glare at the man but he chuckled again as if she had made a joke.

"Hm.. I wonder what I mean myself. But I think you're aware of it too..?" Mu Lihai closed the distance of their faces as he lowered his head near her.

"A- aware of what?!" Li Yao started to feel upset for some unknown reasons. She avoided his eye contact but he held her chin in place. His cold fingertips made her flinch with a sense she couldn't describe.

"Don't run away. I know you feel it too." Mu Lihai whispered in a low tone that made her heart palpitate.

At that time, he came closer and their heat merged as one. His naturally cold body caused her to shiver but in some weird ways, Li Yao felt like she was in cloud nine. She realized she liked the coldness when he was near.

Then, their lips locked with one another. Mu Lihai kissed Li Yao slowly that it felt like a torture. His lips brushed against hers lightly and it awakened her unknown desire that she didn't know she had.

When the feathery kiss was done, he kissed her deeply this time. Merging their lips tightly until there was no way out. Li Yao felt a stinging feeling nestled in her brain and she couldn't think straight. His probing lips ushered her to let out a moan and she unconsciously did so.

As her small moan escaped her lips, Li Yao became embarrassed to the highest level. She wanted to break free but then he took the chance to shove his tongue inside her mouth. Dominating her entire being. His tongue played with her in a dance as slow as time. And Li Yao felt her body melting.

The kiss came to a stop as Mu Lihai reluctantly parted their lips. He saw the woman in front of him almost weak in her knee and he smiled, satisfied. He didn't know why but kissing her felt so natural that he did it without thinking twice.

Upon seeing her flushed red face and her hand slightly trembling, he realized that he wanted to possess her whole. She was just too adorable. He didn't want her to belong to anyone else. He was attracted to her the first time he saw her and now he felt like being near her was just right.

".. I think I like you."