19_'This is fun.'

Li Yao and Mu Lihai decided to take a walk after their dinner. They strolled in the high-end mall near the restaurant they went to earlier. As the surrounding started to get chilly, both of them were dressed for the weather.

But things weren't so simple with Mu Lihai. He was extremely sensitive to cold and he couldn't afford to feel a little bit of cold. If not, the same thing such as getting hospitalized as last time would repeat itself.

Li Yao knew of his condition albeit he never explained it thoroughly. He said he would explain it to her later but she didn't know when.

All she knew was that she needed to keep him warm at all cost.

Li Yao saw Mu Lihai sticking his gloved hands into his winter coat pockets in both sides. There were heat packs in both pockets to warm his hands and she wasn't worried. She also had the packs since it was getting colder by days during this time.

As they kept on walking, Li Yao saw a shop selling winter clothes on sale. She dragged Mu Lihai closer to take a look for the store's scarf collection.

As Mu Lihai was happy that she was acting very familiar with him to take him shopping for her things, he didn't know that she was picking things for him.

Li Yao was looking over some winter scarfs with her arm locking with Mu Lihai's. Some women saw them together and they began whispering with one another.

"Look at that, how lovely."

"Aw, I'm jealous. The man's handsome."

"He won't look your way since he already got a beauty by his side."

"They suit each other so much."

Li Yao was feeling giddy inside when she heard the women's talk. She couldn't help it. The fact that they suit each other so much made her feel that Mu Lihai was made just for her.

Mu Lihai saw her good mood increasing and he took a glance over some women behind them. He then knew why she was happy.

"Hm.. that's it. Keep feeling proud of our relationship. I like it this way." he whispered through her ear and it became red almost instantly. He didn't know how much impact his voice could make on her. Let alone his powerful gaze.

"Of course! I'll always be proud of you." she giggled like a kid and it earned her a peck on the cheek. Dazed, she didn't see another peck coming on her lips.

He smiled when he looked at her dazzled expression. Only he could make her like this.

The same women behind them swooned at the public display of affection.


After some strolling and window shopping, Mu Lihai got a call from his friends for a hang out. He told them that he was busy but they insisted, especially Liu Gaonan. Mu Lihai of course, would be proud to show them his girlfriend but he didn't want to force her. She might get uncomfortable since they were new after all.

He became more sensitive and considerate to others after they got into a relationship. He learned that everything couldn't go his way and that they needed a mutual agreement to agree on something. That was what he learned after being Li Yao's boyfriend for a month.

But contrary to his thoughts, Li Yao agreed on hanging out with his friends. She said she wanted to get to know his friends and family, and anyone close to him.

Her words made Mu Lihai very happy and he became more determine to keep her by his side for the whole lifetime.

When they arrived in the private room, everyone was already there drinking. Xu Cheng was the first to recognize Li Yao. He eyed Mu Lihai for an answer but Zhu Kang was the one to do it in his stead.

"That's his girlfriend." Zhu Kang told everyone. He was Mu Lihai's personal assistant, it was natural for him to know what was going on outside and inside the office.

"What?" Liu Gaonan's reaction was priceless. He didn't know that Mu Lihai was capable of getting a girlfriend after he took over Mu Enterprise. Wasn't he busy at all?

"So this is why you've been studying hard abroad.. it's for your future. To invest it on something else entirely!" Liu Gaonan teased Mu Lihai as he grinned.

"This is Li Yao, my girlfriend." Mu Lihai ignored Liu Gaonan's hawk eyes that seemed to pick a fight with him.

When Li Yao heard him introduce her as his girlfriend, she was feeling a bit ecstatic inside. She felt really happy. This was what they called the joy of having a special someone bound to you?

"Hello, I'm Li Yao. Nice to meet you." she greeted everyone and then took a seat beside Mu Lihai.

"I never expected that someone like Mu Lihai is your type." Xu Cheng threw his honest opinion towards Li Yao, the woman he had met and talked to briefly when Mu Lihai was in the hospital. She seemed like the kind of 'good girl' that would never match Mu Lihai during his youth.

"Well.. he isn't my type. My type is he himself." she told Xu Cheng boldly stating that only Mu Lihai, as a person- was her only type.

It left the boys speechless and she laughed.

Li Yao wasn't that timid to begin with. Her group of friends was wide and she could be considered quite popular in her grade. She changed to a quiet person because she didn't find herself opening up again after her life was in shambles for cutting off her connection with her friends.

Now that she found herself a someone, she wanted to be able to express herself again. To become her normal past self again, where she was once a very colorful and bright girl.

"How's that?" she faced Mu Lihai with a grin.

"Fantastic." and he gave her a peck on the cheek.

The boys were all stunned to see the PDA right after they came and sat down. Xu Cheng saw this as a sign for Mu Lihai to also change and move on. He might be fine when there was someone by his side, looking after him.

Xu Cheng nodded in approval and Zhu Kang only smiled. Zhu Kang found Li Yao to be very likable and she wasn't pretentious at all. He liked her and would support his boss' relationship.

"No fair! You already got a woman!" Liu Gaonan whined like a kid and Yan Weili smacked his head in slow motion.

"Then go and find one." Yan Weili said.

"Not like you'll get one soon though. You're a handful." he continued.

"Stupid Weili. I know that you already have a fiance so don't mess with me." Liu Gaonan countered. He puckered his lips and Li Yao chuckled.

'This is fun.' she thought to herself.